This work studied the effects of adding short basalt fibers (BFs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), both separately and in combination, on the mechanical properties, fracture toughness, and electrical conductivity of an epoxy polymer. The surfaces of the short BFs were either treated using a silane coupling agent or further functionalized by atmospheric plasma to enhance the adhesion between the BFs and the epoxy. The results of a single fiber fragmentation test demonstrated a significantly improved BF/epoxy adhesion upon applying the plasma treatment to the BFs. This resulted in better mechanical properties and fracture toughness of the composites containing the plasma-activated BFs. The improved BF/epoxy adhesion also affected the hybrid toughening performance of the BFs and MWCNTs. In particular, synergistic toughening effects were observed when the plasma-activated BFs/MWCNTs hybrid modifiers were used, while only additive toughening effects occurred for the silane-sized BFs/MWCNTs hybrid modifiers. This work demonstrated a potential to develop strong, tough, and electrically conductive epoxy composites by adding hybrid BF/MWCNT modifiers. 相似文献
Neutron diffraction measurement was performed in-situ at high temperatures on Co-Re-Ta-C alloys with and without Cr addition. This included alloys containing different C content with the C/Ta ratio varying between 0.5 and 1.0. The Co-Re-solid solution matrix of the experimental alloys is polymorphic (like in pure cobalt) and transformed from low temperature hexagonal ? phase to high temperature cubic γ phase on heating. This transformation is reversible and show hysteresis. The main alloying addition, Re, stabilizes the ? Co-phase and increases the transformation temperature to above 1273 K. The onset of the \(\varepsilon \rightleftharpoons \gamma\) transformation during heating and cooling was found to differ depending on the alloy composition. In alloys without Cr addition the transformation was not completed on cooling and the high temperature γ phase was partly retained at room temperature in metastable state with the amount depending on the cooling rate from high temperature. The diffraction and microstructural results showed that Cr is ? stabilizer (similar as Re) but the role of Ta is not clear. The C/Ta ratio has no direct effect on the matrix phase transformation. Nevertheless, it influences indirectly by determining the amount of Ta which is freely available in the matrix. 相似文献
An addition of boron largely increases the ductility in polycrystalline high-temperature Co–Re alloys. Therefore, the effect of boron on the alloy structural characteristics is of high importance for the stability of the matrix at operational temperatures. Volume fractions of ε (hexagonal close-packed—hcp), γ (face-centered cubic—fcc) and σ (Cr2Re3 type) phases were measured at ambient and high temperatures (up to 1500 °C) for a boron-containing Co–17Re–23Cr alloy using neutron diffraction. The matrix phase undergoes an allotropic transformation from ε to γ structure at high temperatures, similar to pure cobalt and to the previously investigated, more complex Co–17Re–23Cr–1.2Ta–2.6C alloy. It was determined in this study that the transformation temperature depends on the boron content (0–1000 wt. ppm). Nevertheless, the transformation temperature did not change monotonically with the increase in the boron content but reached a minimum at approximately 200 ppm of boron. A probable reason is the interplay between the amount of boron in the matrix and the amount of σ phase, which binds hcp-stabilizing elements (Cr and Re). Moreover, borides were identified in alloys with high boron content. 相似文献
Biofilm formation and microbially influenced corrosion of the iron-reducing microorganism Shewanella putrefaciens were investigated on stainless steel surfaces preconditioned in the absence and presence of flavin molecules by means of XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) analysis and electrochemical methods. The results indicate that biofilm formation was promoted on samples preconditioned in electrolytes containing minute amounts of flavins. On the basis of the XANES results, the corrosion processes are controlled by the iron-rich outer layer of the passive film. Biofilm formation resulted in a cathodic shift of the open circuit potential and a protective effect in terms of pitting corrosion. The samples preconditioned in the absence of flavins have shown delayed pitting and the samples preconditioned in the presence of flavins did not show any pitting in a window of −0.3- to +0.0-V overpotential in the bacterial medium. The results indicate that changes in the passive film chemistry induced by the presence of minute amounts of flavins during a mild anodic polarization can change the susceptibility of stainless steel surfaces to microbially influenced corrosion. 相似文献
