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In this paper, we consider a large-scale evacuation problem after a major disaster. The evacuation is assumed to occur by means of a fleet of buses, thus leading to scheduling the evacuation operations by buses [(bus evacuation problem (BEP)]. We propose time-indexed formulations as well as heuristic algorithms such as greedy algorithms and a matheuristic. This matheuristic uses the former formulation to improve the best solution obtained by the greedy heuristics. In computational experiments, we analyze and evaluate the efficiency of the proposed solution algorithms.  相似文献   
We introduce a new geometric method to generate sphere packings with restricted overlap values. Sample generation is an important, but time-consuming, step that precedes a calculation performed with the discrete element method (DEM). At present, there does not exist any software dedicated to DEM which would be similar to the mesh software that exists for finite element methods (FEM). A practical objective of the method is to build very large sphere packings (several hundreds of thousands) in a few minutes instead of several days as the current dynamic methods do. The developed algorithm uses a new geometric procedure to position very efficiently the polydisperse spheres in a tetrahedral mesh. The algorithm, implemented into YADE-OPEN DEM (open-source software), consists in filling tetrahedral meshes with spheres. In addition to the features of the tetrahedral mesh, the input parameters are the minimum and maximum radii (or their size ratio), and the magnitude of authorized overlaps. The filling procedure is stopped when a target solid fraction or number of spheres is reached. Based on this method, an efficient tool can be designed for DEMs used by researchers and engineers. The generated packings can be isotropic and the number of contacts per sphere is very high due to its geometric procedure. In this paper, different properties of the generated packings are characterized and examples from real industrial problems are presented to show how this method can be used. The current C++ version of this packing algorithm is part of YADE-OPEN DEM [20] available on the web (https://yade-dem.org).  相似文献   
The performance evaluation is regarded as a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem and has a significant impact on the operations of the enterprise. This paper develops an integrated MCDM approach that combines the voting method and the fuzzy TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution) method to evaluate the performance of multiple manufacturing plants in a fuzzy environment. Fuzzy TOPSIS helps decision-makers carry out analysis and comparisons in ranking their preference of the alternatives with vague or imprecise data. Since the evaluation result is often greatly affected by the weights used in the evaluation process, the voting method is used in this study to determine the appropriate criteria weights. A case study demonstrating the applicability of the proposed model is presented. The case company is the world’s largest manufacturer of power supplies. It has three primary manufacturing bases located in Wujiang, Dongguan, and Tianjin, China. The proposed approach is used to evaluate the performance of the company’s five manufacturing plants in Wujiang, which produce switch power, telecom power, DC/DC converters, uninterruptible power systems (UPS) and AC/DC adapters.  相似文献   
METIS-II was an EU-FET MT project running from October 2004 to September 2007, which aimed at translating free text input without resorting to parallel corpora. The idea was to use “basic” linguistic tools and representations and to link them with patterns and statistics from the monolingual target-language corpus. The METIS-II project has four partners, translating from their “home” languages Greek, Dutch, German, and Spanish into English. The paper outlines the basic ideas of the project, their implementation, the resources used, and the results obtained. It also gives examples of how METIS-II has continued beyond its lifetime and the original scope of the project. On the basis of the results and experiences obtained, we believe that the approach is promising and offers the potential for development in various directions.  相似文献   
A key feature of modern optimal planners such as graphplan and blackbox is their ability to prune large parts of the search space. Previous Partial Order Causal Link (POCL) planners provide an alternative branching scheme but lacking comparable pruning mechanisms do not perform as well. In this paper, a domain-independent formulation of temporal planning based on Constraint Programming is introduced that successfully combines a POCL branching scheme with powerful and sound pruning rules. The key novelty in the formulation is the ability to reason about supports, precedences, and causal links involving actions that are not in the plan. Experiments over a wide range of benchmarks show that the resulting optimal temporal planner is much faster than current ones and is competitive with the best parallel planners in the special case in which actions have all the same duration.1  相似文献   
Comprehensive Automation for Specialty Crops is a project focused on the needs of the specialty crops sector, with a focus on apples and nursery trees. The project’s main thrusts are the integration of robotics technology and plant science; understanding and overcoming socio-economic barriers to technology adoption; and making the results available to growers and stakeholders through a nationwide outreach program. In this article, we present the results obtained and lessons learned in the first year of the project with a reconfigurable mobility infrastructure for autonomous farm driving. We then present sensor systems developed to enable three real-world agricultural applications—insect monitoring, crop load scouting, and caliper measurement—and discuss how they can be deployed autonomously to yield increased production efficiency and reduced labor costs.  相似文献   
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), in its present form, has been in existence for roughly a decade, with formative research in related domains (such as social modelling, computer graphics, simulation and animation of natural swarms or flocks) for some years before that; a relatively short time compared with some of the other natural computing paradigms such as artificial neural networks and evolutionary computation. However, in that short period, PSO has gained widespread appeal amongst researchers and has been shown to offer good performance in a variety of application domains, with potential for hybridisation and specialisation, and demonstration of some interesting emergent behaviour. This paper aims to offer a compendious and timely review of the field and the challenges and opportunities offered by this welcome addition to the optimization toolbox. Part I discusses the location of PSO within the broader domain of natural computing, considers the development of the algorithm, and refinements introduced to prevent swarm stagnation and tackle dynamic environments. Part II considers current research in hybridisation, combinatorial problems, multicriteria and constrained optimization, and a range of indicative application areas.  相似文献   
We developed a module for surgical team training using briefings in simulated crisis scenarios and here we report preliminary findings. Nine surgical teams (34 trainees) participated in a pre-training simulation, followed by an interactive workshop on briefing and checklists, and then a post-training simulation. Both technical and non-technical skills were assessed via observation during simulations by expert trainers who provided feedback on performances at the end of simulation. Trainees also reported their attitudes to briefings and evaluated the training. Pre-training attitudes to briefing were positive, some of which improved post-training and trainees’ evaluation of the training was positive. Surgeons’ technical skill improved significantly post-training, but their decision-making skill was rated lower than other non-technical skills, compared to other trainees. The training did not appear to greatly improve non-technical skill performance. Training surgical teams in simulation is feasible but much more work is needed on measurement development and training strategy to confirm its efficacy and utility.  相似文献   
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