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Pulse oximetry is a widely used technique in biomedical optics, but currently available pulse oximeters rely on empirical calibration approaches, which perform poorly at low saturations. We present an exact solution for pulse oximetry and show how this can be used as the basis for the development of a semiempirical calibration approach that may be useful, especially at low saturations and variable probe geometries. This new approach was experimentally tested against traditional empirical calibration techniques on transmission pulse oximetry for monitoring of fetal sheep using a minimally invasive spiral probe. The results open the way for the development of more accurate pulse oximetry.  相似文献   
Wireless Personal Communications - In this paper a multiband (hepta-band) antenna loaded with hybrid fractal structures and metamaterial cell (SRR/CSRR) is proposed to cover the wireless...  相似文献   
In this paper, we have introduced an analytical subthreshold and strong inversion 3D potential model for rectangular gate (RecG) gate-all-around (GAA) MOSFET. The subthreshold and strong inversion potential distribution in channel region of a RecG MOSFET is obtained respectively by solving 3D Laplace and 3D Poisson equations. The assumed parabolic potential distribution along the z-axis in channel direction is appropriately matched with 3D device simulator after consideration of z-depended characteristic length in subthreshold region. For accurate estimation of short channel effects (SCE), the electrostatics near source and drain is corrected. The precise gate-to-gate potential distribution is obtained after consideration of higher order term in assumed parabolic potential profile. The model compares well with numerical data obtained from the 3D ATLAS as a device simulator and deckbuild as an interactive runtime of Silvaco Inc.  相似文献   
Charge transport and gas sensing characteristics of cobalt phthalocyanine films deposited along (ATB) and perpendicular (PTB) to the natural twin boundaries of (0 0 1) LaAlO3 substrate have been investigated. The charge carrier mobility of ATB films (∼5 cm2 V−1 s−1) is five orders of magnitude higher compared to that of PTB films (∼7 × 10−5 cm2 V−1 s−1), suggesting that twin boundaries acts like a template for ordering of molecules. The ATB films on exposure to ammonia showed a reversible increase of resistance, with fast response and recovery. In contrast PTB films showed same sensitivity, but exhibits base resistance drift along with sluggish response.  相似文献   
Optical orthogonal codes-new bounds and an optimal construction   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A technique for constructing optimal OOCs (optical orthogonal codes) is presented. It provides the only known family of optimal (with respect to family size) OOCs having λ=2. The parameters (n ,ω,λ) are respectively (p2m-1, pm+1,2), where p is any prime and the family size is pm-2. Three distinct upper bounds on the size of an OOC are presented that, for many values of the parameter set (n,ω,λ), improve upon the tightest previously known bound  相似文献   
A Protean system is a system that is subject to changes from time to time. A consecutive-k-out-of-n:F system that has a fluctuation of demand on the system performance, may be classed under Protean systems. The changing demand may be handled by improving the system performance using some extra resources. In this paper, the extra resources considered are in the form of i.i.d. components. These components are allocated with the objective of maximising the system reliability. There are three methods developed in this paper. The first method is developed by formulating the problem mathematically. The second method involves enumeration of all possible allocations of a given number of i.i.d. components. The third method is a heuristic, based on component reliability importance. The accuracy of the heuristic is established by comparing it with the second method. These two methods are compared using computer programs developed by one of the authors.  相似文献   
Recently, data hiding by modifying network parameters like packet header, payload, and packet length has become popular among researchers. Different algorithms have been proposed during the last few years which have altered the network packets in different ways to embed the data bits. Some of these algorithms modify the network packet length for embedding. Although most of the packet length based embedding schemes try to imitate the normal network traffic distribution, they have altered the statistical distribution of network packet lengths during embedding. These statistical anomalies can be exploited to detect such schemes. In this paper, a second order detection scheme for packet length based steganography has been proposed. A comprehensive set of experiments have been carried out to show that the proposed detection scheme can detect network packet length based steganography with a considerably high accuracy.  相似文献   
A valid damping of oscillations is an upcoming extensive challenge while maintaining the stability of the power system. This oscillation generally occurs due to the fluctuation raised, when two systems are interconnected. This paper addresses the oscillation occurred in the power system as the main challenge, which thus performs an effective simulation in 68-bus system. Here, it promotes a sufficient CC with two FACTS devices such as TCSC and UPFC, which are connected with PSS. Further, it adopts firefly algorithm to enable the CC among the FACTS devices. To the next of the simulation, this paper compares the performance of the FF- CC with conventional optimisations include GSO, PSO, GA and ABC algorithms to enable CC. Further, it provides a detailed analysis of the impact of PSS and loading effects on CC. As a result, the performance of FF-CC hands over the stable power system with powerful damping of oscillations, after comparing it with the existing methods.

Abbreviations: ABC, Artificial Bee Colony; ICA, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm; AVR, Automatic Voltage Regulators; NETS, New England test system; BFOA, Bacteria Foraging Optimization Algorithm; NYPS, New York power system; BSO, Bacterial Swarm Optimization; PSO, Particle Swarm Optimization; CC, Coordinated Control; PSS, Power System Stabilizers; COA, Chaotic Optimization Algorithm; STATCOM, Static Synchronous Compensator; CS, Cuckoo Search; SSSC, Static Synchronous Series Compensator; FACTS, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System; SVC, Static Var Compensator; GA, Genetic Algorithm; TCSC, Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor; GSO, Gravitational Search Algorithm; UPFC, Unified Power Flow Controller  相似文献   
Nano-sized, nonreacting, noncoarsening ZrO2 ceramic particles reinforced Sn–Ag–Cu composite solders were prepared by mechanically dispersing nano-particles into Sn–Ag–Cu solder and investigated their microstructure, kinetic analysis and mechanical properties i.e., shear strength, hardness and high temperature/mechanical damping characteristics. From microstructures evaluation, it was clear that composite solders containing ZrO2 ceramic nano-particles significantly impact on the formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) at their interfaces as well as refined microstructure in the solder ball regions. The growth behavior of IMCs layer at the interfaces in composite solders was lower than that of plain Sn–Ag–Cu solders. Moreover, after long time aging, some microcracks were clearly observed at the interface due to the formation of excessive IMC layer and softening nature of plain Sn–Ag–Cu solder joints.  相似文献   
Steady-state availability and failure frequency are two key indices in a repairable system. They are generally evaluated from Markov models with constant transition rates. Numerical solutions can be found for relatively large systems using computer programs. It is more difficult to obtain general equations for a specific system using transition rate symbols. The determination of these equations usually involves linear simultaneous equations, either directly or using Cramer's Rule. This paper describes a general purpose graphical approach for obtaining steady-state availability and frequency expressions from a flow graph based on the Markov model. A set of generalised formulae is developed and applied to several configurations. This technique avoids the need to use matrices for developing general purpose equations. Its direct approach is useful to practising engineers and students of reliability concepts.  相似文献   
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