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Powder aerosol deposition (PAD) is a unique ceramic spray coating method that produces dense and well-adhering thick-films directly at room temperature, without requiring any heating or sintering. After the successful film formation, mechanical film properties like hardness or plasma resistance are remarkably good. However, when it comes to electrical properties like permittivity or electrical conductivity, the nanocrystalline structure of PAD films combined with high internal strains deteriorates partly the characteristic properties. The electrical conductivity may already be present within the as-deposited films. However, it is mostly lowered by several orders of magnitude. Therefore, a thermal post-deposition annealing is oftentimes required. In this work, electrically conducting films produced by powder aerosol deposition are surveyed based on published data. Their microstructural and electrical behavior during the post-deposition annealing treatment is summarized and reasons for the lowered electrical conductivity are identified. Additionally, the processes taking place during annealing, which eventually allow to regain bulk-like functional properties, are examined. A universal annealing behavior is found that leads to a quantitative recommendation for the suitable film annealing temperatures to regain the electrical conductivities.  相似文献   
Developing tissue is typically soft, highly hydrated, dynamic, and increasingly heterogeneous matter. Recapitulating such characteristics in engineered cell‐instructive materials holds the promise of maximizing the options to direct tissue formation. Accordingly, progress in the design of multiphasic hydrogel materials is expected to expand the therapeutic capabilities of tissue engineering approaches and the relevance of human 3D in vitro tissue and disease models. Recently pioneered methodologies allow for the creation of multiphasic hydrogel systems suitable to template and guide the dynamic formation of tissue‐ and organ‐specific structures across scales, in vitro and in vivo. The related approaches include the assembly of distinct gel phases, the embedding of gels in other gel materials and the patterning of preformed gel materials. Herein, the capabilities and limitations of the respective methods are summarized and discussed and their potential is highlighted with some selected examples of the recent literature. As the modularity of the related methodologies facilitates combinatorial and individualized solutions, it is envisioned that multiphasic gel‐in‐gel materials will become a versatile morphogenetic toolbox expanding the scope and the power of bioengineering technologies.  相似文献   
Fatigue of welded tubular K-joints made of circular hollow sections – standard-compliant design and weld quality In steel and composite bridges, in industry structures, cranes or in the offshore industry trusses of circular hollow sections (CHS) with welded tubular K-joints and thick-walled chords are subject to high fatigue loading. However, normative regulations have been lacking so far for a fatigue verification of these joints. This paper summarises the results of the FOSTA research project P1163 dealing with this topic. Two important aspects of the investigations were the extension of the application range to large-sized CHS (d > 500 mm) and the development of practice-oriented recommendations for fabrication and quality assurance of weld geometries. For this purpose, fatigue tests were conducted on large-sized CHS-joints (chord dimensions 660 mm × 60 mm) and on K-joints with specified weld root opening size and weld shape. These studies were accompanied by systematic ultrasonic tests with phased-array which also were used for the development of an inspection method for these complex weld geometries. Based on the results, a proposal for a DASt-Guideline was finally elaborated to promote the acceptance of trusses made of CHS with thick-walled chords in practice and also to take a first step towards standardization.  相似文献   
Numerical simulation of preload losses of bolts in ring flange connections The fatigue performance of bolts in ring flange connections of wind turbine support structures is significantly influenced by the preload level of the bolts. Under operational loading there is a possibility that pre-tension force is lost due to plastification in the flange or in the bolt. This paper uses a practical example to show the magnitude of such losses and the factors that can significantly influence them. Different load levels, preload forces and different imperfections (parallel gaps) are examined. As a result of the investigations, it can be stated that the preload loss only occurs with a low magnitude and that a high preload always has a positive effect, even if this causes the first plastification at a lower load level.  相似文献   
Design, construction and maintenance of modern timber bridges – part 1: design Efficiency in planning and construction of durable structures is achieved by using regulations based on the current state of the art. In bridge construction, a comprehensive set of rules exists for bridges made of reinforced and prestressed concrete or of steel and steel-concrete-composites. For timber bridges, such rules are lacking. There are no regulations for the design, construction, maintenance and inspection of timber bridges. The research project “Protected Timber Bridges (ProTimB)” has been initiated at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt to reduce the considerable competitive disadvantages for timber bridges. The project aimed at the development of a unified set of rules for the design, the construction and the maintenance of protected timber bridges according to the existing regulations for other materials. Two articles are presenting the most important results of this project. The present article gives an overview over the content of the whole project und shows the new set of design rules for protected timber bridges. It focuses on the new sample drawings and the structural protection rules. The new design guidelines support the planning engineers to develop durable and sustainable timber bridges. They contribute to the renaissance of bridge construction using the great material timber.  相似文献   
