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The twisted cube is an important variant of the most popular hypercube network for parallel processing. In this paper, we consider the problem of embedding multi-dimensional meshes into twisted cubes in a systematic way. We present a recursive method for embedding a family of disjoint multi-dimensional meshes into a twisted cube with dilation 1 and expansion 1. We also prove that a single multi-dimensional mesh can be embedded into a twisted cube with dilation 2 and expansion 1. Our work extends some previously known results.  相似文献   
用Hartree-Fock(HF)和DFT-B3LYP方法,分别在较高基组6-31G**和6.311G**水平下,全优化计算了21种取代酚化合物.从中获得分予最高占用和最低空轨道能(EHOMO和ELUMO)、前线轨道能级差(△E=EHOMO-ELUMO)、分子总能量(ET)、氧原了所带的最高正电荷(QH+)、最负原子的静电荷(Q-)、分子偶极矩(μ)和分子体积(V)等描述符.结合文献中标题化合物对日本长腿蛙蝌蚪的毒性值(-logLC50)和辛醇/水分配系数(logKow),由线性同归方法成功建立包含10gKow、ELUMO和Q-的三参数QSAR模型.其中,模型(5)的复相关系数R2=0.944 8,交叉验证系数Q2=0.920 5,标准偏差SE=0.187,Fisher检验值F=98.390,故其预测能力较好.由此推断,标题物对日本长腿蛙蝌蚪的毒性作用分为2步,首先穿过细胞壁在细胞内富集,以logKow和Q-描述;其次与亲核试剂发生亲电反应,以风ELUMO表示.  相似文献   
In recent years, several techniques have been proposed to simulate the gaze effect of the Human Visual System (HVS). It is believed that this effect is due to the foveation filtering. Current techniques to simulate the foveation filtering in computer graphics are either slow or suffer from artifacts and limitations. In this paper, we present a new approach of foveation filtering based on the Mipmap Pyramid of the current view by considering the relationship between the Gaussian kernel and Mipmap level. Due to the nonlinear Mipmap interpolation under the Bilateral Filtering scheme, we are able to simulate the foveation filtering more naturally and efficiently than in previous work. Moreover, a detail enhancement method based on the Cornsweet illusion is proposed to augment the gazing effect. We demonstrate our new approach with a variety of examples and provide comparisons with recent approaches.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the impact of the experience of role playing a violent character in a video game on attitudes towards violent crimes and criminals. People who played the violent game were found to be more acceptable of crimes and criminals compared to people who did not play the violent game. More importantly, interaction effects were found such that people were more acceptable of crimes and criminals outside the game if the criminals were matched with the role they played in the game and the criminal actions were similar to the activities they perpetrated during the game. The results indicate that people’s virtual experience through role-playing games can influence their attitudes and judgments of similar real-life crimes, especially if the crimes are similar to what they conducted while playing games. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
In this study, we have designed and fabricated robust hydrophobic surfaces that are composed of various micropillar arrays and investigated the effect of the aspect ratio (feature height/feature size) of the micropillar on the wettability of the fabricated surfaces. The robust, micropillar-arrayed surfaces were designed to yield the same Wenzel and Cassie water contact angles (CAs). According to our design rule, one can achieve an enhanced hydrophobic surface by increasing the height of the micropillars. The designed hydrophobic surfaces were fabricated by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) replica molding with photolithographically micropatterned SU-8 masters. The hydrophobicity properties of the fabricated PDMS surfaces were fully characterized theoretically and experimentally. From the theoretical and experimental results, it was found that the micropillars of an intrinsically hydrophobic material with a high aspect ratio enhance the hydrophobicity of the surface by increasing the surface roughness (in view of the Wenzel state) and the opportunities for the entrapment of air beneath a water droplet (the Cassie state).  相似文献   
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a sophisticated equipment employed for fine imaging of a variety of surfaces. In this study, prediction models of SEM were constructed by using a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) and genetic algorithm (GA). The SEM components examined include condenser lens 1 and 2 and objective lens (coarse and fine) referred to as CL1, CL2, OL-Coarse, and OL-Fine. For a systematic modeling of SEM resolution (R), a face-centered Box–Wilson experiment was conducted. Two sets of data were collected with or without the adjustment of magnification. Root-mean-squared prediction error of optimized GRNN models are GA 0.481 and 1.96×10-12 for non-adjusted and adjusted data, respectively. The optimized models demonstrated a much improved prediction over statistical regression models. The optimized models were used to optimize parameters particularly under best tuned SEM environment. For the variations in CL2 and OL-Coarse, the highest R could be achieved at all conditions except a larger CL2 either at smaller or larger OL-Coarse. For the variations in CL1 and CL2, the highest R was obtained at all conditions but larger CL2 and smaller CL1.  相似文献   
对齐次等式约束线性回归模型回归系数的约束最小二乘估计提出改进,引入一种估计的相对效率,证明在一定条件下,狭义条件根方估计、广义条件根方估计的效率均高于约束最小二乘估计的效率.  相似文献   
在现有的基于傅里叶描绘子的CBIR系统中,为了提高检索速度,一般需要舍去物体轮廓经傅里叶变换后的大部分高频分量.当物体轮廓在细节部分具有较高能量时,此方法不具备有效性.为尽可能保证检索准确率并兼顾检索速度,在原有傅里叶描绘子上进行扩展,避免直接舍去高频分量,引入Fisher判别分析法将描绘子映射到子空间进行降维,并保证...  相似文献   
Preventive measures sometimes fail to defect malicious attacks. With attacks on data-intensive applications becoming an ever more serious threat, intrusion tolerant database systems are a significant concern. The main objective of such systems is to detect attacks, and to assess and repair the damage in a timely manner. This paper focuses on efficient damage assessment and repair in distributed database systems. The complexity caused by data partition, distributed transaction processing, and failures makes intrusion recovery much more challenging than in centralized database systems. This paper identifies the key challenges and presents an efficient algorithm for distributed damage assessment and repair.  相似文献   
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