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Combined effect of laminar flow mixed convection and surface radiation heat transfer for thermally developing airflow in a vertical channel heated from a side has been experimentally examined with different thermal and geometric parameters. The channel boundary is made of two isothermal walls and two adiabatic walls, the isothermal parallel wall is heated uniformly and the opposite cold wall temperature is maintained equal to the inlet conditions. The heated wall temperature ranged from 55 to 100°C, Reynolds number ranged from 800 to 2900 and the heat flux was varied from 250 to 870 W/m2. To cover the wide range of Reynolds numbers, two aspect ratios of square and rectangular section were used. Surface radiation from the internal walls is considered through two emissivities i.e. 0.05 and 0.85, to represent weak and strong radiation effects, respectively. From the experiments, surface temperature and Nusselt number distributions of convection and radiation heat transfer are obtained for different heat flux values. Flow structure inside the channel is visualized to observe the flow pattern. The results show the combined effect of laminar flow mixed convection and surface radiation on the total heat transfer rate within the channel. The accumulating buoyancy force and airflow moves together vertically in the upward direction to give significant heat transfer enhancement in the vertical orientation of the channel.  相似文献   
Type 316LN stainless steel (SS) is the principal structural material for the components of sodium cooled fast reactors operating under elevated temperature conditions. In order to assess the degradation in strength of service exposed components using a small specimen testing technique such as automated ball indentation (ABI), it is necessary to carry out prior detailed ABI studies on the virgin material. In this investigation, the tensile behaviour of as-received 316LN SS were investigated at several temperatures in the range 298–973 K using ABI technique. The load-depth of indentation data measured from ABI tests was analyzed using semi-empirical relationships to obtain the tensile properties. The yield stress and the flow curves were determined by correlating ABI results with corresponding uniaxial tensile test results. Trend curve for tensile strength with temperature, as estimated from ABI tests, exhibited a plateau region in the temperature around 823 K, similar to uniaxial tensile tests. The variations of strength coefficient, strain hardening exponent, yield ratio, hardness and uniform ductility with temperature were evaluated from ABI tests. The ABI technique was found to estimate the influence of temperature on tensile properties sensitively.  相似文献   
The ternary phase diagram of LiCl-KCl-NdCl3 system has been investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA), followed by characterization of the coexisting phases in the solid state by x-ray diffraction, in order to understand the interactions in the NdCl3-LiCl-KCl ternary system. The results of these experiments showed that LiCl and K2NdCl5 form a non binary join section. This divides the LiCl-KCl-NdCl3 system into two quasi-ternary sections, namely (1) LiCl-KCl-K2NdCl5 and (2) LiCl-K2NdCl5-NdCl3 systems. Both are simple eutectic ternary phase diagrams. The ternary eutectic temperatures and eutectic compositions are determined to be 316?±?3 °C and 53.9 mol.% LiCl-38.7 mol.% KCl-7.4 mol.% K2NdCl5 in the LiCl-KCl-K2NdCl5 quasi-ternary section, while the other eutectic temperature and composition are determined to be 376?±?9 °C and 46.2 mol.% LiCl-32.5 mol.% K2NdCl5-21.3 mol.% NdCl3 in the LiCl-K2NdCl5-NdCl3 quasi-ternary section. A quasi-ternary peritectic reaction is observed at 37.7 mol.% LiCl-36.2 mol.% KCl-26.1 mol.% K2NdCl5 at 445?±?1°C. The primary and secondary crystallization temperatures for the samples are deduced from the heating runs of DTA traces, and the phases responsible for the various thermal events are ascertained. Isothermal sections at chosen temperatures and polythermal liquidus projection with isothermal contours are drawn over the ternary phase field.  相似文献   
Compositionally modulated multilayer (CMM) Zn-Ni deposits were electrodeposited from single acidic bath (pH = 4.7) by using a potentiostatic sequence. The Zn and Ni composition in the alloy was tailored as a function of distance from the steel substrate. X-ray diffraction studies of the deposit showed the presence of γ-phase with a composition of Ni5Zn21. The corrosion properties of modulated multilayer coatings were studied in 5% NaCl solution using electrochemical corrosion techniques. The polarization resistance of the deposits varied as a function of Ni content between 1700 and 3440 Ω. CMM Zn-Ni with 20 wt% Ni exposed in ASTM B117 salt spray test did not show any red rust formation after 400 h.  相似文献   
