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Diesel fuel from thermal decomposition of soybean oil   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Soybean oil was thermally decomposed and distilled in air or in nitrogen sparge with standard ASTM distillation apparatus. GC-MS analysis showed that approximately 75% of the products were made up of alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and carboxylic acids with carbon numbers ranging from 4 to more than 20. Fuel properties of the pyrolyzed materials were characterized and compared with those of the parent oil. The pyrolyzates had lower viscosities and higher cetane numbers than the parent vegetable oil. Thermally decomposed soybean oil shows promise as alternative fuel for the direct-injection diesel engine. Presented at the AOCS meeting in New Orleans, LA, in May 1987. Address all correspondence to Marvin O. Bagby, NRRC, ARS/USDA, 1815 N. University St., Peoria, IL 61604. Deceased.  相似文献   
Three samples of soybean meal (SBM), 3 samples of expeller SBM (SoyPlus, West Central Cooperative, Ralston, IA), 5 samples of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), and 5 samples of fish meal were used to evaluate the furosine and homoarginine procedures to estimate reactive Lys in the rumen-undegraded protein fraction (RUP-Lys). One sample each of SBM, expeller SBM, and DDGS were subjected to additional heat treatment in the lab to ensure there was a wide range in reactive RUP-Lys content among the samples. Furosine is a secondary product of the initial stages of the Maillard reaction and can be used to calculate blocked Lys. Homoarginine is formed via the reaction of reactive Lys with O-methylisourea and can be used to calculate the concentration of reactive Lys. In previous experiments, each sample was ruminally incubated in situ for 16 h, and standardized RUP-Lys digestibility of the samples was determined in cecectomized roosters. All rumen-undegraded residue (RUR) samples were analyzed for furosine and Lys; however, only 9 of the 16 samples contained furosine, and only the 4 unheated DDGS samples contained appreciable amounts of furosine. Blocked RUP-Lys was calculated from the furosine and Lys concentrations of the RUR. Both the intact feed and RUR samples were evaluated using the homoarginine method. All samples were incubated with an O-methylisourea/BaOH solution for 72 h and analyzed for Lys and homoarginine concentrations. Reactive Lys concentrations of the intact feeds and RUR were calculated. Results of the experiment indicate that blocked RUP-Lys determined via the furosine method was negatively correlated with standardized RUP-Lys digestibility, and reactive RUP-Lys determined via the guanidination method was positively correlated with standardized RUP-Lys digestibility. Reactive Lys concentrations of the intact samples were also highly correlated with RUP-Lys digestibility. In conclusion, the furosine assay is useful in predicting RUP-Lys digestibility of DDGS samples, and the guanidination procedure can be used to predict RUP-Lys digestibility of SBM, expeller SBM, DDGS, and fish meal samples.  相似文献   
The profitability of feeding rumen-protected Met (RPMet) sources to produce milk protein was estimated using a 2-step procedure: First, the effect of Met in metabolizable protein (MP) on milk protein production was estimated by using a quadratic Box-Cox functional form. Then, using these estimation results, the amounts of RPMet supplement that corresponded to the optimal levels of Met in MP for maximizing milk protein production and profit on dairy farms were determined. The data used in this study were modified from data used to determine the optimal level of Met in MP for lactating cows in the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle (NRC, 2001). The data used in this study differ from that in the NRC (2001) data in 2 ways. First, because dairy feed generally contains 1.80 to 1.90% Met in MP, this study adjusts the reference production value (RPV) from 2.06 to 1.80 or 1.90%. Consequently, the milk protein production response is also modified to an RPV of 1.80 or 1.90% Met in MP. Second, because this study is especially interested in how much additional Met, beyond the 1.80 or 1.90% already contained in the basal diet, is required to maximize farm profits, the data used are limited to concentrations of Met in MP above 1.80 or 1.90%. This allowed us to calculate any additional cost to farmers based solely on the price of an RPMet supplement and eliminated the need to estimate the dollar value of each gram of Met already contained in the basal diet. Results indicated that the optimal level of Met in MP for maximizing milk protein production was 2.40 and 2.42%, where the RPV was 1.80 and 1.90%, respectively. These optimal levels were almost identical to the recommended level of Met in MP of 2.40% in the NRC (2001). The amounts of RPMet required to increase the percentage of Met in MP from each RPV to 2.40 and 2.42% were 21.6 and 18.5 g/d, respectively. On the other hand, the optimal levels of Met in MP for maximizing profit were 2.32 and 2.34%, respectively. The amounts of RPMet required to increase the percentage of Met in MP from each RPV to 2.32 and 2.34% were 18.7 and 15.6 g/d, respectively. In each case, the additional daily profit per cow was estimated to be $0.38 and $0.29. These additional profit estimates were $0.02 higher than the additional profit estimates for maximizing milk protein production.  相似文献   
