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This paper presents the practical implementation of a novel fault diagnostic and protection scheme for the interior permanent-magnet (IPM) synchronous motors using wavelet packet transform (WPT) and artificial neural network. In the proposed technique, the line currents of different faulted and normal conditions of the IPM motor are preprocessed by the WPT. The second level WPT coefficients of line currents are used as inputs of a three-layer feedforward neural network. The proposed protection technique is successfully simulated and experimentally tested on the line-fed and inverter-fed IPM motors. The Texas Instrument 32-bit floating-point digital signal processor TMS320C31 is used for the real-time implementation of the proposed protection algorithm. The offline and online test results of both line-fed and inverter-fed IPM motors are given. These test results showed satisfactory performances of the proposed diagnostic and protection technique in terms of speed, accuracy, and reliability.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Adsorption of puerarin on native resin polystyrene (PS) and oligo‐β‐cyclodextrin‐coupled matrix (PS‐CDP) was studied for interactions between the adsorbents and the adsorbates. The sorption mechanism on PS‐CDP was investigated using the isosteric heat approach and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. RESULTS: The equilibrium adsorption data of puerarin on the two matrices PS and PS‐CDP (polystyrene‐based matrix before and after coupling by oligo‐β‐cyclodextrin) in the temperature range 288–318 K were well fitted to the Freundlich adsorption isotherm model. The energetic heterogeneity of the media was observed based on the result that the values of isosteric enthalpy were quantitatively correlated with the fractional loading of puerarin adsorption. The more heterogeneous surface of PS‐CDP compared with PS was attributed to the complexation between puerarin and β‐cyclodextrin (β‐CD). NMR studies validated the formation of an inclusion complex puerarin/β‐CD. CONCLUSION: Thermodynamic and NMR studies confirmed that multi‐interaction cooperatively governed the isolation of puerarin from aqueous solution on PS‐CDP matrix. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The effect of a magnetic field on a micropolar fluid flow in the vicinity of an axisymmetric stagnation point on a circular cylinder is studied numerically. The governing conservation equations of continuity, momentum and angular momentum are partial differential equations which are transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations by using the usual similarity transformations. The resulting system of coupled non‐linear ordinary differential equations is solved numerically by using the shooting method. The numerical results indicate the velocity, angular velocity and pressure distributions for different parameters of the problem including Reynolds number, magnetic parameter and dimensionless material properties, etc. In addition, the effect of the pertinent parameters on the local skin friction coefficient and the couple stress are discussed numerically and illustrated graphically.  相似文献   
The challenge of integrating large amounts of renewable energy resources into the electric sector requires updated transmission analysis techniques. Economic planning, primarily in the form of value-based planning over interconnectionwide areas, is needed before performing the traditional single-hour, capacity-based reliability analyses.  相似文献   
Clostridium butyricum EB6 successfully produced hydrogen gas from palm oil mill effluent (POME). In this study, central composite design and response surface methodology were applied to determine the optimum conditions for hydrogen production (Pc) and maximum hydrogen production rate (Rmax) from POME. Experimental results showed that the pH, temperature and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of POME affected both the hydrogen production and production rate, both individually and interactively. The optimum conditions for hydrogen production (Pc) were pH 5.69, 36 °C, and 92 g COD/l; with an estimated Pc value of 306 ml H2/g carbohydrate. The optimum conditions for maximum hydrogen production rate (Rmax) were pH 6.52, 41 °C and 60 g COD/l; with an estimated Rmax value of 914 ml H2/h. An overlay study was performed to obtain an overall model optimization. The optimized conditions for the overall model were pH 6.05, 36 °C and 94 g COD/l. The hydrogen content in the biogas produced ranged from 60% to 75%.  相似文献   
Water is essential for economic, social, and environmental development. Global water resources are vulnerable due to increasing demand related to population growth, pollution potential, and climate change. Competition for water between different sectors is increasing. To meet the increasing demand, the use of groundwater is increasing worldwide. In this paper, the water-table dynamics of the north-eastern region of Bangladesh were studied using the MEKESENS software. This study reveals that the depth to water-table (WT) of almost all the wells is declining slowly. In many cases, the depth will approximately double by the year 2040, and almost all will double by 2060, if the present trend continues. If the decline of the water-table is allowed to continue in the long run, the result could be a serious threat to the ecology and to the sustainability of food production, which is vital for the nation’s food security. Therefore, necessary measures should be taken to sustain water resources and thereby agricultural production. Demand-side management of water and the development of alternative surface water sources seem to be viable strategies for the area. These strategies could be employed to reduce pressure on groundwater and thus maintain the sustainability of the resource.  相似文献   
