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Co-firing of biomass in coal-fired utility boilers 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Co-firing tests with sawdust and coal have been carried out at FORTUM's Naantali-3 CHP power plant (315 MWfuel). The Naantali-3 plant is a tangentially-fired pulverised-coal unit with a Sulzer once-through boiler that produces 79 MW electricity, 124 MW district heat and 70 MW steam. Naantali-3 is equipped with roller coal mills (Loesche), modern low-NOx-burners (IVO RI-JET), over-fire air (OFA), electrostatic precipitator (ESP) and flue-gas desulphurization plant (FGD). Coal and sawdust were blended in the coal yard, and the mixture fed into the boiler through coal mills. Tests were carried out for three months during the April 1999 to April 2000 period with pine sawdust (50-65% moisture as received). During the tests, sawdust proportions of 2.5–8% (from the fuel input) were examined. The co-firing tests were successful in many ways, but the behaviour of the coal mills caused some problems, and therefore the simultaneous feed will not be the solution in a long-term use. Fortum has developed a new concept for co-firing coal and biofuels in large pulverised-coal fired boilers. The experiences gained from the Naantali co-firing tests and a good knowledge of low-NOx burning and combustion behaviour of different fuels at Fortum, was used when the new co-firing concept was developed. This concept consists of a separate biofuel grinding system and bio- or bio-coal-burners. By using this system, it is possible to utilize many kinds of biofuels in PC-boilers as well as increase the share of biofuels, compared to the simultaneous feed of biofuel and coal. 相似文献
Tommi Ekholm Sampo Soimakallio Sara Moltmann Niklas Höhne Sanna Syri Ilkka Savolainen 《Energy Policy》2010
The post-2012 climate policy framework needs a global commitment to deep greenhouse gas emission cuts. This paper analyzes reaching ambitious emission targets up to 2050, either ‐10% or ‐50% from 1990 levels, and how the economic burden from mitigation efforts could be equitably shared between countries. The scenarios indicate a large low-cost mitigation potential in electricity and industry, while reaching low emission levels in international transportation and agricultural emissions might prove difficult. The two effort sharing approaches, Triptych and Multistage, were compared in terms of equitability and coherence. Both approaches produced an equitable cost distribution between countries, with least developed countries having negative or low costs and more developed countries having higher costs. There is, however, no definitive solution on how the costs should be balanced equitably between countries. Triptych seems to be yet more coherent than other approaches, as it can better accommodate national circumstances. Last, challenges and possible hindrances to effective mitigation and equitable effort sharing are presented. The findings underline the significance of assumptions behind effort sharing on mitigation potentials and current emissions, the challenge of sharing the effort with uncertain future allowance prices and how inefficient markets might undermine the efficiency of a cap-and-trade system. 相似文献
Elina M Rossi Lea Pylkkänen Antti J Koivisto Heli Nykäsenoja Henrik Wolff Kai Savolainen Harri Alenius 《Particle and fibre toxicology》2010,7(1):1-14
Nowadays, effects of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) are well-documented and related to oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory response. Nevertheless, epidemiological studies show that PM2.5 exposure is correlated with an increase of pulmonary cancers and the remodeling of the airway epithelium involving the regulation of cell death processes. Here, we investigated the components of Parisian PM2.5 involved in either the induction or the inhibition of cell death quantified by different parameters of apoptosis and delineated the mechanism underlying this effect.Results
In this study, we showed that low levels of Parisian PM2.5 are not cytotoxic for three different cell lines and primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells. Conversely, a 4 hour-pretreatment with PM2.5 prevent mitochondria-driven apoptosis triggered by broad spectrum inducers (A23187, staurosporine and oligomycin) by reducing the mitochondrial transmembrane potential loss, the subsequent ROS production, phosphatidylserine externalization, plasma membrane permeabilization and typical morphological outcomes (cell size decrease, massive chromatin and nuclear condensation, formation of apoptotic bodies). The use of recombinant EGF and specific inhibitor led us to rule out the involvement of the classical EGFR signaling pathway as well as the proinflammatory cytokines secretion. Experiments performed with different compounds of PM2.5 suggest that endotoxins as well as carbon black do not participate to the antiapoptotic effect of PM2.5. Instead, the water-soluble fraction, washed particles and organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) could mimic this antiapoptotic activity. Finally, the activation or silencing of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) showed that it is involved into the molecular mechanism of the antiapoptotic effect of PM2.5 at the mitochondrial checkpoint of apoptosis.Conclusions
The PM2.5-antiapoptotic effect in addition to the well-documented inflammatory response might explain the maintenance of a prolonged inflammation state induced after pollution exposure and might delay repair processes of injured tissues. 相似文献84.
