Micro electro mechanical system are usually defined as highly miniaturized devices combining both electrical and mechanical components that are fabricated using integrated circuit batch processing techniques. Silicon based stacked diaphragm structure is a combination of silicon-di-oxide and the silicon layer. This work brings out a new approach of finding the sensitivity of stacked diaphragm with respect one of the important parameters like deflection. The sensitivity is also evaluated under thermal effect and, the analytical model developed for the same closely matches with the finite element model. The doping concentration of 1017cm-3, in which single silicon shows maximum sensitivity has been selected and an increase in the sensitivity is observed on using a stacked diaphragm structure. The stacked diaphragm structure is designed, simulated and compared with existing single diaphragm design with respect to diaphragm deflection and sensor output voltage for linearity over a wider range. The effect of the buried oxide in the stacked diaphragm structure is also considered in this work. The work in this paper provides a mathematical expression for realizing the effect of boron implanted resistors on the stacked diaphragm structure. The simulation result reported in the literature evaluates the deflection at a particular temperature but the new analytical model developed in this paper evaluates the sensitivity of the diaphragm over a temperature range. 相似文献
The tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) is an ambipolar device that conducts current with the channel in both accumulation and inversion modes. Analytical expressions for the channel potential and current in a TFET with an n-doped channel when operating in the accumulation and inversion modes are proposed herein. The potential model is derived by solving the two-dimensional (2D) Poisson equation using the superposition principle while considering the charges present in the channel due to electron or hole accumulation along with the depletion charges. An expression for the tunneling current corresponding to the maximum tunneling probability is also derived. The tunneling current is obtained by analytically calculating the minimum tunneling length in a TFET when operating in the accumulation or inversion mode. The results of the proposed potential model is compared with technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations for TFET with various dimensions, revealing good agreement. The potential and current in an n-type TFET (nTFET) obtained using the proposed models are also analyzed.
The effect of systemic or intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of the angiotensin AT1 receptor antagonist losartan on blood pressure during hypotensive haemorrhage was investigated in five conscious sheep. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured during haemorrhage (15 mL kg-1 body wt). Losartan (1 or 0.33 mg h-1) was given to sheep by ICV, intravenous or intracarotid administration, beginning 60 min before and continuing during the haemorrhage. During control infusion of ICV artificial cerebrospinal fluid, MAP was maintained until 13.16 +/- 0.84 mL kg-1 blood loss, when a rapid reduction of at least 15 mmHg in arterial pressure occurred (the decompensation phase). ICV infusion of losartan at 1 mg h-1 caused an early onset of the decompensation phase after only 9.8 +/- 0.8 mL kg-1 of blood loss compared with control. Intravenous infusion of losartan (1 mg h-1) also caused an early onset (P < 0.05) of the decompensation phase at 10.2 +/- 1.0 mL kg-1 blood loss. This dose of losartan inhibited the pressor response to ICV angiotensin II, but not to intravenously administered angiotensin II, indicating that only central AT1 receptors were blocked. Bilateral carotid arterial administration of losartan at 0.33 mg h-1 caused an early onset of the decompensation phase during haemorrhage at 11.06 +/- 0.91 mL kg-1 blood loss (P < 0.05), which did not occur when infused by intravenous or ICV routes. The results indicate that an angiotensin AT1-receptor-mediated mechanism is involved in the maintenance of MAP during haemorrhage in sheep. The locus of this mechanism appears to be the brain. 相似文献
Considera distributed real-time program which is executed on a systemwith a limited set of hardware resources. Assume the programis required to satisfy some timing constraints, despite the occurrenceof anticipated hardware failures. For efficient use of resources,scheduling decisions must be taken at run-time, considering deadlines,the load and hardware failures. The paper demonstrates how toreason about such dynamically scheduled programs in the frameworkof a timed process algebra and modal logic. The algebra providesa uniform process encoding of programs, hardware and schedulers,with an operational semantics of a process depending on the assumptionsabout faults. The logic specifies the timing properties of aprocess and verifies them via this fault-affected semantics,establishing fault-tolerance. The approach lends itself to applicationof existing tools and results supporting reasoning in processalgebras and modal logics. 相似文献
