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The effective stress law for the permeability of a limestone is studied experimentally by performing constant-head permeability tests in a triaxial cell with different conditions of confining pressure σ and pore pressure pf. Test results show that a pore pressure increase and a confining pressure decrease both result in an increase of the permeability, and that the effect of the pore pressure change on the variation of the permeability is more important than the effect of a change of the confining pressure. A power law is proposed for the variation of the permeability with the effective stress (σ′=σnkpf). The permeability-effective stress coefficient nk increases linearly with the differential pressure and is greater than unity as soon as the differential pressure exceeds few bars. The test results are well reproduced using the proposed permeability-effective stress law. A conceptual pore-shell model based on a detailed observation of the microstructure of the studied limestone is proposed. This model is able to explain the experimental observations on the effect of the total stress and of the pore pressure on the permeability of the limestone. Effective stress coefficients for the stress-dependent permeability which are greater than one are obtained. It is shown that the controlling factor is the ratio of the different bulk moduli of the various constituents of the rock. This ratio is studied experimentally by performing microhardness tests.  相似文献   
A method is presented for the evaluation of the permeability–porosity relationship in a low-permeability porous material using the results of a single transient test. This method accounts for both elastic and non-elastic deformations of the sample during the test, and is applied to a hardened class G oil well cement paste. An initial hydrostatic undrained loading is applied to the sample. The generated excess pore pressure is then released at one end of the sample while monitoring the pore pressure at the other end and the radial strain in the middle of the sample during the dissipation of the pore pressure. These measurements are back-analysed to evaluate the permeability and its evolution with porosity change. The effect of creep of the sample during the test on the measured pore pressure and volume change is taken into account in the analysis. This approach permits to calibrate a power law permeability–porosity relationship for the tested hardened cement paste. The porosity sensitivity exponent of the power–law is evaluated equal to 11, and is shown to be mostly independent of the stress level and of the creep strains.  相似文献   
Adsorptive desulfurization of a model diesel fuel consisting of dibenzothiophene (DBT) or 4,6‐dimethyldibenzothiophene(4,6‐DMDBT) in hexadecane was performed over activated carbons and tantalum oxide modified (Ta‐x/ACC, x= 2, 5 or 10 wt % Ta, Activated Carbon Centaur) activated carbons at 50°C. The adsorption isotherm for ACC followed the Langmuir model while the adsorption on Ta‐5/ACC fitted the Sips equation indicating more than one type of adsorption sites. Characterization studies indicated new types of adsorption site resulting from the incorporation of Ta oxide into the porous structure of the ACC. XPS data suggested interaction of Ta with the S atom in DBT. The heats of adsorption in the liquid phase determined from micro flow calorimetry for DBT in C16 confirmed the interaction of Ta with DBT. Ta‐5/ACC exhibited the highest adsorption capacity for 4,6‐DMDBT compared to literature reports. Competitive adsorption experiments showed the adsorption capacity as follows: quinoline> DBT? naphthalene. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2017  相似文献   
Polyvinylchloride-blend-styrene butadiene rubber based nanocomposite cation exchange membranes were prepared by solution casting technique. Iron-oxide nanoparticles and Ag-nanolayer were simultaneously utilized as filler and surface modifier in membrane fabrication. The effects of Ag-nanolayer film thickness on membrane physicochemical and antibacterial characteristics of nanocomposite PVC-blend-SBR/Iron-oxide nanoparticles were studied. SEM images showed membrane roughness decreasing by Ag nanolayer thickness increasing. Membrane charge density and selectivity declined by Ag nanolayer coating up to 5 nm in membranes and then showed increasing trend by more nanolayer thickness. Ionic flux also showed increasing trend. Membranes showed good ability in E-Coli removal. 20 nm Ag-nanolayer coated membrane showed better performance compared to others.  相似文献   
