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In reference to the above-titled paper by R.A. DeMillo and A.J. Offutt (see ibid., vol.17, no.9, p.900-10, Sept. 1991), the commenter rates that he and M.R. Woodward (1985) implemented a system for FORTRAN-77 programs that integrates weak mutation and data flow analysis. He reports here that experiments have been carried out by them (1986), using the system to compare the error exposing ability of weak mutation, data flow, and control flow testing strategies  相似文献   
The purpose and scope of the human genome project are discussed. Basic biological concepts underlying the project are reviewed. The two processes-logic and experimentation-used to understand DNA sequences are compared, and the process of obtaining the sequence is described. Two problem areas in this collaboration between biologists and computer scientists are examined. They arise from differences in training that can make communication difficult, and nomenclature problems  相似文献   
A computer-aided method for investigating disturbances due to the forced paralleling of out of phase high speed salient pole AC generator systems feeding isolated loads is presented. The method is used to predict the system performance including the reverse voltage across the rotating bridge rectifier of the field exciter. This paper presents the fundamentals and the modeling approach used in the development of this method. In addition, the results of using this approach to compute the machine parameters under different load conditions including saturation effects due to magnetic material nonlinearities and space harmonics effects due to machine geometry and winding layouts are presented. The computed parameters are validated by comparison to test data. These parameters form the main data for simulating the forced paralleling of out of phase high speed salient pole AC generator systems feeding isolated loads. Further, the results of using this modeling approach in a case study to predict the system performance due to forced power transfer are summarized and are shown to be in good agreement with test data  相似文献   
A new construction for the rotor windings of balanced wound-rotor induction motors employed in the slip energy recovery drives is proposed, in this paper, to reduce the time harmonics which are commonly generated in the machine. The proposed machine has a double-circuit in the rotor. One circuit is star connected while the other is delta connected. Each of these two circuits is connected to a diode-bridge rectifier to achieve a twelve-pulse operation characteristics. The main objective of this paper is to develop a new model which is capable of simulating the proposed machine, neglecting nonlinearities due to magnetic saturation, and its associated converters. Such a model is further complicated due to the presence of the two rotor circuits and their mutual interaction  相似文献   
The internal anal sphincterotomy operation represents the best therapy for the treatment of those anal lesions, above all anal fissures, which cause hypertrophy and spasms of the internal anal sphincter. The Authors report their experience of 253 operations of internal subcutaneous sphincterotomy carried out between 1989 and 1995 under local anaesthesia in the outpatient clinic. The excellent results achieved prove that the procedure can easily be carried out under local anaesthesia in an outpatient clinic and, therefore, it is preferable to the surgical technique of isolation of the internal sphincter, not only for its practicality but also for the improved results.  相似文献   
Buffalo milk Cheddar cheese samples of different ages were analysed for compositional attributes (CA), ripening indices (RI) and Instron Textural Profile (ITP). All samples were compositionally alike, except for pH and salt-in-moisture (SM) contents. RI showed significant variations. CA and RI showed highly significant correlations within themselves and with each other, except for moisture with pH, SM with moisture, MNFS, Fat and FDM and Fat with MNFS. The ITPs of cheeses showed significant variations and had highly significant intercorrelations indicating their interdependence. CA (except moisture and MNFS) and RI showed a highly significant correlationship with ITPs. Moisture content showed a highly significant correlationship with all ITPs, except cohesiveness and springiness, where it was significant. MNFS content showed significant correlations only with hardness and brittleness. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that MI was the most predominant factor influencing cheese texture, followed by pH, SM, FDM and TVFA. Knowing Ca and RI, the textural properties of cheeses can be forecast through mathematical equations. Similarly the age of cheese can also be predicted if RI and/or textural properties are known.  相似文献   
The rapid advances in molecular biology have begun to shift many of the bottlenecks in genome research from the laboratory to the data analysis facility. The pace at which this has occurred creates a situation in which software development always has to catch up with the flow of data. Since such large-scale processes were not anticipated, the analysis infrastructure has not been fully established. Furthermore, most systems that have been built were designed by the biologists who collected the data. More recently, computer scientists, mathematicians, and engineers have taken an interest in this problem. This has had a positive effect, since it has created a tight synergy between the informatics and the biology. Several principles affected the design of the system developed at TIGR. Each of the sample preparation, sequencing, and analysis steps had to be managed, scheduled, and tracked. This information had to be made readily available to those who needed it for carrying out their tasks. Different skill levels of the users had to be taken into account. The degree of human intervention at each step had to be evaluated and built into the design. A mixed processing environment of Macintosh and Unix platforms had to be integrated. Most importantly, the system had to save time, reduce error, and ensure uniformity of the analysis and quality of the results. In the authors' experience, the tools they have built work well because of their early decisions as to which systems to use for development. The authors settled on a robust relational database management system (Sybase) and a portable development environment (C, C++)  相似文献   
Aromatic nitrations by mixed acid have been selected as a specific case of a heterogeneous liquid-liquid reaction. An extensive experimental programme has been followed using adiabatic and heat-flow calorimetry and pilot reactor experiments, supported by chemical analysis. A series of nitration experiments has been carried out to study the influences of different initial and operating conditions such as temperature, stirring speed and sulphuric acid concentration. In parallel, a mathematical model to predict the overall conversion rate has been developed. In this paper the mathematical modelling and the implementation and experimental validation for benzene, toluene and chlorobenzene mononitration in the kinetic control regime (slow liquid-liquid reaction) are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
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