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磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)是一种非常有应用前景的锂离子电池正极材料,化学沉淀法是制备这种材料的理想方法。本文从不同的前驱体合成路线角度出发,针对金属离子掺杂和表面碳包覆这两种改性手段,对化学沉淀法制备LiFePO4正极材料国内外的研究进行综述,对当前研究过程中存在的问题和未来的研究方向进行了评论和展望,为LiFePO4正极材料的研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
Simple formulas for describing the extended fine structures of spectra of electron energy losses (EELFS) with allowance for the multipolarity of the process of excitation of the inner level of atoms by electron impacts have been derived. The experimental M 2,3 EELFS spectra of nickel and K EELFS spectra of oxygen were obtained from pure samples of nickel and stoichiometric oxide film on the surface of nickel. Good agreement has been obtained between the experimental and calculated results, as well as between the parameters of a local atomic structure obtained from the experimental EELFS spectra and available crystallographic data.  相似文献   
概述了红外热成像技术应用于石化设备检测的基本原理和方法,着重阐明了在乙烯装置裂解炉热故障识别与诊断方面的应用,分析了故障成因。  相似文献   
稠油热采井在注蒸汽过程中及关井后,进入油层的完井液滤液和蒸汽中的水在高温下将与地层岩石矿物及地层流体发生反应,产生储层伤害。为此,提出使用激活型完井液体系。引入激活酸HJS,使残留在地层中的完井液在一定温度下激活,释放出[H+],降低pH值,减小矿物在高pH条件下溶解和转化而对储层产生的伤害;并优选出了高温防膨剂HTW、高温减阻剂HUL、高温溶蚀剂HDB、高温缓蚀剂HJP以及最优加量,构建了激活型完井液体系。室内评价表明,该体系激活温度为80℃,激活时间为60 min,激活酸HJS的加入可以大幅度提高完井液对钻屑的溶蚀能力;体系在220℃高温下老化8 h的膨胀率仅为1.11%,与地层水配伍,混合液的浊度在3.6~6.9 NTU之间,蒸汽(270℃)驱替后渗透率恢复值大于90%(测温为80℃),表明该激活型完井液体系具有很好的储层保护效果。   相似文献   
为了进一步提高海上边际油气田开发效益,提出将单筒三井独腿三桩简易平台简化为单筒三井独桩简易平台.设计了3种试验方案,通过室内模拟试验对单筒三井独桩简易平台桩腿强度及稳定性进行了研究.相对于无斜撑、无水泥浆固结方案和无斜撑、灌注水泥浆至水面高度固结方案,在水面处增加2根水平面投影相互垂直的斜撑、无水泥浆固结的平台结构方案可显著提高桩腿结构的横向极限承载能力.这一研究结果可为单筒三井独桩简易平台的建造、使用提供科学的依据.  相似文献   
一种高性能有机酯前置酸加砂压裂隔离液体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前置酸加砂压裂工艺技术在油气田现场增产改造作业中已进行了大量应用,并取得了较好的增产效果,但同时也暴露出了在压裂注入过程中前置酸与压裂液接触提前破胶等问题。为此,根据前置酸加砂压裂工艺技术的要求,从确保施工成功、提高增产效果出发,提出了采用前置酸加砂压裂隔离液隔离前置酸和压裂液技术,通过理论分析和实验研究,优选出了有机酯类物质作为前置酸加砂压裂隔离液体系主剂,提出了高性能有机酯前置酸加砂压裂隔离液配方和制备方法。对系列实验评价分析结果的研究表明,所提出的有机酯前置酸加砂压裂隔离液体系能较好满足前置酸加砂压裂要求,有效隔离前置酸液和压裂液,提高了施工效果。  相似文献   
Acidification can both eliminate formation damage and improve flow passage, which can be good for improving single well productivity. Based on this, the authors bring up the thought of moderate acidification technique for sandstone reservoir, and combine it with high pressure packing technique, and one step further, presents a compound sand control technique of high pressure packing and moderate acidification. At the same time, the authors preliminarily discuss the main points of this technique and analyze its mechanism of sand control and yield increase as well as its adaptability. The main purpose of this technique is to clean out the clay and mud in the immediate vicinity of wellbore, decrease the fine content or the particle size in that area, enlarge the seepage channel, and fill in optimized gravel, so as to make it conducive for transpiring the fine sand in the formation and keeping the gravel layer unblocked, as a result making the sand control life prolonged and single-well productivity raised. The keys of this compound technique are moderate acidification and gravel size optimization.  相似文献   
哈尔滨锅炉厂有限责任公司设计的伊朗伊斯法罕钢铁公司热电厂TAVAZON项目的锅炉设备为55MW燃烧混合气体燃料蒸汽透平发电机组,本文扼要介绍了该锅炉的燃料特性及主要技术特点。  相似文献   
With the rapid development of deepwater drilling operations,more and more complex technical challenges have to be faced due to the rigorous conditions encountered.One of these challenges is that the drilling fluid used must had good rheological properties at low temperatures and high ability to inhibit hydrate formation.Synthetic drilling fluid has been widely applied to deepwater drilling operations due to its high penetration rate,excellent rheological properties,good ability to prevent hydrate formation,and high biodegradability.A synthetic drilling fluid formulation was developed in our laboratory.The rheological properties of this drilling fluid at low temperatures (0-20 °C) were tested with a 6-speed viscometer and its ability to inhibit hydrate formation was evaluated at 20 MPa CH 4 gas and 0 °C by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).Several factors influencing the low temperature rheological properties of this synthetic drilling fluid were studied in this paper.These included the viscosity of the base fluid,the amount of CEMU and organic clay,and the water volume fraction.  相似文献   
采用GB 9098-1996压缩机制冷性能评定方法,对不同类型、不同黏度等级冷冻机油与R600a型冰箱压缩机制冷性能之间的关系进行分析.结果表明:适宜的低黏度型冷冻机油有助于提高R600a型冰箱压缩机的制冷性能;制冷量与制冷系数随冷冻机油黏度变化趋势曲线的交叉点处为压缩机发挥最佳制冷性能的控制点;冷冻机油对R600a型...  相似文献   
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