We present a generalization of the Rytov analysis for curvature corrections to the impedance boundary condition (IBC) that allows such boundary conditions to be written down using general coordinate systems and bases for vectors. This removes the need to base the analysis of IBCs on either principal curvature axes or on hypothetical orthogonal coordinate systems. As an application, we show how to write down high-order IBCs for surfaces that are the deformation of a plane. We also show how the use of such an IBC can be used to further reconcile Kirchhoff and small perturbation methods. 相似文献
We report a tenfold stability improvement in the mean wavelength variations induced by polarization fluctuations in an Er-doped superfluorescent fiber source. This was accomplished by replacing the mirror in a double-pass source with a Faraday rotator mirror, thereby nearly eliminating polarization dependent gain. The resulting mean wavelength variations of less than 3.5 parts-per-million (limited by the detection noise floor), approach the requirement for inertial-grade fiber optic gyroscopes. 相似文献
Quantitative measurement of cell cycle progression in individual cells over time is important in understanding drug treatment effects on cancer cells. Recent advances in time-lapse fluorescence microscopy imaging have provided an important tool to study the cell cycle process under different conditions of perturbation. However, existing computational imaging methods are rather limited in analyzing and tracking such time-lapse datasets, and manual analysis is unreasonably time-consuming and subject to observer variances. This paper presents an automated system that integrates a series of advanced analysis methods to fill this gap. The cellular image analysis methods can be used to segment, classify, and track individual cells in a living cell population over a few days. Experimental results show that the proposed method is efficient and effective in cell tracking and phase identification. 相似文献
Synchronized external pulsation is proposed as a method to improve tolerance to acceleration stress. This technique uses a modified anti-G suit which is pressurized and depressurized synchronously with the heart cycle. The feasibility of the procedure has been studied using a computer model of the cardiovascular system which includes the effects of Gz stress, and contains simulations of baroreceptor control of heart rate and venous tone. Model predictions indicate that for unprotected subjects, carotid pressure at eye level (ophthalmic artery pressure) decreases to 20 mmHg (beginning of central light loss) at approximately +3.6 Gz. Applying standard anti-G suit pressure to the model increases this level to 5.3 Gz. When synchronized external pulsation of 2 psi is superimposed on the standard anti-G suit pressure, the tolerance to acceleration stress is further augmented by at least 0.9 G above the protection afforded by the standard anti-G suit alone. A set of preliminary experiments on human subjects to test the feasibility of using the technique in the high-G environment has also been carried out. The results under various protection modes compare favorably to the model predictions. Our results suggest that the computer model presented here is a useful tool for studying cardiovascular responses under +GZ stress. It also indicates that using synchronized external pulsation pressure superimposed on the standard anti-G suit pressure may offer extra protection to acceleration stress. 相似文献
Two hot deboning procedures for producing vacuum packed primal beef joints were compared with conventional side chilling followed by cold deboning. Cold shortening toughness was avoided in the hot procedures either by a delay before chilling or by electrical stimulation of the carcass. Overall evaporative losses were 0·6% with hot deboning and 1·9% with cold deboning. Hot deboning reduced drip loss but the effect was smaller after electrical stimulation. The colour of large muscles which cool unevenly on the side was more uniform after hot deboning, but again the improvement was smaller after electrical stimulation. There was no difference in bacterial contamination or growth on hot and cold deboned meat, and instrumental and sensory assessments confirmed that eating quality was similar for all three treatments. 相似文献
This study explores the patterns of exchange of research knowledge among Education Research, Cognitive Science, and what we call “Border Fields.” We analyze a set of 32,121 articles from 177 selected journals, drawn from five sample years between 1994 and 2014. We profile the references that those articles cite, and the papers that cite them. We characterize connections among the fields in sources indexed by Web of Science (WoS) (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles and proceedings), and connections in sources that are not (e.g., conference talks, chapters, books, and reports). We note five findings—first, over time the percentage of Education Research papers that extensively cite Cognitive Science has increased, but the reverse is not true. Second, a high percentage of Border Field papers extensively cite and are cited by the other fields. Border Field authors’ most cited papers overlap those most cited by Education Research and Cognitive Science. There are fewer commonalities between Educational research and Cognitive Science most cited papers. This is consistent with Border Fields being a bridge between fields. Third, over time the Border Fields have moved closer to Education Research than to Cognitive Science, and their publications increasingly cite, and are cited by, other Border Field publications. Fourth, Education Research is especially strongly represented in the literature published outside those WoS-indexed publications. Fifth, the rough patterns observed among these three fields when using a more restricted dataset drawn from the WoS are similar to those observed with the dataset lying outside the WoS, but Education Research shows a far heavier influence than would be indicated by looking at WoS records alone.
The present study is concerned with the human factors that contribute to violations in aviation maintenance. Much of our previous research in this area has been based on safety climate surveys and the analysis of relations among core dimensions of climate. In this study, we tap into mainstream psychological theory to help clarify the mechanisms underlying the links between climate and behavior. Specifically, we demonstrate the usefulness of Ajzen's (1991, 2001) Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to understanding violation behaviors in aircraft maintenance. A questionnaire was administered to 307 aircraft maintenance workers. Constructs measured by the survey included perceptions of management attitudes to safety, own attitudes to violations, intention to violate, group norms, workplace pressures, and violations. A model based on the TPB illustrated hypothetical connections among these variables. Path analyses using AMOS suggested some theoretically justifiable modifications to the model. Fit statistics of the revised model were excellent with intentions, group norms, and personal attitudes combining to explain 50% of the variance in self-reported violations. The model highlighted the importance of management attitudes and group norms as direct and indirect predictors of violation behavior. We conclude that the TPB is a useful tool for understanding the psychological background to the procedural violations so often associated with incidents and accidents. 相似文献
A CNC machining operation is the outcome of the application of the integrated capabilities of various resources within the CNC machining centre. Part fixtures, clamping and other location mechanisms are essential subsets of CNC machining resources. Today, various fixturing techniques and attachments available in the market allow manufacturers to enhance their production capability without buying expensive machine tools. This technology-rich fixturing domain is detached while representing and exchanging machine tool resource information for making manufacturing decisions. The research work in this article utilises the STEP-NC compliant unified manufacturing resource model (UMRM) for representing fixtures in conjunction with the parent CNC machining centre. Thus, UMRM is enhanced in this context to represent various fixtures such as universal vises, chucks, pallets and auxiliary rotary tables among others. The major contribution of this article is the application of the extension of the UMRM approach for representing fixturing domain, which allows generic modelling of fixtures and loading devices in addition to machine workpiece and process modelling. This would enable the stage of automated process planning and manufacturing. The universal approach in representing resource information allows the data to be utilised for making a wide variety of manufacturing decisions. 相似文献
As a component of a multisensor approach to monitoring carbon sequestration sites for possible leaks of the CO? gas from underground reservoirs, a low-cost multispectral imaging system has been developed for indirect detection of gas leaks through observations of the resulting stress in overlying vegetation. The imager employs front-end optics designed to provide a full 50° field of view with a small, low-cost CMOS detector, while still maintaining quasi-collimated light through the angle-dependent interference filters used to define the spectral bands. Red and near-infrared vegetation reflectances are used to compute the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and spatial and temporal patterns are analyzed statistically to identify regions of anomalous stress, which are then flagged for closer inspection with in-situ CO? sensors. The system is entirely self-contained with an onboard compact computer and is housed in a weather-proof housing to enable extended outdoor deployment. 相似文献