We have established conditions for the study of membrane glycoprotein synthesis and turnover in cultured human malignant melanoma cell lines using the labeled precursor [3H]glucosamine. Uptake of label increased parallel with cell growth, reaching a steady state in resting cultures. Fifteen to 30% of incorporated label can be released from the cells by trypsin treatment depending on the conditions of exposure to the enzyme, and about 50% of the incorporated label is spontaneously shed from the cells within 96 hr of incubation. Labeling in exhausted medium gave a 5- to 8-fold increase in uptake which was inhibited by addition of glucose (2 mg per ml) into the culture medium. The percentage of trypsin-releasable material was identical in fresh and exhausted medium; however, the percentage shed was less in cells initially labeled in exhausted medium. These data provide background information for further studies on the antigenic composition of the glycoproteins of cultured melanoma cells.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimization models with an index were developed based on farmers’ preferences, local requirements, supplies available at the head of the canal, system losses, crop demand about different growth stages, and field soil moisture balance. The models were applied using linear programming. The Model 1 determines the cropping pattern by maximizing net economic benefits using a monthly basis lumped volume available at the head of the canal and is set to the minimum and maximum area constraints along with the constraint of minimum main crop area. The areas for different crops given by the first model form input for the Model 2. The other inputs of Model 2 included periodic supply available at the head of the primary canal (7-day period in this study), root growth depth, demand, and soil moisture constants. The Model 2 optimizes the sum of relative yields of all the crops and provide the irrigation levels of various crops for specified periods. Finally, the distributed area and irrigation levels determined by Model 2 are used in conjunction with the losses to decide flow rates of off takes. The complete program was implemented in the West branch irrigated area of Mirpurkhas subdivision. The results showed that the resources were allocated to off-takes in a competitive and conflict-free manner.

Nature-based coastal adaptation is a subset of nature-based solutions that has to this point focused on the materiality of managing coastal risks: what our coastal protections are made of or where we put things that are in the way of harm. In our collaborative interdisciplinary work, we have been reimagining nature-based coastal adaptation to start with first principles: how we think about the coast and what makes a good coastal life. In a nature-based approach our shared sense of what is good and possible, also known as the social imaginary, needs shifting before any physical material. This paper presents a new nested framework for thinking about nature-based coastal adaptation using five words starting with R: Reimagine, Reserve, Relocate, Restore, Reinforce. We use the nature-based adaptation option of managed dyke realignment in Bay of Fundy agricultural dykelands to illustrate the utility of the framework in practice but assert its more generic applicability.  相似文献   
Diosmin, a potent bioflavonoid derived from citrus fruits, has gained significant attention for its anticancer potential, reflecting a critical need in the ongoing battle against cancer. Amidst increasing cancer incidence, the quest for safer and more effective treatments has brought diosmin to the forefront, given its unique pharmacological profile distinct from other flavonoids. Diosmin's anticancer mechanisms are multifaceted, involving apoptosis induction, angiogenesis inhibition, and metastasis prevention. Extensive research encompassing cellular studies, animal models, and limited clinical trials underscores its efficacy not only against cancer but also in managing chronic venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids, attributing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, diosmin exhibits low toxicity and complements conventional chemotherapy, proposing its utility as an adjunct therapy in cancer treatment protocols. The review delves into the specific anticancer advantages of diosmin, distinguishing it from the broader flavonoid category. It provides a detailed analysis of its implications in preclinical and clinical settings, advocating for its consideration in the oncological therapeutic arsenal. By juxtaposing diosmin with other herbal medicines, the review offers a nuanced perspective on its role within the wider context of natural anticancer agents, emphasizing the need for further clinical research to substantiate its efficacy and safety in oncology.  相似文献   
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