The city of New Orleans, LA was severely impacted by flooding and wind damage following landfall of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. The city's drinking water infrastructure was severely compromised and massive amounts of sediment were redeposited throughout the flooded region. Thousands of homes were water-damaged resulting in the rapid growth of mold. In September and October 2005 a convenience sample of selected homes, tap water, surface water, and sediment within New Orleans was assessed for mold contamination, microbial contamination, and heavy metal concentrations. At selected sites, indoor mold spore concentrations were compared to outdoor concentrations. The purpose of this study was to conduct a baseline environmental assessment in an effort to identify public health threats caused by wind and flood damage. Surface waters contained high concentrations of bacterial indicators whereas no bacteria were detected in tap water, even from taps containing no chlorine residual. Sediment samples contained concentrations of lead and arsenic similarto pre-Katrina concentrations. Outdoor total spore (sp) concentrations ranged from >6500 to 84 713 sp/m(3). Indoor concentrations ranged from 6142 to 735 123 sp/m(3). For the 13 locations with matched indoor/ outdoor samples, the mean indoor/outdoor spore ratio was 4.11 (ranging from 0.27 to >11.44). Inside 5 of the 13 homes, total spore counts/m(3) exceeded 100 000, with measurements in the moldiest home exceeding 700 000 sp/ m(3). In conclusion, surface waters had high concentrations of bacterial contamination but no bacterial indicators were present in tap water. Sediment samples did not have appreciable increases in lead or arsenic. Flooded homes, however, contained substantial concentrations of mold which could present a public health exposure route to individuals repopulating and restoring the City of New Orleans.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between measured net portal absorptions (NPA) and flows of digestible essential amino acids (EAA) predicted with the National Research Council model (NRC, 2001) or the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System model (CNCPS, version 5.0.34). Net portal absorption data were obtained from 33 measurements of portal-arterial plasma EAA concentration differences among 8 treatments in lactating dairy cows, with plasma flow estimated from downstream dilution of para amino-hippurate. The predicted digestible flows from NRC (2001) related better than CNCPS to NPA observed in our studies, as shown by the lower standard errors on the slopes for all EAA and lower root mean prediction errors for all EAA except Met and Phe. However, the partitioning of the prediction error indicated a systematic underprediction (mean bias) for the NRC model (2001), with the exception of Ile. It is important to note that a relationship of unity was not expected, as discussed in the paper, because of losses of EAA through portal-drained viscera metabolism. A revised set of predictive equations for digestible EAA was obtained using a subset of data from NRC (2001) limited to trials conducted with dairy cows. This increased the predicted flows of digestible EAA by only 2%. Flows of digestible EAA were also estimated using a factorial approach, assuming an AA composition for each fraction of the duodenal flow estimated by NRC (undegradable, microbial, and endogenous proteins). This resulted in a slight improvement in the slope of the regression between predicted flows and measured NPA, but still yielded predicted digestive flows that were too low to support observed NPA. Finally, on the basis of literature values, increment of the digestibility of the undegradable fraction of forages and of microbial protein is suggested to improve the relationship between predicted digestible flows and NPA. Overall, this study indirectly confirms, across EAA, smaller losses through gut metabolism for His, Met, and Lys, intermediate losses for the branched-chain AA with the higher losses for Thr.  相似文献   
A new interdigital design for large area dye solar modules is developed for an area of 30×30 cm2. This design requires fewer holes in the glass substrate for electrolyte filling, than the conventional strip design. A complete manufacturing process of this module—ranging from screen printed layers to semi‐automated colouring and electrolyte filling—in a laboratory‐scale baseline is illustrated. As primary sealing method, a durable glass frit sealing is used. It is shown, that the lead (Pb) content present in many glass frit powders contaminates the catalytic platinum electrode during the sintering process, resulting in a lowering of the fill factor. A screen printable lead‐free glass frit paste is developed, which solves this problem. Long term stability tests are presented on 2·5 cm2 dye solar cells, which have been completely sealed with glass frit. In consecutively performed accelerated ageing tests under 85°C in the dark (about 1400 h) and continuous illumination with visible light (1 sun, about 1700 h), a 2·5 cm2 dye solar cell with an electrolyte based on propylmethylimidazolium iodide showed an overall degradation of less than 5% in conversion efficiency. In a subsequently performed thermal cycling test (−40°C to +85°C, 50 cycles) a 2·5 cm2 dye solar cell with the same electrolyte composition also showed only a slight degradation of less than 5% in conversion efficiency. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The volatile constituents of twelve essential oils from Madagascar, namely those of Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl, Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume (leaf oil), Hedychium flavum Roxb., Helichrysum gymnocephalum Humbert, Helichrysum selaginifolium L., Lantana camara L., Pelargonium roseum Willd., Piper nigrum L., Ravensara aromatica Havozo (bark oil and leaf oil), Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash ex Small and Zingiber officinale Roscoe were identified and quantified by high resolution capillary gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HRGC–MS) and high resolution capillary gas chromatography (HRGC), respectively. In all the essential oils at least one of the five chiral monoterpenes citronellol, limonene, linalol, terpinen-4-ol and α-terpineol was detected. Analysis of the enantiomers using multidimensional capillary gas chromatography (MDGC) revealed specific enantiomeric excesses, except for linalol, which was found in racemic form in P. roseum essential oil. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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