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The present study investigated taste preferences in a sample of 1705 children aged 6 to 9 years from survey centres in Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, and Spain and aimed to identify factors correlated with taste preference. Children’s preferences for varying levels of sucrose (sweet) in apple juice and fat, sodium chloride (salt) and monosodium glutamate (umami) in crackers were assessed using paired-comparison tests. Socio-demographics (age, sex, parental education), early feeding practises (breastfeeding, introduction of fruits), parenting behaviour (TV viewing, using food as a reward) and taste threshold sensitivity for sucrose (sweet), sodium chloride (salt), caffeine (bitter) and monosodium glutamate (umami) were investigated as possible correlates of taste preferences. Parents reported on socio-demographics, early feeding and parenting behaviour. Taste thresholds were determined via a paired-comparison staircase method. Country of residence was the strongest factor related to preferences for all four tastes. Taste preferences also differed by age. Preference for sugar and salt increased between 6 and 9 years of age while preference for monosodium glutamate decreased. The age differences remained significant even after adjustment for sex, country of residence, parental education and early feeding habits. Sex, parental education, early feeding habits, TV viewing, using food as a reward and taste thresholds were not consistently related to taste preferences among the survey centres. In summary, the results highlight the importance of culture and age in taste preferences in children younger than 10 years of age.  相似文献   
The effect of stocking density (16 rabbits/m2, 5 rabbits/m2, 2.5 rabbits/m2, n = 60, Experiment 1) and group size (4 rabbits/cage, 8 rabbits/cage, 16 rabbits/cage, n = 88, Experiment 2) on productive performance, carcass and meat quality of a slow-growing rabbit population reared outdoors was investigated in two experiments. The highest stocking density induced the highest skin percentage. Lower stocking densities showed lower lightness of Biceps femoris and higher redness of Longissimus lumborum muscles. Four rabbits/cage group (Experiment 2) showed the highest daily weight gain and slaughter weight and the lowest skin percentage. The muscles of 16 rabbits/cage showed significantly higher pHu than 8 and 4 rabbits/cage. BF of 16 and 4 rabbits/cage showed higher L* value. Productive performance and meat quality of rabbits reared outdoors improved in low group size while stocking density needs more experiments. The best combination of density, group size and total available surface that showed the best production and carcass traits was of 5 rabbits/m2, 4 rabbits/cage, and 0.8 m2.  相似文献   
A preliminary characterization of two new soft-seeded pomegranate varieties (MR-100® and KINGDOM®) based on their main physico-chemical and nutritional parameters was reported. The two varieties showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity. Kingdom pomegranate had higher polyphenols (2524.73 mg GAE/L), anthocyanins (752.49 mg C3gE/L) and antioxidant activity (EC50 13.58 μL/mL) than MR-100 (1792.74 mg GAE/L, 141.29 mg C3gE/L and EC50 47.53 μL/mL, respectively). Moreover, minimally processed arils of the two varieties were packaged in semipermeable and micro-perforated film at 5 °C, and the quality changes that occurred during storage condition (15 days) were investigated. During storage, Kingdom arils exhibited a better performance in terms of antioxidant activity, polyphenols and anthocyanin content with respect to MR-100. Furthermore, the packaging systems did not affect the estimated quality parameters for both varieties. Based on the sensory evaluation and microbial counts, both aril varieties reached, at 15-day storage, suitable values for commercial purpose.  相似文献   
An investigation was carried out to evaluate the use of High Performance Size-Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC) of polar compounds of refined, mild deodorized, extra virgin olive oils as well as of their blends, in attempting to reveal significant differences in the amounts of the substance classes constituting polar compounds among these oils. Two sets of blends were prepared by mixing an extra virgin olive oil with both refined and mild deodorized olive oils in increasing amounts. The obtained data highlighted that the triacylglycerol oligopolymers were absent or present in traces in the extra virgin olive oil, while their mean amount was equal to 0.04 g/100 g and 0.72 g/100 g in mild deodorized and refined olive oils, respectively. Oxidized triacylglycerols and diacylglycerols were more abundant in mild deodorized oil and refined oil than in extra virgin olive oil. The Factorial Discriminant Analysis of the data showed that the HPSEC analysis could reveal the presence of refined/mild deodorized oils in extra virgin olive oils. In particular, the classification functions obtained allowed designation of mixtures containing at least 30 g/100 g of mild deodorized oil and all those containing refined olive oil as deodorized oil, therefore as oils subjected to at least a mild refining treatment.  相似文献   
There is growing evidence that a large proportion of upper digestive tract tumors are ascribable to heavy alcohol drinking and tobacco consumption. The cancer-promoting action of ethanol is mediated by acetaldehyde, its first metabolite, also derived from the bacterial oxidation of alcohol by the oral microflora, classified by the International Agency for the Research on Cancer as a carcinogen. Acetaldehyde is also one of the major components of tobacco smoke. These findings suggest two different strategies to decrease the risk of alcohol-related oral cancers: the reduction of the levels of alcohol-derived acetaldehyde in saliva and the reduction of oral bacterial flora. Therefore, the aim of our study was to develop and characterize some buccal tablet formulations containing both 20 mg L-cysteine hydrochloride (able to chemically neutralize acetaldehyde) and 10 mg chlorhexidine diacetate (well-known antiseptic compound active against a large spectrum of oral microbes). One of these formulations, chosen on the basis of its favourable delivery kinetics of the active principles, was demonstrated to be able to reduce acetaldehyde concentration in an in vitro system and to lower its salivary levels in volunteers after ethanol contact. Our findings support the hypothesis that the application of buccal devices containing cysteine and chlorhexidine could reduce salivary acetaldehyde levels and thus the incidence of upper gastrointestinal cancer in drinkers and smokers.  相似文献   
UVscope is a portable multi-pixels photon detector developed at IASF-Pa to support experimental activities in the high-energy astrophysics and cosmic rays field. The instrument, working in single photon counting mode, is designed to directly measure light flux in the wavelengths range 300-650 nm. Thanks to its features and operational flexibility, the instrument can be used in a wide field of applications where the knowledge of the environmental luminosity is required, as in the characterization of sites for ground-based Cherenkov and fluorescence telescopes, and for cross-calibration of their cameras.The present version of UVscope is based on a Multi Anode Photo Multiplier Tube and it is completed by a motorized mount and a filter wheel which allow to make low-light measurements, at programmed pointing directions and at different filter wavelengths. In this paper, the instrument is firstly presented in all its components; then the procedures adopted for its absolute and relative calibration are detailed. The performance of UVscope is evaluated and, finally, current and planned scientific applications are described.  相似文献   
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