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Liquid benzoquinone and naphthoquinone having diethylene glycol monomethyl ether groups are designed and synthesized as redox active materials that dissolve supporting electrolytes. The Li‐ion batteries based on the liquid quinones using LiBF4/PC show good performance in terms of voltage, capacity, energy efficiency, and cyclability in both static and flow modes. A battery is constructed without using intentionally added organic solvent, and its high energy density (264 W h L?1) demonstrates the potential of solvent‐free organic redox flow batteries using liquid active materials.  相似文献   
Contact damage in materials is critical in engineering applications because it influences mechanical resistance, such as wear, erosion, and impact failure. Indentation tests were performed using a tungsten carbide ball indenter (Hertzian contact) on the surfaces of glass–ceramics containing hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 or mica crystals (fluorophlogopite), both of which have a layered structure. The stress–strain relation and the permanent deformation on the surface, as well as the observation of the microcrack zone by X-ray computed tomography using synchrotron radiation, revealed that the glass–ceramic with hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 showed ductility similar to the quasi-plastic behavior previously observed in the mica glass–ceramic. The yield stresses of the glass–ceramics were estimated from the stress deviating from the stress–strain relation assuming complete elastic response between the ball and the sample. The ratio of the yield stress to Young modulus (Y/E) of the glass–ceramic with hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 was determined to be higher than that of the mica glass–ceramic.  相似文献   
Na‐ion batteries have become promising candidates for large‐scale energy‐storage systems because of the abundant Na resources and they have attracted considerable academic interest because of their unique behavior, such as their electrochemical activity for the Fe3+/Fe4+ redox couple. The high‐rate performance derived from the low Lewis‐acidity of the Na+ ions is another advantage of Na‐ion batteries and has been demonstrated in NaFe1/2Co1/2O2 solutions. Here, a solid solution of NaFeO2‐NaCoO2 is synthesized and the mechanisms behind their excellent electrochemical performance are studied in comparison to those of their respective end‐members. The combined analysis of operando X‐ray diffraction, ex situ X‐ray absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations for Na1– x Fe1/2Co1/2O2 reveals that the O3‐type phase transforms into a P3‐type phase coupled with Na+/vacancy ordering, which has not been observed in O3‐type NaFeO2. The substitution of Co for Fe stabilizes the P3‐type phase formed by sodium extraction and could suppress the irreversible structural change that is usually observed in O3‐type NaFeO2, resulting in a better cycle retention and higher rate performance. Although no ordering of the transition metal ions is seen in the neutron diffraction experiments, as supported by Monte‐Carlo simulations, the formation of a superlattice originating from the Na+/vacancy ordering is found by synchrotron X‐ray diffraction for Na0.5Fe1/2Co1/2O2, which may involve a potential step in the charge/discharge profiles.  相似文献   
This paper investigated acrylamide elution from roasted barley grain into mugicha and its formation during roasting of the grain. Mugicha is an infusion of roasted barley grains. Highly water-soluble acrylamide was easily extracted to mugicha from milled roasted barley grains in teabags. On the other hand, the acrylamide concentration in mugicha prepared from loose grain increased with longer simmering and steeping times. During roasting in a drum roaster, the acrylamide concentration of the grain increased as the surface temperature rose, reaching a maximum at 180–240°C. Above this temperature, the acrylamide concentration decreased with continued roasting, exhibiting an inverted ‘U’-shaped curve. For most of the samples, the acrylamide concentration showed good correlation with the value of the colour space parameter L*. The dark-coloured roasted barley grains with lower L* values contained lower amounts of acrylamide as a result of deep roasting. The level of asparagine in barley grains was found to be a significant factor related to acrylamide formation in roasted barley products. The data are an important contribution to the mitigation of acrylamide intake from mugicha.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the staying and moving characteristics of office workers in a non-territorial office using an ultra wide band (UWB) impulse radio sensor network. The differences between office workers’ staying and moving are clarified according to the individual workstation type that they select. The study determines the characteristics of each type of workstation. By clarifying office workers’ preference for staying and moving with regard to individual workstation types and office worker post, the reasons why office workers in different posts tended to select different types of workstations were revealed. Specifically, leaders tended to select workstations at the “inner meeting corner side” most frequently, as they had a greater need to stay in other areas. In contrast, ordinary staff needed to visit office workers in other areas less often, and as such, they tended to select individual workstations at the “middle meeting corner side.” Barring this, they tended to select individual workstations at the “middle corridor side” or “outer-meeting corner side.” Temporary staff members had little need to visit or stay at other places so they tended to select individual workstations at the “window side,” which is seldom visited or stayed at by other office workers and they could be disturbed less often from their solo work.  相似文献   
An experimental study of applying electro-electrodialysis (EED) for improved HI concentration in the HIx solution, a mixture of HI–I2–H2O of approximately quasi-azeotropic compositions has been carried out in the conditions of around 90 °C and using Nafion 117 and graphite electrodes. A range of 25–80% increase in initial current efficiency of HI molality in catholyte is measured with the use of EED. In general, the efficiency increases with increasing iodine molality and weight ratio of anolyte solution to catholyte solution. The EED performance degrades in time. In some cases, the HI concentration limits are observed. Electric conductivity of the HIx solution, overvoltage of electrode reaction, and the membrane voltage drop is measured in a temperature range of 20–120 °C. It is found that the EED cell voltage, which is an important cell performance parameter, is governed by the membrane voltage drop.  相似文献   
Bis-(monoacylglyceryl) phosphate and acyl phosphatidylglycerol were isolated from the liver of two patients with lipidosis induced by 4,4′-diethylaminoethoxyhexesterol. Identification was based upon the results of alkaline hydrolysis, acetolysis, IR spectrometry, and upon the determination of molar ratio of phosphorus-glycerol-ester. The contents of the bis-(monoacylglyceryl) phosphate were 10 and 16% total phospholipid phosphorus in them. The bis-(monoacylglyceryl) phosphate contained mainly docosahexaenoic (42%), oleic (29%), and linoleic acid (14%) and had the hemolytic activity of ca. one-eighth lysolecithin from egg yolk. Acidic lipids from the liver also were found to contain a lipid which is less polar than bis-(monoacylglyceryl) phosphate. The results of lipid analysis showed that the lipid possessed the structure of an acyl phosphatidylglycerol, and its content was ca. 2% total phospholipid phosphorus. Accumulation of 4,4′-diethylaminoethoxyhexesterol and its derivatives was found in clinical cases by thin layer chromatography and IR spectrometry. This fact suggested that human liver has an ability to metabolize the drug.  相似文献   
Thin film electrode materials are key components in the development of high rate, high capacity solid‐state Li‐ion batteries. Detailed knowledge of the epitaxial film/substrate(current‐collector) interface structures, which provides insights into epitaxial growth mechanisms and the effects of microstructure on electrochemical properties, is essential for efficient materials and device design. Here we report the epitaxial growth mechanism of a typical cathodic LiMn2O4 thin film by exploring the detailed structural and compositional variations in the vicinity of a film/substrate interface using state‐of‐the‐art scanning transmission electron microscopy. Direct observation of atom columns shows the epitaxial film forms an atomically flat and coherent heterointerface with the substrate, but that the crystal lattice is tetragonally distorted with a measurable compositional gradient from the interface to the crystal bulk. The growth mechanism is interpreted in terms of a combination of chemical and physicomechanical effects, namely a complex interplay between the internal Jahn‐Teller distortions induced by oxygen non‐stoichiometry and the lattice misfit strain.  相似文献   
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