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Summary An improved and more correct solution of Oseen's equations, when the flow of the incompressible viscous fluid around the sphere is concerned, has been suggested. The new Oseen's correction term of the Stokes solution for the resistant force and drag coefficient has been derived. The dependencec w(Re), together with the relative deviations, has been plotted considering three types of solutions (Oseen's, Stokes' and our's).  相似文献   
Buffer layers of various oxides including CeO2 and yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) have been deposited onR-plane sapphire. The orientation and crystallinity of the layers were optimized to promote epitaxial growth of YBa2Cu3O7?δ (YBCO) thin films. An ion beam channeling minimum yield of ~3% was obtained in the CeO2 layer on sapphire, indicating excellent crystallinity of the buffer layer. Among the buffer materials used, CeO2 was found to be the best one for YBCO thin films onR-plane sapphire. HighT c andJ c were obtained in YBCO thin films on sapphire with buffer layers. Surface resistances of the YBCO films were ~4 mω at 77 K and 25 GHz.  相似文献   
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is establishing an infrared detector calibration facility to improve radiometric standards at infrared wavelengths. The absolute response of the cryogenic bolometer that serves as the transfer standard for this facility is being linked to the NIST high- accuracy cryogenic radiometer (HACR) at a few laser wavelengths. At the 10.6-microm CO(2) laser line, this link is being established through a pyroelectric detector that has been calibrated against the HACR. We describe the apparatus, methods, and uncertainties for the calibration of this pyroelectric detector.  相似文献   
Dead loading creep and constant strain rate yield experiments have been used to study the tensile creep behaviour of three grades of isotropic polyethylene. This has provided further evidence for the existence of two yield points in isotropic polyethylene. Two different models have been used to attempt to describe this behaviour. Although the results can be described by to both the two process model of Wilding and Ward and the co-operative jump model of Fotheringham and Cherry, it appears that the two process model provides a more convincing quantitative fit to the data. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The surface tensions of liquid metals can be derived from measurements of the natural oscillation frequencies of levitated drops through the Rayleigh relation, In general, during terrestrial measurements, a spectrum consisting of three to five dominant oscillation frequencies (in the range of 30 to 60 Hz) are found, rather than the single one predicted by Rayleigh, due to deformation of the drop shape by gravity and the supporting magnetic field. Cummings and Blackburn have derived a correction factor to align the measured frequencies with the Rayleigh frequency, which has been shown to hold through micro-gravity experiments by Egry et al., for the majority of metals that have a liquid surface. Work at the NPL on more complex, commercial alloys has found that, in some cases, oscillation frequencies may be split into more complex spectra exhibiting seven to nine oscillation frequencies. This has been attributed to formations of oxide from the metal collecting on the surface of the droplet. Observations of the frequency spectra and high speed video images of the levitated drops are discussed.  相似文献   
Point-contact Andreev-reflection (PCAR) spectroscopy measurements have been performed in the Fe-based superconductor LaFeAsO1−x F x in order to investigate the energy gaps. The Andreev spectra show clear and reproducible features that could be related to two nodeless gaps. Their values, as determined by fitting the conductance curves measured in junctions with local T c =27.3–28.6 K within the two-band BTK model, are Δ 1=2.75–3.8 meV for the small gap and Δ 2=7.9–10.2 meV for the larger one, respectively. The absence of zero-bias conductance peaks and considerations regarding the nonperfectly directional current injection in PCAR experiments and the polycrystalline nature of the samples rule out the possibility of nodal gaps in the superconductor. Moreover, the conductance curves show pseudogap-like features coexisting, at low temperature, with superconductivity and disappearing close to the Néel temperature of the parent compound, T N≈140 K.  相似文献   
This study derives an accurate bistatic point target reference spectrum based on a zeroth-order polynomial model. The spectrum contains only two hyperbolic square root terms that are very analogous in form to the analytical monostatic spectrum. The new formulation can be considered as an improvement of the Loffeld?s bistatic formula (LBF) and allows it to handle a wider range of bistatic configurations. The original LBF works well only in the case where the contributions of transmitter and receiver to the total Doppler modulation are approximately equal. An earlier paper on the extended LBF (EBLF) uses time bandwidth product (TBP) to weight the azimuth phase modulation from each platform. However, this extension is valid only in the low squint bistatic geometry. Both LBF and ELBF are expanded up to the quadratic term to derive an approximate bistatic spectrum; however, they do not show a good focusing performance in the more complex bistatic geometry, for example, the high squint case. This is due to the inaccurate individual time- Doppler correspondences. In this study, a norm in Euclidean space is defined to derive the optimal individual time-Doppler correspondences. Using the accurate individual time-Doppler correspondences, a zeroth-order polynomial model can be used to readily derive a more accurate bistatic spectrum. Two simulation experiments in the high squint geometry are used to verify the accuracy of this new formulation. The first experiment uses a parallel-track spaceborne/spaceborne configuration, and the second experiment involves an orthogonal-track airborne/airborne case.  相似文献   
Following the characterization of the batch of Pyroceram 9606 material, a number of the partners in the European Commission (EC) supported program carried out certification measurements of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. Six laboratories undertook thermal-diffusivity measurements using either the flash or the modulated beam methods. Eight laboratories measured the thermal conductivity, using either the steady-state guarded-hot-plate method or one of the transient hot-wire methods. Results from each series of measurements were provided in a standard format as an aid to simplify the statistical analysis of the data. The results were corrected to the nominal measured temperature and for change in dimension, analyzed separately, and presented in a standard format. Outliers were identified and rejected where appropriate, based on both statistical and technical evidences. The individual data sets were combined, and the grand mean data for each property analyzed further to provide the certified values together with their uncertainty limits. Finally, using the specific heat capacity and density values obtained from the characterization tests, values of thermal conductivity were calculated from the measured thermal diffusivity. The difference between the calculated and certified values is less than 2.7 %, which is well within the uncertainty limit assigned for the certified thermal property values.  相似文献   
Cement paste is the matrix material for concrete and cement based composites. This paper presents a molecular dynamics (MD) method for estimating mechanical properties of hydrated cement major constituents: calcium–silicate–hydrate (C–S–H) structurally related tobermorite 14 Å and jennite, and calcium hydroxide (CH). Microporomechanics technique is used to calculate properties of two types of C–S–H, namely, low density (LD) and high density (HD) C–S–H gels. Simulation results reported by the authors were compared with existing computational and experimental values. This research is intended to give a general step to study the complicated cement hydrated products from a multiscale view.  相似文献   
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