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Utilizing atomic force microscope (AFM) with a diamond tip, we were able to successfully plough nano-constrictions on epitaxially grown YBa2Cu3O(7-x) thin films deposited on MgO substrates. The thickness, width, and length of the obtained constrictions were in the range of a few 100 nm. Furthermore, we managed to produce a new S-type constriction, of which the dimensions are easier to control than for conventional constrictions.  相似文献   
Novel flower like microporous carbons with very high surface area have been synthesized for the first time using MCM-22 zeolite as a template and sucrose as a carbon source. The textural parameters of the materials can easily be tuned by the simple adjustment of the sucrose to MCM-22 weight ratio. It has been also found that the specific surface area of the microporous carbon materials is much higher as compared with that of its parent zeolite template.  相似文献   
This paper presents an integrated approach for the monitoring and control of abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting process. A machine-vision-based monitoring approach was proposed to obtain the bore diameter of the focusing nozzle from time to time. A neuro-genetic approach, proposed by Srinivasu and Ramesh Babu (Appl Soft Comput 8(1):809–819, 2008) was employed as a control strategy to modify the process parameters, such as water pressure, abrasive flow rate, and jet traverse rate, so as to maintain the desired depth of cut, with changes in the diameter of the focusing nozzle monitored with a machine vision system. By combining the monitoring and control strategies, an integrated approach for adaptive control of AWJ cutting process is realized. The effectiveness of the proposed integrated approach for adaptive control of AWJ cutting process was shown by comparing the results obtained from the experiments with the process parameters suggested by the control strategy to achieve the desired depth of cut. From the results of the study, it is seen that the proposed monitoring system is capable of monitoring the focusing nozzle diameter with a mean absolute deviation of 0.05 mm and that the neuro-genetic strategy is capable of modifying the controllable process parameters to maintain the desired depth of cut with a mean absolute deviation of 0.87 mm.  相似文献   
A femtosecond laser was used successfully to fabricate planar micron and submicron-sized constrictiontype Josephson junctions on YBa2Cu3O7?x thin films. A simple program using G-code (control systems) programming language was written to control the movement of the sample stage during the etching process. The constriction’s geometry was investigated using both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Electrical transport measurements were performed at different temperatures. Shapiro steps were observed and analyzed. The micron-sized constriction shows a linear relationship for the measured critical current against the temperature which is consistent with the behavior of an S–s’–Stype Josephson junction where “S” stands for a bulk superconductive material that is untouched by the laser and “s”’ is superconducting material whose critical temperature is lower than the value of “S” In the case of the narrower submicronsized constriction, the measured critical current dependence with temperature shows an exponential decay, which is consistent with the behavior of the long S–N–Stype Josephson junction where “N” stands for a normal material. A model is proposed to describe the observed behavior by considering the effect of sample heating during the constriction’s fabrication.  相似文献   
Here we demonstrate facile synthesis method for formation of highly ordered mesoporous cubic Im-3 m titania thin film. The mesostructural ordering is strongly dependent on the aging condition after the spin-coating. The aging condition under low temperature and low humidity is found as an optimum condition for achieving highly ordered mesostructure in titania thin films. The effects of other important synthetic parameters, such as pH of the precursor solutions and aging periods, on the mesostructural ordering are carefully examined. After the calcination, continuous mesoporous films with partially crystallized frameworks are formed without any cracks. The mesostructure of the calcined films is formed by thermal shrinkage of the original Im-3 m mesostructure. The mesostructural change in the films calcined at various temperatures are studied by using the grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GI-SAXS). The GI-SAXS patterns show the strong shrinkage along the perpendicular direction to the substrate by increasing the calcination temperature.  相似文献   
