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Tribological properties of a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating with an adhesive tungsten-containing DLC (W-DLC) layer were investigated. The coatings were deposited onto AISI316L steel substrates and Si wafers using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and tungsten co-sputtering of the metal target. Methane and argon gases were used as the precursor of the coatings. In this study, three types of coatings were evaluated: DLC/W-DLC on AISI316L (DLC-1), DLC/W-DLC on Si wafer (DLC-2), and DLC on Si wafer (DLC-3). The structural characterizations were performed by transmission electron microscopy and tapping mode atomic force microscopy. At the boundary between the W-DLC layer and the AISI316L substrate, microscopic decohesion or delamination was not observed. The surface roughness of the DLC-1 coating was greater than that of the DLC-2 coating. This feature was derived from the surface roughness of the initial surface of the AISI316L substrate. Friction tests were performed using a rotation-type ball-on-flat configuration tribometer. The observed friction of the DLC-1 coating was unstable compared with the DLC-2 or DLC-3 coatings. This was due to wear debris which had risen to the friction surface resulting in unstable friction on the DLC-1 coating. During the friction studies, the top DLC layer was removed from the adhesive W-DLC layer because the adhesive strength at this part was not enough. In order to achieve the low and stable friction of the DLC coating with the W-DLC layer on AISI316L, it is necessary to improve the smoothness of the surface and the adhesion between the DLC coating and the W-DLC layer.  相似文献   
A chemical treatment to remove residual CeO2 phase on CeO2–ZrO2 (CZ) solid solution was carried out. A CZ was treated by H2O2 for the reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+ and then HNO3 for the dissolution of Ce3+ compounds (H–CZ). H2-TPR, TEM-EDX and XPS analyses revealed the removal of CeO2 phase and the homogeneous distribution of Ce species. About 20% improvement in oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of H–CZ was confirmed at 773 K by the weight measurements under H2/N2 and air atmospheres, indicating that the HNO3/H2O2 treatment was effective to avoid the deterioration of the OSC by segregated CeO2 on the CZ binary oxides.  相似文献   
Dielectric and electrical properties of Permalloy granular composite materials have been studied considering the application to left-handed meta-materials. Surface oxidized Permalloy particles have high surface electrical resistance; the eddy current effect in the composite structure is suppressed. The electrical conductivity of compacted Permalloy particles increases with increasing temperature and indicates the semiconductive layer formation on the particle. The low frequency ac electrical conductivity of Permalloy composite materials shows a drastic increase in the particle content between 50 and 60 vol.%. Electrical permittivity spectra of Permalloy composites show a non-metallic characteristic and the enhancement of permittivity is observed with increase of Permalloy particle content.  相似文献   
Helium plasma irradiation and electron heating experiments were conducted using tungsten in the divertor simulator NAGDIS-II. Helium plasma irradiation to tungsten led to the formation of nanostructures on the surface, while the nanostructures were annihilated after the potential of the specimen was changed to positive for several 10 min so that electrons irradiated the sample without ion irradiation. The specimens were analyzed in detail by transmission electron microscope with the help of focused ion beam technique. It is revealed that the helium nano-bubbles still remained even after the nanostructures were disappeared from the surface. Porosity of the nanostructured tungsten was measured from the TEM images.  相似文献   
The development of a Water Cooled Ceramic Breeder (WCCB) Test Blanket Module (TBM) is being performed as one of the most important steps toward DEMO blanket in Japan. For the TBM testing and evaluation toward DEMO blanket, the module fabrication technology development by a candidate structural material, reduced activation martensitic/ferritic steel, F82H, is one of the most critical items from the viewpoint of realization of TBM testing in ITER. In Japan, fabrication of a real scale first wall, side walls, a breeder pebble bed box and assembling of the first wall and side walls have succeeded. Recently, the real scale partial mockup of the back wall was fabricated. The fabrication procedure of the back wall, whose thickness is up to 90 mm, was confirmed toward the fabrication of the real scale back wall by F82H. Important key technologies are almost clarified for the fabrication of the real scale TBM module mockup. From the view point of testing and evaluation, development of the technology of the blanket tritium recovery, development of advanced breeder and multiplier pebbles and the development of the blanket neutronics measurement technology are also performed. Also, tritium production and recovery test using D-T neutron in the Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) facility has been started as the verification test of tritium production performance. This paper overviews the recent achievements of the development of the WCCB TBM in Japan.  相似文献   
