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Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a relatively uncommon yet distinct type of malignant lymphoma whose clinical and pathological characterization has been limited by the small numbers of cases published to date. We studied 80 cases of MCL seen at a single institution over 7 years to determine both clinical and pathological prognostic factors. The patients in this study were predominantly male (70%) and older (mean age, 63 years) and presented with advanced-stage disease (88%). Extranodal involvement was common. Median overall survival (OS) was 43 months. Except for performance status, prognosis was not significantly influenced by clinical prognostic factors. Histologically, MCL architecture was classified as diffuse (78%), nodular (16%), or mantle zone (6%); the OS among these groups was identical. Increased mitotic activity (>20 mitotic figures per 10 high power fields), blastic transformation, and peripheral blood involvement at diagnosis also predicted for a worse outcome, but bone marrow involvement did not. The presence or absence of a translocation t(11; 14) by cytogenetic analysis or a bcl-1 rearrangement by Southern analysis did not significantly predict outcome. In summary, this study of 80 cases of MCL highlights its distinctive clinicopathologic features and shows that increased mitotic activity, blastic morphology, and peripheral blood involvement at diagnosis are prognostically important factors.  相似文献   
This study was designed to address three objectives in an experimental model of acute congestive heart failure (CHF) in the dog produced by rapid ventricular pacing. The first objective was to characterize cardiorenal and humoral responses before and during 2 h of acute CHF. The second objective was to determine the modulating action of iv furosemide upon these biologic responses to acute CHF, testing the hypothesis that furosemide-mediated natriuresis is associated with activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) compared with the control group. The third objective was to determine the modulating action of continuous low-dose atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) administration during acute CHF upon these biologic responses, testing the hypothesis that exogenous low-dose ANF would prevent activation of the RAAS and enhance the natriuretic action of furosemide. In the control group (Group 1; N = 6), plasma ANF increased after the onset of CHF; GFR and sodium excretion were maintained without activation of this RAAS despite arterial hypotension. In Group 2 (N = 6), furosemide in acute CHF increased sodium excretion but in association with a decrease in GFR and activation of the RAAS. Low-dose exogenous ANF and furosemide (Group 3; N = 6) in acute CHF were associated with a maintenance of GFR, no activation of the RAAS, and potentiation of furosemide-induced natriuresis. In summary, these studies demonstrate that furosemide potently increases sodium excretion in acute CHF, but with a decrease in GFR and activation of the RAAS. Low-dose ANF in acute CHF with furosemide maintains GFR, attenuates activation of the RAAS, and potentiates natriuresis.  相似文献   
The erm family of 23S rRNA adenine-N6-methyltransferases confers resistance to all macrolide-lincosamide-streptograminB (MLS) antibiotics, but not all MLS antibiotics induce synthesis of Erm methyltransferase with equal efficiency in a given organism. The induction efficiency of a test panel of MLS antibiotics was studied by using two translational attenuator-lac reporter gene fusion constructs, one based on ermSV from Streptomyces viridochromogenes NRRL 2860 and the other based on ermC from Staphylococcus aureus RN2442. Four types of responses which were correlated with the macrolide ring size were seen, as follows: group 1, both ermSV and ermC were induced by the 14-membered-ring macrolides erythromycin, lankamycin, and matromycin, as well as by the lincosamide celesticetin; group 2, neither ermSV nor ermC was induced by the 12-membered-ring macrolide methymycin or by the lincosamide lincomycin or the streptogramin type B antibiotic ostreogrycin B; group 3, ermSV was selectively induced over ermC by the 16-membered-ring macrolides carbomycin, chalcomycin, cirramycin, kitasamycin, maridomycin, and tylosin; and group 4, ermC was selectively induced over ermSV by the 14-membered-ring macrolide megalomicin. These data suggest that the leader peptide determines the specificity of induction by different classes of MLS antibiotics and that for a given attenuator, a major factor which determines whether a given macrolide induces resistance is its size.  相似文献   
The goal of orthopaedic interventions is to improve the functional health of patients, particularly physical function. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA) commissioned a work group to construct functional health outcomes scales for children and adolescents, focusing on musculoskeletal health. The work group developed scales assessing upper extremity function, transfers and mobility, physical function and sports, comfort (pain free), happiness and satisfaction, and expectations for treatment. Parent and adolescent self-report forms were developed and tested on 470 subjects aged 2-18 years. The POSNA scales demonstrated good reliability, construct validity, sensitivity to change over a 9-month period, and ability to outperform a standard instrument, the Child Health Questionnaire physical functioning scale. They were useful for a wide variety of ages and diagnoses. They appear to be ideally suited for orthopaedic surgeons to assess the functional health and efficacy of treatment of their patients at baseline and follow-up.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) compromises cardiopulmonary function and visceral perfusion. Our goal was to characterize acute changes in these subsystems associated with operative abdominal decompression. PATIENT POPULATION: A series of 11 consecutive injured patients monitored with a pulmonary artery catheter and nasogastric tonometer in whom operative decompression was performed. Indications for decompression included oliguria or progressive acidosis despite aggressive resuscitation in the presence of elevated IAP (>25 mm Hg). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Studied hemodynamic variables included pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP), right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI), and cardiac index (CI). Pulmonary variables included shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) and dynamic compliance (Cdyn). Visceral perfusion was assessed using hourly urine output 4 hours before and after decompression (UOP) and gastric intramucosal pH (pHi). Mean values before and after decompression were compared using the paired t test. Linear regression and Fisher's z transformation were used to evaluate the relationships between RVEDVI, PAOP, CI, and IAP. IAP was transduced via bladder pressures. Significance was defined as p < 0.05. Data are expressed as means+/-SD. RESULTS: IAP decreased with decompression (49+/-11 to 19+/-6.8 mm Hg; p < 0.0001). RVEDVI improved independent of CI and correlated better (p < 0.01) with CI (r =0.49, p=0.04) than PAOP did (r=-0.36, p=0.09). PAOP correlated significantly with IAP (r=0.45, p=0.04). Decompression resulted in significant improvements in Qs/Qt, Cdyn, UOP, and pHi. CONCLUSION: Abdominal decompression in patients with increased IAP improves preload, pulmonary function, and visceral perfusion. Elevated IAP has important effects on PAOP, which makes the PAOP an unreliable index of preload in these patients.