1初始状况Volkswagenwerk AG经营管理着一个6 kV系统向它的Emden工厂提供电力。该电力系统按两个在电气上各自独立的子系统运行,每个子系统以两台110/6 kV变压器供电。从变电所和6 kV开关室经一路短电缆馈线供两台6/0.4 kV变压器。在备用情况时,这路短电缆馈线可从对端经备用电缆供电。6 kV开关室由两条电缆供电。从变电所和开关室的馈出线路上都有过电流时间继电器保护。馈入线路的电流互感器额定值为2 500/5 A,供电电缆上为1 000/5 A,其余馈出线路上为300/5 A或400/5 A。工厂装用的过电流时间继电器是老式的电气机械和模拟电子式的…  相似文献   
A Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) is the most common nosocomial infection worldwide. The main virulence factors of pathogenic C. difficile are TcdA and TcdB, which inhibit small Rho-GTPases. The inhibition of small Rho-GTPases leads to the so-called cytopathic effect, a reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, an impairment of the colon epithelium barrier function and inflammation. Additionally, TcdB induces a necrotic cell death termed pyknosis in vitro independently from its glucosyltransferases, which are characterized by chromatin condensation and ROS production. To understand the underlying mechanism of this pyknotic effect, we conducted a large-scale phosphoproteomic study. We included the analysis of alterations in the phosphoproteome after treatment with TcdA, which was investigated for the first time. TcdA exhibited no glucosyltransferase-independent necrotic effect and was, thus, a good control to elucidate the underlying mechanism of the glucosyltransferase-independent effect of TcdB. We found RAS to be a central upstream regulator of the glucosyltransferase-independent effect of TcdB. The inhibition of RAS led to a 68% reduction in necrosis. Further analysis revealed apolipoprotein C-III (APOC3) as a possible crucial factor of CDI-induced inflammation in vivo.  相似文献   
Myocarditis in response to COVID-19 vaccination has been reported since early 2021. In particular, young male individuals have been identified to exhibit an increased risk of myocardial inflammation following the administration of mRNA-based vaccines. Even though the first epidemiological analyses and numerous case reports investigated potential relationships, endomyocardial biopsy (EMB)-proven cases are limited. Here, we present a comprehensive histopathological analysis of EMBs from 15 patients with reduced ejection fraction (LVEF = 30 (14–39)%) and the clinical suspicion of myocarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty® (Pfizer-BioNTech) (n = 11), Vaxzevria® (AstraZenica) (n = 2) and Janssen® (Johnson & Johnson) (n = 2). Immunohistochemical EMB analyses reveal myocardial inflammation in 14 of 15 patients, with the histopathological diagnosis of active myocarditis according the Dallas criteria (n = 2), severe giant cell myocarditis (n = 2) and inflammatory cardiomyopathy (n = 10). Importantly, infectious causes have been excluded in all patients. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has been detected sparsely on cardiomyocytes of nine patients, and differential analysis of inflammatory markers such as CD4+ and CD8+ T cells suggests that the inflammatory response triggered by the vaccine may be of autoimmunological origin. Although a definitive causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccination and the occurrence of myocardial inflammation cannot be demonstrated in this study, data suggest a temporal connection. The expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within the heart and the dominance of CD4+ lymphocytic infiltrates indicate an autoimmunological response to the vaccination.  相似文献   
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-expressing T-cells are without a doubt a breakthrough therapy for hematological malignancies. Despite their success, clinical experience has revealed several challenges, which include relapse after targeting single antigens such as CD19 in the case of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), and the occurrence of side effects that could be severe in some cases. Therefore, it became clear that improved safety approaches, and targeting multiple antigens, should be considered to further improve CAR T-cell therapy for B-ALL. In this paper, we address both issues by investigating the use of CD10 as a therapeutic target for B-ALL with our switchable UniCAR system. The UniCAR platform is a modular platform that depends on the presence of two elements to function. These include UniCAR T-cells and the target modules (TMs), which cross-link the T-cells to their respective targets on tumor cells. The TMs function as keys that control the switchability of UniCAR T-cells. Here, we demonstrate that UniCAR T-cells, armed with anti-CD10 TM, can efficiently kill B-ALL cell lines, as well as patient-derived B-ALL blasts, thereby highlighting the exciting possibility for using CD10 as an emerging therapeutic target for B-cell malignancies.  相似文献   
Fusion among different cell populations represents a rare process that is mediated by both intrinsic and extracellular events. Cellular hybrid formation is relayed by orchestrating tightly regulated signaling pathways that can involve both normal and neoplastic cells. Certain important cell merger processes are often required during distinct organismal and tissue development, including placenta and skeletal muscle. In a neoplastic environment, however, cancer cell fusion can generate new cancer hybrid cells. Following survival during a subsequent post-hybrid selection process (PHSP), the new cancer hybrid cells express different tumorigenic properties. These can include elevated proliferative capacity, increased metastatic potential, resistance to certain therapeutic compounds, and formation of cancer stem-like cells, all of which characterize significantly enhanced tumor plasticity. However, many parts within this multi-step cascade are still poorly understood. Aside from intrinsic factors, cell fusion is particularly affected by extracellular conditions, including an inflammatory microenvironment, viruses, pH and ionic stress, hypoxia, and exosome signaling. Accordingly, the present review article will primarily highlight the influence of extracellular events that contribute to cell fusion in normal and tumorigenic tissues.  相似文献   
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