The XT-ADS, an accelerator-driven system for an experimental demonstration, has been investigated in the framework of IP EUROTRANS FP6 project. In this study, the sensitivity and uncertainty analyses were performed to comprehend the reliability of the XT-ADS neutronic design.  相似文献   
Sulfur and strontium isotopes (delta(34)S and (87)Sr/(86)Sr) were determined in 39 river water samples collected over three different cultivation periods (April, May, and June), and in several materials used for comparison (fertilizers, detergents, soils, irrigation and agricultural waters), to evaluate the impact of fertilizers on a small agricultural watershed of Lake Biwa, in central Japan. delta(34)S values in river water decreased (from +5.8 to -2.0 per thousand) with increasing SO(4) concentrations (3.8 to 93.2 ppm) from upstream to downstream of the watershed. Comparison of river water S isotopes with those of possible source materials indicates that the enrichment of SO(4) can be attributed to the dissolution of two kinds of fertilizers: (1) compound fertilizers commonly used in this area and (2) ammonium sulfate which is applied on a small scale. In contrast, (87)Sr/(86)Sr values of river water decreased with time from April (avg. 0.71163), through May (avg. 0.71139), to June (avg. 0.71127). The tendency of the sample plots on the (87)Sr/(86)Sr vs. 1/Sr diagram suggests a time-dependent increase in the contribution of soil water to the river, which is partly affected by the Sr-bearing fertilizers. It is suggested that a maximum of 25% of dissolved Sr is derived from these fertilizers, while more than 75% of it is of rock origin. Mass balance calculations permitted us to evaluate the proportion of fertilizer contribution in each river. Combined use of S and Sr isotopes together with concentration data could be a new environmental diagnosis technique for rivers and soils in localized watersheds.  相似文献   
The electrode characteristics of perovskite-type oxides, La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 and La0.6Sr0.4MnO3, on ceria-based oxide and stabilized zirconia were analysed by the a.c. impedance method. The ionic conductivities of the electrolyte and electrode conductivities from the a.c. impedance analysis agreed with those obtained from the current interruption and d.c. four-probe methods. Two semicircles from the charge transfer and diffusion processes appeared as the electrode resistance. The relative contribution of these two processes to the overall electrode resistance strongly depended on the microstructure of the electrode. The electrode microstructure could be controlled by the dispersion medium used for the electrode slurry. The La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 electrode coated with n-butyl acetate slurry exhibited the smallest electrode resistance.  相似文献   
A secure optical storage based on a configuration of a joint transform correlator by use of a photorefractive material is presented. A key code designed through the use of an optimized algorithm so that its Fourier transform has a uniform amplitude distribution and a uniformly random phase distribution is introduced. Original two-dimensional data and the key code are placed side-by-side at the input plane. Both of them are stored in a photorefractive material as a joint power spectrum. The retrieval of the original data can be achieved with the same key code. We can record multiple two-dimensional data in the same crystal by angular multiplexing and/or key code multiplexing.  相似文献   
Reflection measurements in the 25-35 nm region were made for Mg/SiC and Mg/Y2O3 multilayers kept in a low-humidity atmosphere for 4 or 5 years. Aged Mg/SiC multilayers keep their reflectances, and the reflectance value at 31.2 nm is 0.44 at 10 degrees of the normal angle of incidence. Aged Mg/Y2O3 multilayers change reflectance as top layer materials, and the best value at 30.1 nm is 0.40 at 10 degrees. Reflection measurements are also made for Mg-based multilayers that are annealed from room temperature to 400 degrees C at 50 degrees C intervals. Both multilayers keep their reflectance at annealing temperatures of 200 degrees C. These results suggest that both Mg-based multilayers can be applied to practical optics.  相似文献   
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