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Rats with medial prefrontal cortical lesions were tested in a modified water maze navigation task. In Stage 1, the rats were trained to locate a hidden platform from a single start location. They were then subjected to a series of trials during which a second start position was used (Stage 2). In Stage 3, the rats had to navigate to a new goal location from the 2 experienced start positions. Stage 4 required the rats to navigate to the same goal as in Stage 3, starting from 4 distinct positions. Finally, a single probe trial with no platform was conducted. Rats with prefrontal lesions were impaired only during Stage 4. This deficit was specific to the 2 start positions newly introduced during this stage, suggesting a dysfunction of planning processes. This impairment might result from a working memory deficit, precluding the animal from forming an adequate representation of the whole course of movements required to reach the platform. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Agglomeration in the fluidized bed roasting of zinc sulphide concentrate was investigated in a continuous pilot-scale fluidized bed roaster. Alone or together, low stoichiometric excess oxygen (<10%) and high temperature (>940 °C) contributed most significantly to agglomeration of zinc calcine particles. Only one test – with 0% excess oxygen at 940 °C – led to severe agglomeration and subsequent defluidisation. Neither large initial particle size nor low gas superficial velocity promoted agglomeration as much as the combination of low stoichiometric excess oxygen and high temperature.Lead sulphide, a common impurity in zinc sulphide concentrate, also appeared to have played a key role in agglomeration. Both low excess oxygen and high temperature favoured a high partial pressure of sublimated lead sulphide. Upon contact with oxygen, lead sulphide oxidised to lead oxide, which then precipitated as a liquid onto the rather inert bed particles. As a liquid, lead oxide formed coatings that caused small particles to adhere to larger ones, as well as liquid bridges that bound particles together.  相似文献   
The gut microbiota plays a role in fat accumulation and energy homeostasis. Therefore, probiotic supplementation may improve metabolic parameters and control body weight.  相似文献   
IL-17A is considered to guide liver inflammation and fibrosis. From twenty-two human liver samples of different fibrosis stages (F0 to F4), IL-17A, IL-22, and TGFβ1 protein expression in liver tissue lysates were analyzed. Ten paired samples of liver tissue (F0–F1 stage) and blood from the same patient were used to analyze intrahepatic and blood T-lymphoid IL-17A+ cells by flow cytometry. The analyses have been performed regardless of pathology, considering the stage of fibrosis. Human liver tissue was used for the primary human liver slice cultures, followed by subsequent cytokine stimulation and fibrotic markers’ analysis by ELISA. IL-17A production in human liver tissue was significantly higher in the early fibrotic stage compared with the advanced stage. Th17 T cells and, to a lesser extent, MAIT cells were the main sources of IL-17A in both compartments, the liver and the blood. Moreover, the presence of liver Th17IL-17A+INFγ+ cells was detected in the liver. IL-17A stimulation of human liver slice culture increased the expression of profibrotic and pro-inflammatory markers. IL-17A, secreted by Th17 and MAIT cells in the liver, triggered fibrosis by inducing the expression of IL-6 and profibrotic markers and could be a target for antifibrotic treatment. Further amplitude studies are needed to confirm the current results.  相似文献   
Wood sawdust gasification experiments were performed in a steam fluidized bed at 800 °C between 2 and 10 bar. An evolution of gas yields with time was measured during the tests, and especially an increase of hydrogen and carbon dioxide yields. This test duration effect was ascribed to char build-up in the bed. As tests proceed, the contribution of char steam gasification to gas yield increases, and the catalytic effect of char on hydrocarbons and tar conversion and on water-gas shift reaction is enhanced.As total pressure increases from 2 to 10 bar, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane yields increase by 16%, 53% and 38% respectively, whereas carbon monoxide yield decreases by 33%. The changes in gaseous yields with pressure can be partly explained by the influence of pressure on gas phase reactions (acceleration of water-gas shift kinetics and change in hydrocarbon reactions). The increase of methane yield with pressure is rather suggested to be linked to a change in secondary pyrolysis reactions scheme under high pressure.  相似文献   
Oxidized stainless steel electrodes containing chromium oxides without any conducting additives or binder have been successfully cycled at high temperatures (up to 100 °C) in organic solvent-based electrolytes with high reversibility. Cycling at high temperature results in an enhancement of the capacity at lower voltages, which is maintained upon cycling. After studying different electrolyte candidates, the best results were obtained using lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) dissolved in ethylene carbonate.  相似文献   
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