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A two-unit parallel redundant system is applicable in many practical fields, such as computer systems. Whereas the earlier models for such a system have assumed that the failures of the two units are independent, these are taken here to be dependent and have a joint bivariate exponential (BVE) distribution. Each unit has three modes and when the system fails completely, it is repaired (or replaced) with arbitrary rate. Using Sugasaw and Kaji's (Microelectronics and Reliability, 21 (5), 661–670) modification of the regenerative point technique as applied to Markov-renewal process theory, several reliability characteristics of interest to system designers are obtained.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the mathematical model of a system composed of two non-identical active parallel units and one cold standby. A unit has N components, each having a constant failure and repair rate. These vary from component to component. Several reliability characteristics of interest to system designers as well as operations managers have been computed. Results obtained earlier are verified as particular cases.  相似文献   
The rate sensitivity of multiple obstacle aluminium alloy system was measured using the stress relaxation method. A discrepancy was observed between the slope of the Haasen plot (rate sensitivity of dislocation–dislocation interaction) in pure metals and in alloys strengthened by multiple obstacles. Considering a simplifying assumption of the constant obstacle force–distance profile, it is suggested that slope of the Haasen plot is governed by glide dislocations’ length taking part in a thermally activated event. The relative strength and spacing of obstacles (forest dislocations, solutes and precipitates) is proposed to affect the thermally activated dislocation length, which in turn manifests as the difference in slope of the Haasen plot.  相似文献   
The synthesis and the spectroscopy of upconverting nanocolloidal solutions have recently generated considerable interest due to their potential application as biolevels and in biological assays. This paper reports the synthesis of lanthanides doped transparent colloidal solution via pulsed laser ablation (PLA) which is highly fluorescing. Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Gd2O3 phosphor has been laser ablated to synthesize the colloidal solution in triply distilled water. Spherical shaped nanoparticles of the average diameter in the range of 8–26 nm have been synthesized and characterized. Efficient multicolor upconversion (UC) emission has been observed and possible UC mechanism has been suggested. This approach will provide a method to synthesize highly UC efficient, non-agglomerated, pure transparent nanocolloidal solution for biological applications from already reported efficient phosphors.  相似文献   
Urchin-like p-type ZnO nanorods were grown along preferred (100) direction by low temperature solution technique and subjected to morphological, structural, Hall conductivity, dielectric and ferroelectric characterization. Hall voltage, bulk carrier density (hole) and mobility were found to be 0.058 V, 2.36 × 1019 cm3 and 0.025 cm2/V s, respectively. In the temperature variation of the dielectric constant a phase transition at 343 K was observed at various frequencies. The piezoelectric charge coefficient (d33) was found to be 1.60 pC/N. In the ferroelectric hysteresis loop studies, ZnO exhibited remnant polarization and coercive field at 0.083 µC/cm2 and 3.86 kV/cm, respectively.  相似文献   
An overview of the problem of the coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in uranium-based superconductors such as UGe2, URhGe, UCoGe, UIr and ZrZn2 will be briefly presented. Starting with a pairing Hamiltonian with equal spin superconducting triplet pairs and using quantum field theory Green function formalism, the coexistent ferromagnetic order with superconductivity will be shown to be a very distinct possibility. The singlet superconductivity coexisting with ferromagnetism is against the experimental observations. It will be argued that the superconductivity can be destroyed at two points as a result of magnetic fields both intrinsic and or extrinsic, and thus establishing reentrant superconductivity as observed most recently in URhGe. In the absence of consensus on the mechanism, the same is not highlighted although the magnetic quantum fluctuations emanating from quantum critical point could provide the pairing. The limitations of the model will also be discussed.  相似文献   
Journal of Materials Science - Water pollution with heavy metals has been a problem for the environment and human health. The cohabitation of As(III) and fluoride in groundwater has gotten...  相似文献   
Kiwifruit is one of the most popular fruits worldwide, and it has various biological properties, including antioxidant, anti-allergic, and cardiovascular protective effects. The peel of kiwifruit, which is a by-product of processing, is a good source of flavonoids; however, its bioactivity has not been widely investigated. In this study, we evaluated the hypnotic effects of green (GRPE, Actinidia deliciosa) and gold (GOPE, Actinidia chinensis) kiwifruit peel ethanol extracts and their solvent fractions, and the possible underlying mechanisms. Oral GRPE and GOPE administration (125–1000 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent decrease in sleep latency and an increase in sleep duration in pentobarbital-treated mice. Among three different solvent fractions of GRPE and GOPE, ethyl acetate (EA) fractions had the greatest effect on sleep duration at 250 mg/kg. The total flavonoid contents of solvent fractions were proportional to sleep duration. Like diazepam (a GABAA–benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor agonist), the hypnotic effects of GRPE, GOPE, and their EA fractions were fully inhibited by flumazenil (a GABAA–BZD receptor antagonist). These results suggest that potentiation effects of GRPE and GOPE on pentobarbital-induced sleep in mice may be modulated by a GABAergic mechanism.  相似文献   
Beef meat was cooked at 373 K for 10 and 30 min to investigate the effect of the cooking conditions generally used during beef stew and curry preparation on protein digestibility. The cooked meats, along with a raw control, were digested using an in vitro digestion model to simulate gastric and small-intestinal conditions. Samples taken at different digestion times were analyzed using SDS-PAGE, RP-HPLC, ninhydrin assays for amino N and transmission electron microscopy. Simulated gastric conditions quickly led to the loss of basic sarcomere structure in raw meat myofibrils whereas the sarcomere structure of the compact cooked meat myofibrils remained intact after 30 min of gastric digestion. Prolonged cooking of meat (30 min) resulted in incomplete digestion of small MW (<10 kDa) peptides, as observed from SDS-PAGE. This agreed with the amount of ninhydrin-reactive amino N released during digestion, which decreased with an increase in cooking time. The RP-HPLC peak areas of the major identified amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine) also decreased with an increase in cooking time. This suggested the formation of “limit peptides” during prolonged cooking of beef, which were not further broken down into free amino acids by digestive enzymes and therefore might not be bioavailable.  相似文献   
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