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The experiment was conducted to measure the effects of Camelina sativa expeller on the performance of broiler chickens and on the sensory quality and fatty acid composition of broiler meat. One‐day‐old broiler chickens were randomly allocated to the three dietary treatments which lasted 37 days. Experimental diets contained 0, 5 or 10% C. sativa expeller. Feed and water were offered ad libitum. The birds were weighed at the beginning, at 14 days and at the end of the trial at 37 days. Feed intake was recorded between weighings. C. sativa expeller reduced the growth of the birds linearly (P < 0.001). It also depressed their feed intake and feed conversion ratio during the starter phase (1–14 days). C. sativa did not cause any significant enlargement of the thyroid gland, nor were any liver lesions observed. Feeding of C. sativa significantly (P < 0.001) increased the omega‐3 fatty acid level in broiler meat. This was mainly due to an increase in α‐linolenic acid (18:3, n‐3). Feeding did not seem to have any adverse effect on the sensory quality of broiler meat. Meat from female broilers produced by feeding 5% C. sativa in the diet was significantly (P = 0.02) more tender than meat produced by feeding 10% C. sativa. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Aortic dilatation and heart valve lesions are common in the Marfan syndrome but whether primary alterations occur in left ventricular (LV) function has not been studied hitherto. LV size, mass and systolic as well as diastolic function were studied by M-mode and Doppler echocardiography and cine magnetic resonance imaging in 22 Marfan children aged 3.0-15.4 years and in 22 age-matched healthy children. No child had significant valve disease. Heart rate and systolic blood pressure were comparable in the groups but diastolic blood pressure was higher in the controls (67 +/- 7 mmHg vs 62 +/- 8 mmHg, P = 0.030). No statistically significant differences were found in LV size, mass or systolic function. The Marfan children had slower LV peak diameter lengthening rates (106 +/- 27 mm.s-1 vs 132 +/- 29 mm.s-1, P = 0.004), prolonged relaxation times (155 +/- 22 ms vs 140 +/- 19 ms, P = 0.023), slower deceleration of the early transmitral velocity (580 +/- 144 cm.s-1 vs 720 +/- 160 cm.s-2, P = 0.006), and smaller early-to-late peak velocity ratios (1.99 +/- 0.40 vs 2.29 +/- 0.46, P = 0.031). These data indicate that LV early diastolic function (relaxation) is impaired in the Marfan syndrome. Weakened elastic recoil due to the underlying connective tissue abnormality may best explain this novel observation.  相似文献   
Homogeneous acid‐catalyzed hydrolysis of oat β‐glucan, which contains β‐(1,4) and β‐(1,3) glycosidic bonds in a nonrandom order, was studied at 353 K using HCl and H2SO4. A new structured kinetic model was developed that takes into account the difference in the reactivity of β‐(1,4) and β‐(1,3) glycosidic bonds as well as their positions in the polysaccharide chain. To minimize the correlation of adjustable parameters in the new model, the reactivities of these bonds were studied independently (T = 313…363 K; cH+ = 0.1…2 mol/L) using cellobiose and laminaribiose. The difference in kinetic parameters (e.g., T = 338 K: kβ‐(1,4) = 0.693 × 10?3 L/mol/min, kβ‐(1,3) = 1.027 × 10?3 L/mol/min) was found to be statistically significant (P < 0.0001), which emphasizes the need for the structured model for oat β‐glucan hydrolysis. The simulation of β‐glucan hydrolysis with the new model was in good agreement with the experimental data and shows improvement over existing nonstructured models. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 2570–2580, 2018  相似文献   
Summary The stability of vulgaxanthin I at 100 °C is dependant on the water activity of the system. The half-life of vulgaxanthin I was found to be three times greater ata 1 0.20 than at 1.00. The rate constants for vulgaxanthin I degradation varied exponentially with respect to water activity and belowa w=0.50 the stability was not improved.
Einfluß der Wasseraktivität auf die Stabilität von Vulgaxanthin I
Zusammenfassung Die Stabilität von Vulgaxanthin I hängt von der Aktivität des Wassers im System ab. Die Halbwertszeit von Vulgaxanthin I war beia w = 0,20 dreimal so groß wie beia w = 1,00. Die Verteilungskoeffizienten für die Zersetzung von Vulgaxanthin I in Abhängigkeit von der Wasseraktivität zeigen einen exponentiellen Zusammenhang, so daß die Stabilität bei Werten füra w kleiner 0,50 nicht mehr zunahm.