In this paper, the process of object detection and tracking is performed by means of five stages, namely frame segregation, shot segmentation, shape and texture feature extraction, object detection in frames through rough set theory and soft computing evolutionary programming with hybrid genetic algorithm particle swarm optimization. In the first stage, the input video file is segregated into number of frames and then the image frame from the specific shots is alone separated in the second stage with the help of DCT transformations. The third phase involves extracting shape and texture features from the shot segmented image frames. 相似文献
The magnetic behavior of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 single crystals and polycrystals has been subjected to a controversial debate for the last several years; while some groups show evidence for phase separation, others show spin-glass (SG) behavior. Here, we present a comprehensive investigation of the structural, ac susceptibility, and dc magnetization properties of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 single crystals grown by float zone method. The structural analysis of XRD data by Rietveld refinement reveals the single crystallographic phase. The ac susceptibility results exhibit a frequency dependent peak shift (??2 K) and time-dependent memory effect below the freezing temperature. The characteristic time scale ??o calculated from this peak shift is found to be of ??10?13 s which matches very well with typical values observed for a SG system. Further, the peak shift of the zero-field-cooling curves to lower temperature at higher dc fields is well described by the well-known de Almeida Thouless line, a characteristic of SG behavior. Thus, all our experimental findings confirm the existence of SG behavior in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 single crystals. 相似文献
The photocatalytic degradation of a small concentration of an organo-phosphorous (OP) insecticide phosphamidon, in water, on ZnO and TiO(2) is investigated. Of the two semiconductor oxides, TiO(2) is found to be more effective as a photocatalyst for this reaction. Several factors such as concentration of phosphamidon, pH of the system, catalyst loading and presence of anions are found to influence the degradation rate. The reaction follows apparent first-order kinetics, though at higher concentrations, there is a reduction in the order of the reaction. There is a simultaneous formation and decomposition of H(2)O(2) in the system, resulting in a periodic increase and decrease in its concentration. The catalyst TiO(2) is effective for the degradation of phosphamidon in direct sunlight and thus opens the possibility of solar decontamination of wastewater containing small amounts of OP pesticides. 相似文献
Lithium l-Ascorbate dihydrate (LLA) is a new metal organic nonlinear optical crystal belonging to the saccharide family. Single crystals of LLA were grown from aqueous solution. Solubility of the crystal has a positive temperature coefficient facilitating growth by slow cooling. Rietveld refinement was used to confirm the phase formation. The crystal has prismatic habit with (010), (001) and (10−1) prominent faces. Thermal analysis shows that the crystal is stable up to 102 °C. Transmission spectrum of the crystal extends from 302 nm to 1600 nm. Dielectric spectroscopic analysis revealed Cole–Cole behaviour and prominent piezoelectric resonance peaks were observed in the range of 100–200 kHz. Second harmonic generation (SHG) conversion efficiency of up to 2.56 times that of a phase matched KDP crystal was achieved when the (010) plate of LLA single crystal was rotated about the +ve c axis, by 9.4° in the clockwise direction. We also observed SHG conical sections which were attributed to noncollinear phase matching. The observation of the third conical section suggests very high birefringence and large nonlinear coefficients. A detailed study of surface laser damage showed that the crystal has high multiple damage thresholds of 9.7 GW cm−2 and 4.2 GW cm−2 at 1064 nm and 532 nm radiation respectively. 相似文献
Eighteen export grades (Agmark) of Indian cardamom have been studied for their chemical and physical qualities. The grades with heavier and bigger capsules (AGEB and CGEB) were inferior in their flavour constituents to the medium grade (AGS). Chemical bleaching of the capsules decreased the amount of flavour components, especially essential oil, in the capsules. 相似文献