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The effect of γ-ray irradiation on the fatty acid profile of beef meat was examined at doses of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 15.0 kGy by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy. NMR results revealed a clear trend toward an increase in the amount of saturated fatty acids and a decrease in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the triacylglycerol composition of the irradiated samples compared to the unirradiated sample with increasing the irradiation dose.  相似文献   
This work focuses on the development of a multidimensional electrokinetic-based separation/concentration platform coupled with electrospray ionization-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) for achieving the high resolution and ultrasensitive analysis of complex protein/peptide mixtures. A microdialysis junction is employed as the interface for on-line combination of capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) with transient capillary isotachophoresis/zone electrophoresis (CITP/CZE) in an integrated platform. Besides the excellent resolving power afforded by both CIEF and CZE separations, the electrokinetic focusing/stacking effects of CIEF and CITP greatly enhance the dynamic range and detection sensitivity of MS for protein identification. The constructed multidimensional separation/concentration platform is demonstrated for the analysis of Shewanella oneidensis proteome, which has considerable implications toward the bioremediation of environmental pollutants. The electrokinetic-based platform offers the overall peak capacity comparable to those obtained using multidimensional chromatography systems, but with a much shorter run time and no need for column regeneration. Most importantly, a total of 1174 unique proteins, corresponding to 26.5% proteome coverage, are identified from the cytosolic fraction of S. oneidensis, while requiring <500 ng of proteolytic digest loaded in the CIEF capillary. The ultrasensitive capabilities of electrokinetic-based proteome approach are attributed to the concentration effect in CIEF, the electrokinetic stacking of CITP, the nanoscale peak volume in CZE, the "accurate mass tag" strategy for protein/peptide identification, and the high-sensitivity, high-resolution, and high-mass measurement accuracy of FTICR-MS.  相似文献   
A conceptual workflow model specifies the control flow of a workflow together with abstract data information. This model is later on refined by adding specific data information, resulting in an executable workflow which is then run on an information system. It is desirable that correctness properties of the conceptual workflow are transferable to its refinements. In this paper, we present classical workflow nets extended with data operations as a conceptual workflow model. For these nets, we develop a novel technique to verify soundness. An executable workflow is sound if from every reachable state it is always possible to terminate properly. Our technique allows us to analyze a conceptual workflow and to conclude whether there exists at least one sound refinement of it, and whether any refinement of a conceptual workflow model is sound. The positive answer to the first question in combination with the negative answer to the second question means that sound and unsound refinements for the conceptual workflow in question are possible.  相似文献   
Functionally reconfigurable general purpose parallel machines (FRPM) could be reconfigured during the operation from SIMD to MIMD mode or vice versa (first aspect) and from one interconnection network to another according to the data storing order (second aspect). General purpose machines are considered in order to obtain an arbitrary data exchange between the processing elements they are built of. A model for describing such interconnection networks is presented. A full-information exchange network in introduced which is reconfigurable in a programming way to tree-, matrix-, cube-, linear-neighbourhood and FFT-network. Some schemes for constructing SIMD/MIMD reconfigurable machines are given. The usefullness of using FRMP for image processing and pattern recognition is discussed.  相似文献   
针对合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像在成像和传输过程中引入噪声和干扰从而导致图像清晰度下降、细节丢失等问题,提出了一种非下采样Shearlet变换(NSST)与模糊对比度的SAR图像增强算法。首先,原始图像经NSST分解成一个低频分量和若干个高频分量;然后对低频分量进行线性增强以提高整体对比度,对高频分量采用阈值法进行增强以去除图像中的噪声;接着对处理后的两部分分量进行NSST反变换得到重构图像;最后采用模糊对比度算法对重构图像进行增强,提高图像细节信息和层次感,得到增强后的图像。对40幅图像的实验结果表明,与直方图均衡化、多尺度Retinex增强算法、基于Shearlet变换和多尺度Retinex的遥感图像增强算法、基于剪切波域改进Gamma校正的医学图像增强算法相比,该算法的图像峰值信噪比至少提升了22.9%,均方根误差至少降低了36.2%,能明显提升图像的清晰度,使图像的纹理信息更加清晰。  相似文献   