Diesel is the main source of world transportation due to higher combustion efficiency, compliance, consistency and cost-economy. It is also a major contributor to the world prosperity since it is used extensively. Diesel engine’s emissions are the serious hazard to the world environment and it is measured to be the major causes of air pollution. The demand in biofuels for years created a scope for aloe vera into biodiesels. Aloe vera, having higher calorific value vnthan other plant sources used as biodiesels, enhanced us in making another alternative biodiesel, which has lesser emissions and better performance. In this research work, four biodiesel blends from aloe vera oil with cerium oxide additive are explored for their performance and emission characteristics. The results proved B30 (30% biodiesel, 68% diesel and 1% cerium oxide) gives good performance when compared to other blends.  相似文献   
Alumina (Al2O3) thin films were sputter deposited over well-cleaned glass and Si < 100 > substrates by DC reactive magnetron sputtering under various oxygen gas pressures and sputtering powers. The composition of the films was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and an optimal O/Al atomic ratio of 1.59 was obtained at a reactive gas pressure of 0.03 Pa and sputtering power of 70 W. X-ray diffraction results revealed that the films were amorphous until 550 °C. The surface morphology of the films was studied using scanning electron microscopy and the as-deposited films were found to be smooth. The topography of the as-deposited and annealed films was analyzed by atomic force microscopy and a progressive increase in the rms roughness of the films from 3.2 nm to 4.53 nm was also observed with increase in the annealing temperature. Al-Al2O3-Al thin film capacitors were then fabricated on glass substrates to study the effect of temperature and frequency on the dielectric property of the films. Temperature coefficient of capacitance, AC conductivity and activation energy were determined and the results are discussed.  相似文献   
A novel method of introducing a synthesized organic nitrogenous compound 2,6 (N-pyrazolyl)isonicotinic acid (BNIN) and its effect on the conduction behavior of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVdF)–poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) polymer-blend electrolyte with potassium iodide (KI) and iodine (I2) and the corresponding performance of the dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) were studied. A systematic investigation of the blends using FTIR provides evidence of interaction of BNIN with the polymer. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study proves the miscibility of these polymers. Due to the coordinating and plasticizing effects of BNIN, the ionic conductivity of polymer blend electrolytes is enhanced. The efficiency of DSSC using BNIN doped polymer blend electrolyte was 7.3% under an illumination of 60 mW cm−2 were observed for the best performance of a solar cell in this work.  相似文献   
Viscosity data for Al−Cu liquid alloys in the ranges of 0≤C L≤33.1 wt pct Cu and 1173≤T ≤973 K are reviewed. It was found that Andrade's equation can be used to represent the variation of viscosity with temperature for a given composition, but that each of the two parameters in Andrade's equation shows no systematic variation with composition of the liquid-alloys. Consequently, arithmetic averages of the parameters were used and assumed to apply to all compositions in the range 0≤C L ≤33.1 wt pct Cu. Such a procedure implies that the viscosity happens to vary with composition solely because the specific volume varies with composition. In order to establish the predictability of extrapolating such simple behavior, a more complex model was considered. The latter model was recently presented by Kucharski and relates viscosity to the structure and thermodynamics of liquid alloys. Viscosities obtained by interpolating Andrade's equation and Kucharski's model compare closely; furthermore, values obtained by extrapolations to lower temperatures also compare favorably. Finally the simpler model was used to calculate the viscosity of the interdendritic liquid during solidification.  相似文献   
A new type of diamine monomer containing the anisyl moiety was synthesized via a straight‐forward one‐step procedure. Anisaldehyde was reacted with 2,6‐dimethylaniline in the presence of dry HCl to attain bis(4‐amino‐3,5‐dimethylphenyl)anisylmethane. A series of organo‐soluble polyimides were prepared using the anisyl diamine and various aromatic dianhydrides via a two step method involving thermal imidization. All polyimides are soluble in strong polar solvents such as N‐methyl‐2‐pyrollidone, N,N‐Dimethylformamide, and N,N‐DimethylAcetamide. The polyimides show excellent thermal stability and good mechanical properties. The glass transition temperatures of the polyimides are in the range 265–294 °C. The tensile strengths are in the range 79–99 MPa and the temperatures at which 10 % weight loss occurs are in the range 460–496 °C. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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