This paper presents an in depth analysis to show that the conventional power balance model for the dc-side control of the Neutral Point Diode Clamped (NPC) converter is not adequately accurate for all operating conditions. The inaccuracy is due to the fact that the instantaneous power of the ac-side inductors is assumed to be negligible in the power balance equation. This paper shows that this assumption obscures (i) the impact of operating point which is a direct consequence of the inherent nonlinear nature of the problem and (ii) the nonminimum-phase property of the plant in the rectifying mode of operation. Thus, the conventional dc-side control model may lead to unsatisfactory performance or even instability. To overcome the shortcoming, this paper also develops accurate nonlinear and linearized models for the dc-side controller design, including the impact of the ac-side interface reactors. The analytical results and the conclusions are validated by digital time-domain simulation of a study system in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment. The mathematical developments and conclusions of the paper are equally applicable to the conventional two-level VSC.  相似文献   
This paper describes a procedure for fast suppression of the phenomenon of ferroresonance in coupling capacitor voltage transformers (CCVT) without major change in the CCVT design. It is shown that it is possible to adjust parameters of the secondary overvoltage protection and the filter circuit so that the ferroresonance can be cleared in a very short time interval. The study cases reported in this paper show that ferroresonance is effectively cleared within two cycles. An implementation of metal oxide varistors (MOV) as part of passive ferroresonance protection is also addressed. The Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) is used for modeling transients and fine-tuning the ferroresonance suppressing circuit. The studies are conducted on the Trench TEHMP161A CCVT.  相似文献   
The methodology for the order reduction of the dynamic model of a linear weakly periodic system presented in the first part of this paper is applied here to the case when the power network includes frequency dependent transmission lines. The technique for obtaining the external equivalent of the network is described. A comparison is given between systems having lines with constant or frequency-dependent parameters. Time-domain simulations have shown that the reduced-order equivalent leads to fast and accurate results.  相似文献   
The complex torque coefficients method has been widely accepted for the analysis of the phenomenon of torsional interaction of turbine-generator units in power systems. This paper shows that, depending on the system parameters and the operating point, the complex torque coefficients method may exhibit limitations and not accurately and fully predict the system behavior in the frequency range of interest. These shortcomings consist of inability to i) predict monotonic instability due to real poles, ii) identify all electromechanical oscillatory modes, and iii)accurately predict damping (and consequently stability) of the oscillatory modes. This paper develops mathematical expressions to highlight the limitations of the complex torque coefficients method. Quantitative results based on three case studies, including a study on the first IEEE Benchmark System, are reported and results from eigenvalue analysis method, complex torque coefficients method, and time-domain simulation are presented and compared. This paper concludes that the complex torque coefficients method can be used only as a preliminary method for the investigation of torsional interactions and the results must be verified by other methods.  相似文献   
This study aimed to determine the chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of Satureja khuzestanica Jamzad essential oil. The oil was analysed by GC and GC/MS. Twenty‐eight constituents were identified. The oxygenated monoterpenes (78.22%) were the principal compound group. Among them, carvacrol (53.86%) and thymol (19.84%) were the most abundant constituents. The oil exhibited an acceptable antimicrobial activity against most of the tested microorganisms. The checkerboard method was applied to determine fractional inhibitory concentration indices (FICIs) to interpret the synergetic, additive, indifference or antagonistic interactions between essential oil and each of antimicrobials (lysozyme, ciprofloxacin, fluconazole and amphotericin B) against food‐related microorganisms. The synergetic phenomenon (FICI ≤ 0.5) was observed in majority of combinations with the exception of the essential oil and lysozyme. The oil exhibited good 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity (IC50 = 28.71 μg mL?1). Also, the oil had strong antioxidative activity in β‐carotene‐linoleic acid assay relative antioxidant activity (RAA% = 95.45). This study demonstrated that the essential oil has beneficial biological properties and its simultaneous application with standard antimicrobials against food‐related microorganisms result in reduction in inhibitory doses of the antimicrobials in vitro.  相似文献   
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