The weight-average molecular weights (M?w) of nominally random, unfractionated copolymers of ortho- and para-fluorostyrene and ortho- and para-chlorostyrene were determined by light scattering measurements in tetrahydro-furan, toluene, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform. It was shown that there is no significant variation in measured M?w in the various solvents, a finding indicating that the copolymers are not compositionally heterogeneous. Intrinsic viscosity measurements in the same solvents established a consistent relationship between [n] and M?w despite the differences in copolymer compositions. It was not possible to establish a similar relationship between the second virial coefficient A2 and M?w. It was concluded that measurements of the specific refractive index increment could be used for determining copolymer composition if the measurements were performed in thermodynamically poorer solvents. The results established for the Mark-Houwink constant α, intrinsic viscosity, and A2 values indicated that these solvated copolymer molecules are in a less expanded conformation than are polystyrene molecules of similar molecular weights in a given solvent.  相似文献   


Nikola Biller-Andorno (2001) Gerechtigkeit und Fürsorge. Zur Möglichkeit einer integrativen MedizinethikKultur der Medizin, Bd. 2; zugl.: Göttingen, Habilschrift, 2000; Campus, Frankfurt, New York, 196 S., ISBN 3-593-36854-4, Euro 29,90  相似文献   
The crystallization and hydrogen desorption of pre-charged amorphous Cu33Ti67 alloy have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of the SEM electron beam on the desorption process was analyzed. It was found that small amounts of absorbed hydrogen do not influence on the thermal stability of the glass, but significantly reduce its crystallization enthalpy. At higher hydrogen concentrations the thermal stability of the glass was strongly reduced (with about 250 K), as the low-temperature crystallization product was mainly extremely fine nanocrystalline Cu2Ti, formed as a result of the Cu enrichment of the amorphous phase after hydriding. Combining DSC, TG and SEM it was proved that during the electron beam exposure the weaker bonded hydrogen, which desorbs thermally at 430–500 K, releases. Annealing at higher temperatures (> 500 K) showed clearly the existence of nanocrystalline Cu2Ti and TiH2 phases. Only after the TiH2 decomposition (at ~ 680 K) the equilibrium crystalline phase (Ti2Cu) was formed, but with finer microstructure.  相似文献   
Serious research efforts of the last decades resulted in a profound understanding of the NEMCA effect and its demonstration in many reactions and electrolyte systems. Unfortunately, NEMCA has not been commercially applied yet. Reasons for the still missing commercial application are discussed in the paper. Furthermore, potential bottlenecks for industrial applications are identified and research directions indicated, which may open long-term opportunities for NEMCA applications.  相似文献   
The problem concerning short‐term fading and long‐term fading (shadowing) and their deleterious effects on wireless systems performance has been in focus for a long time. In this paper, motivated by the results of propagation measurements in land‐mobile and indoor‐mobile systems, and by the fact that gamma distribution can describe shadowing reliably, Nakagami‐m distribution is used to model the signal envelope and gamma distribution is used to model the average signal power. Receive diversity with maximal‐ratio combining and selection combining is implemented at the microlevel and macrolevel, respectively. The general case is explored, which assumes that microdiversity and macrodiversity are provided through arbitrary number of channels. Because shadowing has larger correlation distance than short‐term fading, correlated macrodiversity channels are studied. This paper investigates the dynamics of the received signal. A novel rapidly converging infinite‐series expression for average level crossing rate and average fade duration are obtained. Numerical results are graphically presented to examine the impact of fading severity, shadowing severity, number of diversity branches at the microlevel, number of base stations and correlation between base stations to the system's performance. Computer simulations are also performed to verify the validity and the accuracy of proposed theoretical analysis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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