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This paper presents the performance analysis of the MUSIC algorithm in the presence of channel amplitude and phase Error. Theoretical expression for the error of DOA estimating with MUSIC algorithm and Cramer-Rao bound are derived. It is compared with simulations performed for some representative cases. The results of theoretical expression and simulation show that existence of these errors will increase the error of DOA estimating and degrade its performance.  相似文献   
张晖  倪丽娜  于明飞  罗宽 《兵工自动化》2007,26(6):75-75,80
不规则物体投影面测量系统,以环形灯为光源、CCD为图像采集单元.通过图像处理的方式指示微位移机构实现自动调焦,将被测物体清晰成像在CCD像面上.然后与标准件所呈的像对比,得到不规则物体的投影面积.该系统能方便的实现不规则物体投影面积的检测,测量精度高.  相似文献   
泄水建筑物过流壁面不平整体初生空化与空蚀研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
泄水建筑物过流壁面不平整体初生空化与空蚀的研究进展,本文作了扼要的综述与评论。内容包括不平整度的定义及其初生空化与空蚀的理论分析、试验研究、比尺效应和理论预测,以及尚存在的问题。文中也包括了作者在上述工作中所作的研究和相应的看法。  相似文献   
徐艺  李威  倪淑杰  邓彩霞 《轮胎工业》2021,41(9):0590-0593
分别通过PRA2000橡胶加工分析仪和炭黑分散度仪对混炼胶和硫化胶中炭黑分散度进行测定,并对两种方法的测定结果进行对比。结果表明,通过橡胶加工分析仪测得的混炼胶中炭黑分散CBDI值与通过炭黑分散度仪测得的硫化胶中炭黑分散等级有很好的相关性,可根据胶料状态选择适宜的炭黑分散度测试表征方法。  相似文献   
物联网嵌入式智能卡远程管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要针对物联网嵌入式智能卡远程管理的背景、研究进展、体系架构进行描述,并对体系中资产安全问题进行分析.  相似文献   
Stimuli-responsive micro-pillared structures can perform complex and precise tasks at the microscale through dynamic and reversible deformation of the pillars in response to external triggers. Magnetic field is one of the most common actuation strategies due to its incomparable advantages such as instantaneous response, remote and nondestructive control, and superior biocompatibility. Over the past decade, many researches are attempted to design and optimize magnetically-responsive micropillars for a wide range of applications and great progresses are accomplished. In this review, the most important aspects of recent progress of magnetically-responsive micropillars are covered to give a comprehensive and systematical introduction to this new field, from the actuation mechanisms, fabrication methods, and deformation patterns to the practical applications. The increasingly maturing fabrication techniques can provide low-cost and large-scale magnetic micropillars with homogeneous responses. Some advanced techniques are developed to fabricate micropillars with programmable and reprogrammable responses for site-specific and reconfigurable actuations. On the other hand, practical applications for particle/droplet/light manipulation, flow generation, miniature swimming/climbing/carrying microrobots, tunable adhesion, cellular probe, fog collector, and anti-ice surfaces are also summarized. Finally, current challenges that limit the industrial implementation are discussed and the authors’ perspectives on the future directions of magnetically-responsive micropillars are stated.  相似文献   
本文分析了信息在战争中不断增强的地位和侦察装备获取战场信息的发展概况,认为全维(全时空、全频谱)侦察网络是获取战场信息的主要途径,是未来信息化战争的物质基础。  相似文献   
Mesostructured silica nanofibers synthesized in high yields with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide as the structure‐directing agent in HBr solutions are used as templates for the assembly of Au and Ag nanoparticles and the formation of thin Au shells along the fiber axis. Presynthesized spherical Au and Ag nanoparticles are adsorbed in varying amounts onto the silica nanofibers through bifunctional linking molecules. Nonspherical Au nanoparticles with sharp tips are synthesized on the nanofibers through a seed‐mediated growth approach. The number density of nonspherical Au nanoparticles is controlled by varying the amount of seeded nanofibers relative to the amount of supplied Au precursor. This seed‐mediated growth is further used to form continuous Au shells around the silica nanofibers. Both the Au‐ and Ag‐nanoparticle/silica‐nanofiber hybrid nanostructures and silica/Au core/shell fibers exhibit extinction spectra that are distinct from the spectra of Au and Ag nanoparticles in solution, indicating the presence of new surface plasmon resonance modes in the silica/Au core/shell fibers and surface plasmon coupling between closely spaced metal nanoparticles assembled on silica nanofibers. Spherical Au‐ and Ag‐nanoparticle/silica‐nanofiber hybrid nanostructures are further used as substrates for surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy, and the enhancement factors of the Raman signals obtained on the Ag‐nanoparticle/silica‐nanofiber hybrid nanostructures are 2 × 105 for 4‐mercaptobenzoic acid and 4‐mercaptophenol and 7 × 107 for rhodamine B isothiocyanate. These hybrid nanostructures are therefore potentially useful for ultrasensitive chemical and biological sensing by using molecular vibrational signatures.  相似文献   
针对空间飞行器极限高温需求,对当前制式限制性导爆索(CDF)从包覆材料、装药直径及装药工艺3个方面进行了高温适应性验证及研究。结果表明:通过采用高熔点包覆层材料、适度增大导爆索索心直径,以及对初始装药银管进行高温烘烤预处理,可显著提高CDF耐215℃/24h性能,其爆速约7 012m/s,满足爆轰能量稳定传递要求。  相似文献   
抽象语法标记(ASN.1)广泛应用于数据通信领域.AGPS技术中的SUPL协议即采用了ASN.1中的压缩编码规则(PER)进行消息、数据的编解码.文章分析了SUPL协议中各种消息及数据的ASN.1描述和PER编码规则接口,并在此基础上介绍了一种基于PDA操作系统平台,以状态机为核心的SUPL协议客户端的软件实现.  相似文献   
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