Ten car mechanics frequently exposed to glycol-based cooling liquids were followed during a workshift. Airborne ethylene and propylene glycol concentrations in the car mechanics' environment were measured. The car mechanics gave urine samples after the workshift and their excretion of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, oxalic acid, calcium and ammonia was analysed and compared to that of unexposed office workers. Urinary succinate dehydrogenase activity and glycosaminoglycans were also measured in both groups. Airborne ethylene and propylene glycol concentrations in the car mechanics' environment were negligible. Urinary ethylene glycol excretion in exposed workers was significantly higher than that in unexposed workers, but propylene glycol excretion was at the same levels as in controls. In the exposed group, the excretion of the end metabolite of ethylene glycol, oxalic acid (47 +/- 11 mmol/mol creatinine, mean +/- SD, n = 10) differed slightly from that of controls (36 +/- 14 mmol/mol creatinine, mean +/- SD, n = 10). Urinary excretion of ammonia was higher among exposed workers than office workers. The excretion of calcium did not differ from that of controls. A marginally decreased urinary succinate dehydrogenase activity was found in the exposed men. The excretion of glycosaminoglycans was significantly lower in exposed workers. Therefore, it seems that ethylene glycol is absorbed by skin contact. The internal body burden is associated with oxaluria and increased ammoniagenesis typical of chronic acidosis.  相似文献   
人们对用黑液碱回收炉来增加发电量的重要性认识不断提高,这些变化的主要原因是电的价格.本文将介绍增加电产量的某些传统方法、一些新的思想和见解,特别是采用冷凝汽轮机.本研究的基本事例为一台传统的碱回收炉,能力为4000t(固形物)/24h,同时配备有背压汽轮机和冷凝汽轮机.将要介绍的这些方法为:增加黑液固形物含量、空气预热、吹灰系统、给水预热、蒸汽参数和电除尘后的热回收.  相似文献   
New raw materials for transportation fuels need to be introduced, in order to fight against climate change and also to cope with increasing risks of availability and price of oil. Peat has been recognised suitable raw material option for diesel produced by gasification and Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis. The energy content of Finnish peat reserves is remarkable. In this study, the greenhouse impact of peat-based FT diesel production and utilisation in Finland was assessed from the life-cycle point of view. In 100 year's time horizon the greenhouse impact of peat-based FT diesel is likely larger than the impact of fossil diesel. The impact can somewhat be lowered by producing peat from the agricultural peatland (strong greenhouse gas emissions from the decaying peatlayer are avoided) with new peat production technique, and utilising the produced biomass from the after-treatment area for diesel also. If diesel production is integrated with pulp and paper mill to achieve energy efficiency benefits and if the electricity demand can be covered by zero emission electricity, the greenhouse impact of peat-based FT diesel reduces to the level of fossil diesel when agricultural peatland is used, and is somewhat higher when forestry-drained peatland is used as raw material source.  相似文献   
Radiation exposure monitoring is a traditional keystone of occupational radiation safety measures in medical imaging. The aim of this study was to review the data on occupational exposures in a large central university hospital radiology organisation and propose changes in the radiation worker categories and methods of exposure monitoring. An additional objective was to evaluate the development of electronic personal dosimeters and their potential in the digitised radiology environment. The personal equivalent dose of 267 radiation workers (116 radiologists and 151 radiographers) was monitored using personal dosimeters during the years 2006-2010. Accumulated exposure monitoring results exceeding the registration threshold were observed in the personal dosimeters of 73 workers (59 radiologists' doses ranged from 0.1 to 45.1 mSv; 14 radiographers' doses ranged from 0.1 to 1.3 mSv). The accumulated personal equivalent doses are generally very small, only a few angiography radiologists have doses >10 mSv per 5 y. The typical effective doses are <10 μSv y(-1) and the highest value was 0.3 mSv (single interventional radiologist). A revised categorisation of radiation workers based on the working profile of the radiologist and observed accumulated doses is justified. Occupational monitoring can be implemented mostly with group dosimeters. An active real-time dosimetry system is warranted to support radiation protection strategy where optimisation aspects, including improving working methods, are essential.  相似文献   
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