Voltage-contrast scanning electron microscopy is demonstrated as a new technique to locate and characterize defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes. This method images the surface potential along and surrounding a nanotube in device configuration and it is used here to study the following: (a) structural point-defects formed during nanotube growth, (b) nano-scale gap formed by high-current electrical breakdown, (c) electronic defect such as electron-irradiation induced metal-insulator transition, and (d) charge injection into the substrate which causes hysteresis in nanotube devices. The in situ characterization of defect healing under high bias is also shown. The origin of voltage-contrast, the influence of the above defects on the contrast profiles and optimum imaging conditions are discussed. 相似文献
Antibodies capable of activating the complement system (CS) when bound with antigen are referred to as “complement-fixing antibodies” and are involved in protection against Flaviviruses. A complement-fixing antibody test has been used in the past to measure the ability of dengue virus (DENV)-specific serum antibodies to activate the CS. As originally developed, the test is time-consuming, cumbersome, and has limited sensitivity for DENV diagnosis. Here, we developed and characterized a novel multiplex anti-DENV complement-fixing assay based on the Luminex platform to quantitate serum antibodies against all four serotypes (DENV1-4) that activate the CS based on their ability to fix the complement component 1q (C1q). The assay demonstrated good reproducibility and showed equivalent performance to a DENV microneutralization assay that has been used to determine DENV serostatus. In non-human primates, antibodies produced in response to primary DENV1-4 infection induced C1q fixation on homologous and heterologous serotypes. Inter-serotype cross-reactivity was associated with homology of the envelope protein. Interestingly, the antibodies produced following vaccination against Zika virus fixed C1q on DENV. The anti-DENV complement fixing antibody assay represents an alternative approach to determine the quality of functional antibodies produced following DENV natural infection or vaccination and a biomarker for dengue serostatus, while providing insights about immunological cross-reactivity among different Flaviviruses. 相似文献
Catalytic combustion is an attractive technology for gas turbine applications where ultra-low emission levels are required. Recent tests of a catalytic reactor in a full scale combustor have demonstrated emissions of 3.3 ppm NOx, 2.0 ppm CO, and 0.0 ppm UHC. The catalyst system is designed to only convert about half of the natural gas fuel within the catalyst itself, thus limiting the catalyst temperature to a level that is viable for long-term use. The remainder of the combustion occurs downstream from the catalyst to generate the required inlet temperature to the turbine.
Catalyst development is typically done using subscale prototypes in a reactor system designed to simulate the conditions of the full scale application. The validity of such an approach is best determined experimentally by comparing catalyst performance at the two size scales under equivalent reaction conditions. Such a comparison has recently been achieved for catalysts differing in volume by two orders of magnitude. The performance of the full scale catalyst was similar to that of the subscale unit in both emission levels and internal temperatures. This comparison lends credibility to the use of subscale reactors in developing catalytic combustors for gas turbines. 相似文献
Approximation methods are often used in porous electrode models to eliminate the need to solve the local solid phase diffusion equation. These methods include Duhamel's superposition method, a diffusion length method and a polynomial approximation method which have long been used in the literature. The pseudo steady state (PSS) method is a method that has been used recently to develop a solution to the diffusion equation in a spherical particle with time dependent boundary conditions, but the PSS method has not been used in a porous electrode model. These methods are compared to each other in a dimensionless analysis study, and they are used in a porous electrode model to predict the discharge curves for a LiCoO2 electrode. Simulation results presented here indicate that the PSS method or the high order polynomial method should be used in a porous electrode model to obtain accuracy and save computation time. 相似文献
The behaviors of improved Heat transfer and the associated higher pressure drop for liquid flow in rectangular micochannels with longitudinal vortex generators (LVGs) were determined experimentally for the Reynolds numbers of 170–1200 with hydraulic diameter of 187.5 μm and aspect ratio of 0.067 for LVGs with different number of pairs and angles of attack. It was found that the range of critical Reynolds numbers (600–730) were at a much smaller value by adding LVGs than the one without (Re ~ 2300); heat transfer performance was improved (9–21% higher for those with laminar flow and 39–90% for those with turbulent flow), while encountering larger pressure drop (34–83% for laminar flow and 61–169% for turbulent flow). Empirical correlations for these two parameters were then obtained by curve-fittings for a variety of rectangular microchannels under study. 相似文献