I. Severin L. Dahbi J. -C. Lhuguenot M. A. Andersson D. Hoornstra M. Salkinoja-Salonen L. Turco F. Zucco A. Stammati O. Dahlman L. Castle M. Savolainen A. Weber U. Honkalampi-H m l inen A. Von Wright 《Food Additives & Contaminants》2005,22(10):1032-1041
An European Union (EU)-funded project QLK1-CT-2001-00930 (BIOSAFEPAPER) involves the development, validation and intercalibration of a short-term battery of toxicological tests for the safety assessment of food-contact paper and board. Dissemination of the results to industry, legislators (e.g. DG Consumer Protection, DG Enterprises, DG Research), standardization bodies such as CEN, and consumers will create an agreed risk evaluation procedure. The project involves pre-normative research in order to establish a set of in-vitro cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests that will be easily adaptable to food-contact fibre-based materials and have endpoints relevant to consumer safety, including sub-lethal cellular events. These tests will be performed on samples representing actual migration conditions from food-contact paper and board with respect to different foodstuffs, and should form an experimental basis for scientifically sound recommendations for a harmonized system of risk evaluation and product testing. 相似文献
Laitinen Tuomo; Rouvinen Juha; Perakyla Mikael 《Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS》2000,13(4):247-252
X-Ray crystal structures have revealed that 2,3-epoxypropyl-ß-D-xylosidereacts with endo-1,4-ß-xylanase (XYNII) by forming a covalentbond with Glu86. In contrast, 3,4-epoxybutyl-ß-D-xylosideforms a covalent bond with Glu177. In the normal enzyme reactionGlu86 acts as the catalytic nucleophile and Glu177 as the acid/basecatalyst. To rationalize the observed reactivity of the twomechanism-based inhibitors, we carried out eight 300 ps moleculardynamics simulations for different enzymeinhibitor complexes.Simulations were done for both stereo isomers (R and S) of theinhibitors and for enzyme in which the protonation state ofthe nucleophile and acid/base catalyst was normal (Glu86 charged,Glu177 neutral) and in which the roles of the catalytic residueswere reversed (Glu86 neutral, Glu177 charged). The number ofreactive conformations found in each simulation was used topredict the reactivity of epoxy inhibitors. The conformationwas considered to be a reactive one when at the same time (i)the proton of the catalytic acid was close (<2.9/3.4/3.9Å) to the oxirane oxygen of the inhibitor, (ii) the nucleophilewas close to the terminal carbon of the oxirane group (<3.4/3.9/4.4Å) and (iii) the nucleophile approached the terminal carbonfrom a reactive angle (<30/45/60° from an ideal attackangle). On the basis of the number of reactive conformations,2,3-epoxypropyl-ß-D-xyloside was predicted to form a covalentbond with Glu86 and 3,4-epoxybutyl-ß-D-xyloside with Glu177,both in agreement with the experiment. Thus, the MD simulationsand the X-ray structures indicate that in the covalent bindingof 3,4-epoxybutyl-ß-D-xyloside the roles of the catalyticglutamates of XYNII are reversed from that of the normal enzymereaction. 相似文献
Jari Heinonen Anu Tamminen Jaana Uusitalo Tuomo Sainio 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2012,87(5):689-696
BACKGROUND: Production of bioethanol from wood using concentrated acid hydrolysis has received less attention than the dilute acid hydrolysis route. The feasibility of producing lignocellulosic bioethanol from spruce and birch via concentrated acid hydrolysis was studied experimentally. Hydrolysis with sulfuric acid, chromatographic purification of the hydrolysate, and fermentation of the monosaccharides were investigated. RESULTS: Monosaccharide yields of 70% were obtained in the hydrolysis of spruce and birch. Only low amounts of by‐products were formed. With chromatographic purification of the hydrolysate, over 90% of the hydrolysis acid was recovered for recycling, and furfural and HMF were removed completely. Most of the acetic acid was recovered in a separate fraction. The monosaccharide yield in a single pass separation was approximately 70%. In the fermentation, S. cerevisiae produced higher amounts of ethanol and more efficiently than P. stipitis. Chromatographically purified hydrolysates gave higher ethanol productivities and yields than Ca(OH)2 neutralized hydrolysates. CONCLUSIONS: Chromatographic purification of concentrated acid lignocellulosic hydrolysates has advantages when compared with neutralization with Ca(OH)2. With chromatography, most of the inhibitory compounds can be removed from the hydrolysates. In addition, due to the recycling of the hydrolysis acid, the economy of the bioethanol manufacturing process is increased considerably. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
A two‐level full factorial experimental design with three variables, formaldehyde‐to‐phenol (F/P) molar ratio, hydroxyl‐to‐phenol (OH/P) molar ratio, and condensation viscosity was implemented to determine the effect of the variables on the structure of phenol‐formaldehyde resol resins for paper overlay impregnation. Ten resins were prepared with F/P molar ratios between 1.9 and 2.3, OH/P molar ratios between 0.09 and 0.13, and condensation viscosities between 60 and 180 mPa s. The effect of these three independent variables on the chemical structure was analyzed by 13C‐NMR spectroscopy, on the molecular weight distribution by gel permeation chromatography, and on the reactivity by differential scanning calorimetry. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 91: 2942–2948, 2004 相似文献
Auterinen I Serén T Uusi-Simola J Kosunen A Savolainen S 《Radiation protection dosimetry》2004,110(1-4):587-593
Methods for dosimetry of epithermal neutron beams used in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) have been developed and utilised within the Finnish BNCT project as well as within a European project for a code of practise for the dosimetry of BNCT. One outcome has been a travelling toolkit for BNCT dosimetry. It consists of activation detectors and ionisation chambers. The free-beam neutron spectrum is measured with a set of activation foils of different isotopes irradiated both in a Cd-capsule and without it. Neutron flux (thermal and epithermal) distribution in phantoms is measured using activation of Mn and Au foils, and Cu wire. Ionisation chamber (IC) measurements are performed both in-free-beam and in-phantom for determination of the neutron and gamma dose components. This toolkit has also been used at other BNCT facilities in Europe, the USA, Argentina and Japan. 相似文献