Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Precambrian layered rocks consisting of quartzites, phyllites and metagreywackes of the Aravallis having a large variation in thickness,... 相似文献
The research reported in this paper is devoted towards the development of a rapid bacteriological test for water. The proposed technique consists in measuring “Cold T.C.A. insoluble portion” of metabolized phosphorus in multiplying bacterial cells with recourse to radioactive phosphorus-32 as a tracer and enumerates bacteria in 1 h incubation time. A linear correlation (coefficient of correlation = +0·989) has been shown to exist between this portion of phosphorus and cell population for bacterial species of public-health significance, thereby providing a point d'appui for this approach of enumerating water bacteria.The data reported in the paper reveal a promise for the differential enumeration of Grams positive and negative cells by incorporating suitable chemical inhibitors in appropriate concentrations in the test portions for rapid test.The technique has been exhibited to be applicable to field samples drawn from surface and underground sources of water. Its reproducibility and economics are comparable with “Standard Method” procedures. 相似文献
The dynamics and optimal feedback control of biological waste treatment processes are examined. Modern feedback control theory is applied and results are obtained for both proportional and proportional plus integral control. A dynamic mathematical model of the system is developed by employing a Monod kinetic model, which is modified to account for endogenous metabolism, and a complete mixing flow model in the growth chamber. The feedback control is implemented via the flow rate so as to maintain desired effluent concentrations. External disturbances which cause changes in substrate concentration and/or cell concentration are considered and optimal control effort is applied. Results are also presented for impulse and step changes in the influent substrate concentration. It is found that by changing the values of the weighting factors in the objective function, it is possible to obtain good control of either the effluent substrate concentration or cell concentration. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study is to analyse the phenomenon of pool boiling in water over a horizontally placed copper tube heater of 28?mm diameter. The experiment has been carried out to observe the bubble growth and departure characteristics for the heat flux range up to 40,000?W/m2. The entire process is being recorded by a digital camera at different time intervals. The measured parameters have been used to determine the initial layer thickness, macro layer thickness and critical heat flux and validated with models proposed in the literature. 相似文献
This paper presents an estimate of the externalities produced in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) through the impacts on health caused by secondary pollutants attributed to seven electric power plants located outside this area. An original method was developed to make possible a simplified application of the impact pathway approach to estimate the damage costs in the specified area. Our estimate shows that the annual costs attributed to secondary pollutants total 71 million USD (min/max 20/258 million USD). Finally, this paper discusses basic ideas on the implications for energy policy arising from this exercise in externality valuation. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to present a formulation of a curved thin-walled box beam finite element having a variable cross-section with at least one vertical axis of symmetry.
To allow for the effects of warping and distortion, three degrees of freedom have been included in the formulation. These degrees of freedom have been designated as the rate of change of twisting angle, the distortional angle of the cross-section, and the rate of change of distortional angle. The effect of shear lag has also been included.
The element may be used for the elastic analysis of a variety of thin-walled structures and in particular for the preliminary analysis of box bridge decks where a three-dimensional analysis may be unnecessary. The accuracy of the element has been demonstrated by comparison of the results obtained with known results from other methods for some examples. 相似文献
Although it is extensively researched, flocculation in the water-treatment industry lacks a design procedure to assess accurately the performance of the different types of agitator impeller which are available. New high-efficiency, hydrofoil-type impellers offer substantial potential for flocculation duties in many areas, provided that they are applied correctly. This paper highlights the importance of the 'velocity gradient'and the distribution of shear within the agitation system. The objective of the paper is to help engineers to evaluate different types of proprietary impeller designs, using various techniques to examine the shear distribution applied to the system. 相似文献
In the air conditioning (AC) industry chilled water storage (CWS) systems are one form of cool thermal storage technology that can be used to time shift the electrical load of the system from the peak day periods to off peak night time periods. In this paper the data for the actual exported and generated electrical energy obtained for the power stations in Kuwait has been used to estimate the electrical energy consumption and the peak electrical load of AC systems. Since the chiller in an air cooled AC system represent more than 75% of the total electrical power consumed by an AC system during the peak demand period, the impact of using CWS systems with alternative operating strategies including partial (load levelling), partial (demand limiting) and full load has been investigated. In our conclusions we estimate that approximately 45% of the total annual exported electrical energy is consumed solely by AC systems as a result of the very high ambient temperatures occurring between March and October. Furthermore, it is estimated AC systems represent about 62% of the peak electrical load. The results demonstrate that CWS can reduce the peak electrical load of a chiller in an air cooled AC system by up to 100% and reduce the nominal chiller size by up to 33% depending upon the operating strategy adopted. This is achieved with only a 4% increase in power consumption of the chiller for all CWS strategies except for full storage where the energy consumption actually decreases by approximately 4%. 相似文献
The instrument was a byproduct of an undergraduate final year project on wind power which was carried out by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Liverpool.The windmill test site was on an exposed, rocky island where there was no history of weather recording but a long tradition of violent winds.Field experience during the winter months suggested that corrosion fatigue arising from wind buffeting and salt spray would rank equally with maximum wind pressure as criteria of failure and if modern materials, so convenient for forming aerodynamic surfaces, were to be used then limited life concepts would need to be considered. This called for more knowledge of wind variations at the test site. A complete wind spectrum taken on chart recording instruments would have been ideal but since such such refined devices were not available the instrument to be described was designed.The only wind measuring instrument which was available was a rotating cup anemometer. This supplied an alternating voltage proportional to its rotational speed. It also operated a gear driven microswitch which could give an integrated “miles of wind” reading on an electromagnetic counter.Briefly the e.m.f. generated by the anemometer (Fig. 1) was matched against a pre-set voltage corresponding to the required gust velocity. When this was exceeded an appropriate counter was operated. Only the rising e.m.f. was significant. The subsequent fall was ignored. Initially three stages were incorporated which reported the gusts rising through forty, fifty and sixty knots, respectively. These recorded on separate counters. All basic settings were based on pitot-static speed determinations in a wind tunnel. 相似文献