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Carstensen and Rhodes1 have suggested that when, in stability programs, assays cannot be performed immediately after the protocol-designated storage time, then freezing them until such a time when assays can be performed would be a reasonable manner to retain the protocol schedule. They caution, however, that such a procedure may not be valid for dissolution data. The article to follow deals with real-time data showing that such a process is feasible for Nalidixic Acid tablets (and presumably for other tablets as well), and that, furthermore, the dissolution pattern would seem to be “frozen” as well.  相似文献   
The electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of a nickel base super alloy (C-263) has been investigated in the deaerated binary and ternary solution mixture of concentrated phosphoric acid, acetic acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid or water using potentiostatic technique at 35°C. The possibilities of electropolishing of this alloy in these solution mixtures have been also explored. The alloy showed distinct active, passive and transpassive behaviour in the experimental solutions. The alloy remained active and turned passive in the negative potential region. Transpassive dissolution of the alloy is observed and electropolishing is achieved in this region. The best electropolishing is obtained in 50% H3PO4 + 40% CH3COOH + 10% H2SO4. Higher content of water in the electrolytic solution is not useful for electropolishing of the alloy The experimental results also suggest that a current plateau in the transpassive potential region is not a sufficient condition to achieve electropolishing.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of the hybrid system sonication followed by wet oxidation (SONIWO) to treat otherwise refractory waste has been demonstrated. In such a hybrid system homogeneous CuSO4 catalyst was found to be very efficient.  相似文献   
Gilbenclamide, a widely used potent hypoglycaemic agent was solubllized using β -Cyclodextrin and β -Cyclodextrin derivatives. Complexes were prepared by kneading method in a molar ratio of 1:1 of the drug and the cyclodextrlns respectively. The Glibenclamide β -Cyelocextrin complex was characterized and evaluated by I.R. studies, Differential Scanning Calorimotry 6 X-ray diffractometry. The in-vitro dissolution rates of drug from inclusion complexes of β Cyclodextrins and its derivatives were compared. A significant Improvement In dissolution lor, rates of Gllbenclamide was observed with Inclusion complexes of all the Cyclodextrins. However, the solubilizing effect was more in case of β-Cyclodextrin derivatives.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of research in the convection drying of unidirectional glass fibre bobbins on the basis of which the relations are suggested required to calculate the process of drying in the design of drying equipment.  相似文献   
An all-optical multiplexing technique using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-time division multiplexing (TDM) conversion with an electroabsorption wavelength converter has been proposed and demonstrated. The effectiveness of this WDM-TDM conversion technique for various pulsewidth settings was experimentally investigated. The fluctuation of the signal performance, which was inevitably caused by the coherent crosstalk between adjacent pulses in the conventional optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) technique, were successfully suppressed, even in the case of wide pulse duration. High Q-factor performance has been maintained for a wide range of duty ration from 36% to 74%. By introducing this technique to the optical time division multiplexer, a highly stable and high-quality 40-Gb/s optical signal can be effectively produced without generating the short pulse or setting two tributaries at orthogonal polarization states, and without introducing high-speed electronics for signal multiplexing. The WDM-TDM conversion with an electroabsorption wavelength converter was extended to 60-Gb/s operation by using three 20-Gb/s tributaries. A clear eye opening was confirmed for a waveform after the WDM-TDM conversion of the 60-Gb/s signal  相似文献   
A method for fabricating single crystal blades that combines the techniques of seed crystals and selection is suggested. The method realizes the advantages of both techniques, i.e., the high structural perfection and the possibility of fabricating single crystals with specified spatial orientation. Metallographic and x-ray diffraction analyses are used to study the processes of nucleation of the single crystal structure of blade castings fabricated from high-temperature nickel alloys by the method of selection and seed crystals. A commercial process for fabricating cast single crystal turbine blades by the new method is suggested.  相似文献   
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