Agriculture serves as the predominant driver of a country's economy, constituting the largest share of the nation's manpower. Most farmers are facing a problem in choosing the most appropriate crop that can yield better based on the environmental conditions and make profits for them. As a consequence of this, there will be a notable decline in their overall productivity. Precision agriculture has effectively resolved the issues encountered by farmers. Today's farmers may benefit from what's known as precision agriculture. This method takes into account local climate, soil type, and past crop yields to determine which varieties will provide the best results. The explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) technique is used with radial basis functions neural network and spider monkey optimization to classify suitable crops based on the underlying soil and environmental conditions. The XAI technology would provide assets in better transparency of the prediction model on deciding the most suitable crops for their farms, taking into account a variety of geographical and operational criteria. The proposed model is assessed using standard metrics like precision, recall, accuracy, and F1-score. In contrast to other cutting-edge approaches discussed in this study, the model has shown fair performance with approximately 12% better accuracy than the other models considered in the current study. Similarly, precision has improvised by 10%, recall by 11%, and F1-score by 10%.  相似文献   
While occasionally being able to charge and discharge more quickly than batteries, carbon-based electrochemical supercapacitors (SCs) are nevertheless limited by their simplicity of processing, adjustable porosity, and lack of electrocatalytic active sites for a range of redox reactions. Even SCs based on the most stable form of carbon (sp3 carbon/diamond) have a poor energy density and inadequate capacitance retention during long charge/discharge cycles, limiting their practical applications. To construct a SC with improved cycling stability/energy density Mn-ion implanted (high-dose; 1015–1017 ions cm−2) boron doped diamond (Mn-BDD) films have been prepared. Mn ion implantation and post-annealing process results in an in situ graphitization (sp2 phase) and growth of MnO2 phase with roundish granular grains on the BDD film, which is favorable for ion transport. The dual advantage of both sp2 (graphitic phase) and sp3 (diamond phase) carbons with an additional pseudocapacitor (MnO2) component provides a unique and critical function in achieving high-energy SC performance. The capacitance of Mn-BDD electrode in a redox active aqueous electrolyte (0.05 M Fe(CN)63-/4− + 1 M Na2SO4) is as high as 51 mF cm−2 at 10 mV s−1 with exceptional cyclic stability (≈100% capacitance even after 10 000 charge/discharge cycles) placing it among the best-performing SCs. Furthermore, the ultrahigh capacitance retention (≈80% retention after 88 000 charge/discharge cycles) in a gel electrolyte containing a two-electrode configuration shows a promising prospect for high-rate electrochemical capacitive energy storage applications.  相似文献   
Pharmacokinetics of a single oral dose of phenylpropanolamine (CAS 154-41-6) was investigated by administering 50 mg of the drug at 10.00 and 22.00 h to 8 healthy male volunteers in a crossover design with a wash-out period of 10 days. Serum samples were analysed for phenylpropanolamine using high performance liquid chromatography. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using model independent method. A significant (p < 0.05) elevation in Cmax (227.45 versus 181.98 micrograms/l) was observed following the drug administration at 22.00 h as compared to 10.00 h. These variations may be due to circadian changes in gastric pH contributing to the time dependent changes in the absorption of the drug.  相似文献   
Nonresonant microwave absorption (NMA) measurements were carried out at liquid-nitrogen temperature on a high quality Bi2212 single crystal, as a function of microwave power in three mutual orientations of crystal ab plane, dc field (Hdc), and microwave magnetic field (Hw). NMA line shapes in Bi2212 crystal are complicated with a narrow peak (P1 peak) located near zero field, followed by a much broader second peak (P2 peak) in the particular orientations. More excitingly, we show that the P2 peak qualitatively evolves as a function of microwave power in the orientation of Hdc ab plane, plane, and Hdc Hw. In this configuration, as the microwave power is progressively increased, the broad P2 peak first gets smeared off and then a multiple peak structure appears, which develops into another narrower second peak (Ps-peak) at high enough microwave powers. In the orientation of plane, Hw ab plane, and Hdc Hw, we report for the first time the appearance and disappearance of a new second peak (P2-like peak) as a function of microwave power.  相似文献   
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