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Right-angle dual-headed tomography has increased cardiac SPECT utility by cutting acquisition time in half which enhances gating capabilities. When gating, however, a deceleration in heart rate, due to a return to baseline rate after stress or lessened anxiety at the end of a study, may significantly affect the last step(s) of a gated study with possible frame or information loss. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the artifacts produced in myocardial perfusion studies when a frame or frames are lost in single- and dual-detector SPECT imaging methodologies. METHODS: A near-normal 99mTc-sestamibi study was obtained using a dual-headed camera system fitted with high-resolution, long-bore collimators. The normal study was processed including all frames (1-32). To demonstrate the effect of losing frames on a dual-headed system, the study was processed three different ways to simulate frame loss. RESULTS: Loss of frames at the end of a SPECT acquisition results in significant inferoseptal wall defects, left ventricular lumen narrowing, as well as thinning of the anterior and lateral walls. The overall appearance of the heart is a more oval-shaped heart with decreased perfusion. The effect of losing the last frame in a dual-headed camera system as opposed to losing the last frame in a single-headed camera system is more substantial. CONCLUSION: A scan resulting in the loss of a frame in either a single- or a dual-headed camera system creates artifacts in the myocardial wall and should always be repeated. It is significant to note that artifacts present in a dual-headed system are much more prevalent than in a single-headed system due to the nature of dual-headed acquisition parameters.  相似文献   
We have evaluated our practice of tube caecostomies in 21 children operated on from January 1982 to December 1987 at the Royal Hospital for sick children, Bristol, and 18 children operated on at the Paediatric Surgery Unit of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana from January 1989 to December 1996. The indications for surgery were, Hirschsprung's disease (36) and idiopathic constipation (3). The definitive procedures involved were Duhamel's procedure in 36, Soave's procedure in 2 and colo-anal anastomosis in 1 case. This method reduces the total number of surgical operations required by the child from 3 to 2, thereby reducing the total period of hospitalisation for the child. A sample technique of tube caecostomy is described in 39 children undergoing corrective surgery.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the efficacy of a social-influences tobacco prevention program conducted with adolescents living in a high tobacco production area. METHODS: Students in 10 experimental schools completed the tobacco prevention program and a booster intervention. Control students received health education as usual. RESULTS: After 2 years of treatment, smoking rates in the treatment group (vs the control group) were lower for 30-day, 7-day, and 24-hour smoking. The intervention had more of an impact on those who were involved in raising tobacco than it did on those not involved in raising tobacco. CONCLUSIONS: Although modest, effects were achieved with minimal intervention time in a high-risk group, indicating that social-influences prevention programs may be effective in such groups.  相似文献   
Cysteine string proteins (Csps) are synaptic vesicle proteins thought to be involved in calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release at nerve endings. Here, we report the cloning of two Csp variants, termed Csp1 and Csp2, from bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells. The bovine Csp1 appears to be the homologue of rat brain Csp, sharing 95% identity at the amino acid level. The nucleotide sequence of csp2 is identical with that of csp1 except for a 72-base insert which introduces a stop codon into the coding sequence, which would be predicted to result in a truncated protein 3.3 kDa smaller than Csp1. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction analysis detected homologues of Csp1 and Csp2 in rat kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen, lung, and adrenal gland. Expression of Csps in non-neuronal tissues was confirmed by Northern blotting and by immunoblotting with anti-Csp1 antiserum which also demonstrated expression of both full-length and truncated Csps in spleen. The widespread tissue distribution is inconsistent with a role of Csps as specific regulators of presynaptic calcium channels as previously proposed. We suggest that Csps may have a more general role in membrane traffic in non-neuronal as well as neuronal cells.  相似文献   
The term, atrophy/hypertrophy complex (AHC) of the liver, denotes a distinct combination of hepatic atrophy and hypertrophy occurring in situations of significant impairment of bile flow and/or portal or hepatic venous blood flow. In the lobes or segments concerned atrophy ensues, whereas areas not or less involved develop compensatory hypertrophy, resulting in a characteristic gross deformity of the organ and, in some instances, in rotation of the liver around a virtual hilar axis. As recognition and early detection of AHC have a strong implication on the treatment of several hepatobiliary diseases, adequate combined clinical, radiological and histopathological strategies have to be used in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis. The present investigation was designed to analyze the morphology of AHC in detail and to define lesion patterns having the highest predictive value. For atrophy, the following features were highly characteristic: 1) Advanced septal fibrosis with or without nodular change of parenchyma; 2) Biliary piecemeal necrosis with formation of vascular structures; 3) Ductular proliferations, frequently extending into septa and involving the parenchyma; 4) Capillarization of sinusoids with type IV collagen deposition in Disse's space; 5) Factor VIII-associated antigen expression by sinusoidal endothelia; 6) a seemingly paradoxical increase of proliferative activity of hepatocytes as based on PCNA staining. The severity of lesions in atrophy was related to the type of underlying disease, in that the changes were clearly more expressed in situations of longstanding obstruction due to benign disease. Using a set of well-defined morphological parameters, atrophy can be reproducibly distinguished from hypertrophy in biopsy material from AHC.  相似文献   
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