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The feed‐to‐glass conversion, which comprises complex chemical reactions and phase transitions, occurs in the cold cap during nuclear waste vitrification. To investigate the conversion process, we analyzed heat‐treated samples of a simulated high‐level waste feed using X‐ray diffraction, electron probe microanalysis, leaching tests, and residual anion analysis. Feed dehydration, gas evolution, and borate phase formation occurred at temperatures below 700°C before the emerging glass‐forming melt was completely connected. Above 700°C, intermediate aluminosilicate phases and quartz particles gradually dissolved in the continuous borosilicate melt, which expanded with transient foam. Knowledge of the chemistry and physics of feed‐to‐glass conversion will help us control the conversion path by changing the melter feed makeup to maximize the glass production rate.  相似文献   
Li J  Bloch P  Xu J  Sarunic MV  Shannon L 《Applied optics》2011,50(13):1832-1838
Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) provides faster line rates, better resolution, and higher sensitivity for noninvasive, in vivo biomedical imaging compared to traditional time domain OCT (TD-OCT). However, because the signal processing for FD-OCT is computationally intensive, real-time FD-OCT applications demand powerful computing platforms to deliver acceptable performance. Graphics processing units (GPUs) have been used as coprocessors to accelerate FD-OCT by leveraging their relatively simple programming model to exploit thread-level parallelism. Unfortunately, GPUs do not "share" memory with their host processors, requiring additional data transfers between the GPU and CPU. In this paper, we implement a complete FD-OCT accelerator on a consumer grade GPU/CPU platform. Our data acquisition system uses spectrometer-based detection and a dual-arm interferometer topology with numerical dispersion compensation for retinal imaging. We demonstrate that the maximum line rate is dictated by the memory transfer time and not the processing time due to the GPU platform's memory model. Finally, we discuss how the performance trends of GPU-based accelerators compare to the expected future requirements of FD-OCT data rates.  相似文献   
Polarized Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) transmission and attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy are well‐known powerful tools to determine the orientation function of polymer materials. Both methods demand a special sample preparation. In our present studies, we used polarized FTIR photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) to determine the orientation function of real products from polymer processing without special preparation. We compare the results with those obtained with polarized FTIR transmission spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that polarized FTIR–PAS is useful to describe differences in the orientational behavior of hard and soft segments of thermoplastic poly(ether‐urethane) in different elongated blends with common polypropylene and polypropylene grafted with maleic anhydride. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 75: 1194–1204, 2000  相似文献   
The phenomenon of spontaneous bubble nucleation in extremely supersaturated (superheated) polymer–solvent systems has been studied experimentally. Spontaneous boiling-up temperatures T* for polystyrene and poly(ethylene glycol) solutions in a number of solvents have been measured at different values of pressure p and weight fraction of polymer c by the pulse heating method. The heating rate Ṫ varied from 105 to 107 K/s. For all systems studied, the values of T* have been found to increase with increasing p and c. The T*(p, c) dependence is discussed with the use of the data on the degree of compatibility of components. The peculiarities of polymeric solutions manifest themselves in the region c → 1, as follows: (i) an abrupt increase (by 1–2 orders of magnitude) in the slope of the T*(c) dependence, and (ii) the appearance of the dependence of T* values on the heating rate. Our approach to the interpretation of this result assumes a change in the initial composition of a solution in the course of heating due to polymer decomposition. An example of the extended phase diagram of a polymer–solvent system including the kinetic surface of T*(p, c) is given. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Steady-state natural circulation data obtained in a 7 m-tall experimental loop with carbon dioxide and nitrogen are presented in this paper. The loop was originally designed to encompass operating range of a prototype gas-cooled fast reactor passive decay heat removal system, but the results and conclusions are applicable to any natural circulation loop operating in regimes having buoyancy and acceleration parameters within the ranges validated in this loop. Natural circulation steady-state data are compared to numerical predictions by two system analysis codes: GAMMA and RELAP5-3D. GAMMA is a computational tool for predicting various transients which can potentially occur in a gas-cooled reactor. The code has a capability of analyzing multi-dimensional multi-component mixtures and includes models for friction, heat transfer, chemical reaction, and multi-component molecular diffusion. Natural circulation data with two gases show that the loop operates in the deteriorated turbulent heat transfer (DTHT) regime which exhibits substantially reduced heat transfer coefficients compared to the forced turbulent flow. The GAMMA code with an original heat transfer package predicted conservative results in terms of peak wall temperature. However, the estimated peak location did not successfully match the data. Even though GAMMA's original heat transfer package included mixed-convection regime, which is a part of the DTHT regime, the results showed that the original heat transfer package could not reproduce the data with sufficient accuracy. After implementing a recently developed correlation and corresponding heat transfer regime map into GAMMA to cover the whole range of the DTHT regime, we obtained better agreement with the data. RELAP5-3D results are discussed in parallel.  相似文献   
Comparative studies are provided for the properties of compacted and cast specimens of fine-grained ceramic concrete prepared on the basis of a mixed HCBS and two varieties of refractory filler with different Al2O3content from bauxite and chamotte based on Arkalyk clay. For specimens containing a chamotte filler, after firing at above 1250°C there is typically significant linear growth (up to 2.5%), connected with secondary mullite formation and caused by interphase reaction of SiO2 from filler grains and very fine Al2O3 of the matrix system. The correlation of matrix system properties and materials with a refractory filler is analyzed  相似文献   
Metathesis polytricyclononenes were synthesized via ROMP polymerization in the presence of the 1‐st generation Grubbs catalyst and their gas‐transport properties were studied for the first time. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of Me3E‐groups (E = C, Si, Ge) on gas permeation parameters of ROMP materials. New metathesis poly(3‐tert‐butyltricyclononene‐7) and poly(3‐trimethylgermyltricyclononene‐7) were obtained with high yields (up to 95%) and high‐molecular weights (Mw~3–7×105 g mol?1). The glass transition temperatures of the ROMP polytricyclononenes with Me3E‐groups decreased when E was changed from C to Si and then to Ge. It was shown that the polytricyclononene containing Me3Si‐groups has the highest gas permeability while the polytricyclononene containing Me3C‐substituents has the lowest gas permeability. In addition, the gas permeation parameters were estimated for ROMP Me3Si‐ and Me3Ge‐substituted polytricyclonona‐3,7‐dienes. So the influence of the second double bond in the monomer units on the permeability of the polymers obtained was studied. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 41395.  相似文献   
One of the crucial problems of classical magnetorheological (MR) fluids is their high rate of sedimentation. This disadvantage may be substantially eliminated using core‐shell particles. The aim of this study is to prepare spherical carbonyl iron (CI) particles coated with conducing polymer polypyrrole (PPy) with ribbon‐like morphology. Scanning electron microscopy proved the formation of the ribbon‐like layer onto CI particles while Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed the chemical structure of PPy. The magnetic properties observed via vibrating sample magnetometer showed decreased magnetization saturation of core‐shell‐structured particles due to the existence of non‐magnetic surface layer. MR measurements performed under oscillatory shear flow as a function of the applied magnetic flux density, temperature, and particle concentration showed that core‐shell particle‐based MR suspension exhibits sufficient MR performance for practical applications. Moreover, the suspension stability is promoted significantly when core‐shell particles are used as a dispersed phase. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   
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