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Block sorting in the Burrows-Wheeler transformation is to sort all of the n circular shifts of a string of length n lexicographically. We introduce a notion called the width of a sequence of n strings of length n and show that the values of widths are very different between the two types of sequences of strings; (1) a sequence of n randomly generated strings of length n, and (2) the sequence of n circular shifts of a randomly generated string of length n.  相似文献   
Primary accelerometer calibration is carried out under the assumption that a vibration exciter gives a rectilinear motion to an accelerometer to be calibrated. However practical vibration given by the vibration exciter includes parasitic motion such as transverse, rocking, and bending motion. Such parasitic motion would give two serious effects on primary calibration results, transverse motion effect and vibration distribution effect. Transverse motion effect is caused by an inner product of the vectors of both transverse motion and transverse sensitivity. On the other hand, the vibration distribution effect is caused by relative motion between a sensing point of accelerometer and a spot sensed by the interferometer. As these effects have close interaction between parasitic motion and measuring instruments, it would be very difficult to evaluate them by measuring independently each component.  相似文献   
Sample disturbance caused by difference in sampling tube geometry was evaluated by two nondestructive methods: the measurement of the residual effective stress (pr') by ceramic disc; and the use of the bender element to ascertain the shear wave velocity (Vs), and thus the maximum shear modulus (GBE). Samples were measured under atmosphere, i.e., not under confined stress conditions. The soil samples were obtained from two sources: reconstituted Kasaoka clay prepared in the laboratory, and at the test site at Takuhoku, Hokkaido, Japan. Samplers with different geometrical designs, referring to the Japanese standard stationary piston sampler, were used for the model ground and field sampling. The geometrical effects of the sampling tube, for example, the thickness of the tube wall, the edge angle, and the existence of a piston were carefully examined. The quality of the samples taken with different samplers was evaluated by pr' and GBE, values which were normalized by the in situ vertical effective stress (σ'vo) and Gf measured by the seismic cone test in the field. It was found from these studies that pr'/σ'vo and GBE/Gf vary considerably due to the geometry of the sampler, with the edge angle of sampling tubes being the most important feature in obtaining high quality samples. The wall thickness, and thus, the area ratio of the sampler is not critical to the sample quality if the edge angle is sharp enough. The existence of the piston does not significantly influence the sample quality in field samples. Furthermore, the correlation between GBE and pr' was also investigated, and it was found that the two parameters are strongly dependent.  相似文献   
Native potato starch (moisture content 15%) was treated by twin screw extruder under four operating conditions with varying barrel temperatures (110°C–230°C). These modified starch samples were compared to native and drum-dried starch. Starch sample solution for gel chromatography was prepared by the three methods (acidic, alkaline, and neutral methods). They were subjected to gel chromatography on Toyopearl HW-75, and some difference was found among the three gel chromatographic patterns obtained from the same starch solution. This discrepancy among GPC patterns suggests formation of some types of anhydro-bonds between chains of amylopectin and or amylose in the extrusion process. Elevating barrel temperature increases degree of depolymerization. The size of fragments formed with the treatment is bigger than that of oligosaccharides but smaller than that of amylose.  相似文献   
Solder joints are required to have high impact strength for use in portable electronic products. To make solder joints with high impact strength, qualitative evaluation methods of impact strength are required. Ball impact tests have been widely adopted in evaluating the impact strength of solder joints because of their easy implementation. Impact load curves obtained from ball impact tests are used as an evaluation indicator of impact strength of solder joint. However, a relation between fracture behavior and impact load curve has not yet been clarified, and an explanation of the impact load curve has not yet been provided in detail. In addition to this, detailed study about the relation between IMC layer thickness and impact strength has not been performed, although the IMC layer thickness formed at the interface would significantly affect the impact strength of the solder joint. This study aimed to explain the impact load curve in the ball impact test and to reveal the effect of the IMC layer thickness on the impact strength of the solder joint. Sn–3.0Ag–0.5Cu solder was reflowed on an electroless Ni–P plated Cu substrate (Ni–P), and a ball impact test was then carried out to evaluate the impact strength. This study found that the ball impact test is effective to evaluate the interfacial strength of solder joints. In the impact load curve, it is estimated that the solder bump keeps deforming until the interfacial crack initiates (maximum load), and the interfacial crack initiates after the maximum load and propagates along the interface between the solder and Ni–P. The suitable evaluation of impact strength became possible by measuring the correspondence relation between the deformation distance of the solder bump after fracture and the energy until maximum load and the relation between the area fraction of the residual solder on the fractured pad and the energy after maximum load. And, it is proved that the impact strength decreased with increasing aging time because the growth of the IMC layer remarkably degraded the interfacial strength of the solder joint.  相似文献   
Unity PF current-source rectifier based on dynamic trilogic PWM   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
One remaining step in perfecting the stand-alone, unity power factor, regulated current-source pulse-width-modulated (PWM) rectifier is to reduce cost, by bringing the twelve-valve converter (consisting of three single-phase full bridges that operate with two-level or bilogic PWM) to the six-valve bridge. However, the six-valve topology requires a three-level or trilogic PWM strategy that can handle feedback signals. A general method of translating three-phase biologic PWM signals into three-phase trilogic PWM signals is presented. The method of translation retains the characteristics of the bilogic PWM, including the frequency bandwidth. Experiments show that the trilogic PWM signals produced by the method can handle not only stabilizing feedback signals but also signals for active filtering  相似文献   
This paper proposes three replacement policies for a modified cumulative damage model. An item receives shocks and suffers two kinds of damage: one is produced by shocks and the other increases with time at constant rate a. It fails only when the total damage exceeds a failure level K at some shock and is replaced before failure at time T, at shock N, or at damage k. The expected cost rates of three replacement policies are obtained. When shocks occur in a Poisson process, optimal T*, N* and k* which minimize them are computed numerically. Finally, two extended cases where a is a function of time and K is a random variable are also considered.  相似文献   
Structural and economical merits of a spherical silicon solar cell with semi-concentration reflector system have been discussed. The roles of the reflector system have been clarified; the reflector improves short-circuit current density and also open-circuit voltage by 4–6 times concentration to make a light irradiation area comparable to a p–n junction area. We have theoretically demonstrated that the spherical Si solar cell with semi-concentration reflector system can realize a performance comparable to that of conventional Si solar cells, with less amount of silicon material use.  相似文献   
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