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The paper presents an approach to the evaluation of electromechanical transient processes in power systems. On the basis of identification of the physical properties of the system considered, for an adequately chosen time interval, quasilinearization and decomposition of the original system of nonlinear differential equations into subsystems is performed. A linear transformation is introduced which transforms the state matrix of the sub-systems into diagonal form. These simplifications enable the use of numerical integration schemes based on difference state equations, which have an elementary form. As a result, a model is formed which is very suitable for numerical treatment. The integration is performed without numerical instability, quickly and effectively, with the desired simulation accuracy, and with low memory requirements.  相似文献   
An intelligent wireless sensor network that is designed to save road lighting energy, while maintaining traffic safety, is presented. It consists of an array of nodes that may be installed on both sides of the road, being mutually separated by a few tens to a few hundreds of meters. Each node consists of (i) vehicle detection subsystem, (ii) wireless communications and control subsystem for message exchange between the neighboring nodes, and (iii) lighting subsystem. During the day, nodes are inactive, while during the night, they turn to an active mode enabling detection of passing vehicles and timely activation of road lighting. Upon detection of a passing vehicle, the node generates a wireless message. Neighboring nodes that receive the wireless message will turn on their road lighting. In order to prevent driver distraction, each lamp will be turned on at a safe distance ahead of the moving vehicle. In order to improve energy efficiency, the lights will be dimmed or turned off behind the passing vehicle. The proposed road lighting energy-saving (RLES) system, which combines advanced sensor and wireless communication technologies, is suitable for implementation both with existing high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps and new light-emitting diode (LED) lamps. Our analysis shows that the RLES system will pay off in less than a year when used with HID lamps, while pay-back period is less than two and a half years when used with LEDs.  相似文献   
Fifty-four broad band models for computation of global and diffuse irradiance on horizontal surface are shortly presented and tested. The input data for these models consist of surface meteorological data, atmospheric column integrated data and data derived from satellite measurements. The testing procedure is performed for two meteorological stations in Romania (South-Eastern Europe). The testing procedure consists of forty-two stages intended to provide information about the sensitivity of the models to various sets of input data. There is no model to be ranked “the best” for all sets of input data. Very simple models as well as more complex models may belong to the category of “good models”. The best models for solar global radiation computation are, on equal-footing, ESRA3, Ineichen, METSTAT and REST2 (version 81). The second best models are, on equal-footing, Bird, CEM and Paulescu & Schlett. The best models for solar diffuse radiation computation are, on equal-footing, ASHRAE2005 and King. The second best model is MAC model. The best models for computation of both global and diffuse radiation are, on equal-footing, ASHRAE 1972, Biga, Ineichen and REST2 (version 81). The second best is Paulescu & Schlett model.  相似文献   
Several very simple clear sky and cloudy sky global irradiance models were tested under the climate and latitudes of Romania (Eastern Europe). The very simple clear sky models do not require meteorological data while the very simple cloudy sky models need only data on the total cloud amount. Three slightly more complex cloudy sky models which use additional meteorological inputs were also tested. The mean absolute error of the very simple clear sky models varies between 7 and 14% in July and between 12 and 19% in January. The best model originates from Western Europe. The performance of the very simple cloudy sky models is comparable to that of the more complicated ones. This is the main conclusion of the paper. Generally, their root mean square error varies between 35 and 45% in close agreement with results from the literature. Twelve classes of daily average cloudiness were defined. The model accuracy is better for the first six classes (with smaller cloud amount) and worse for the other six classes.  相似文献   
Viorel Badescu   《Renewable Energy》2005,30(2):211-225
The main components of thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices are the primary lens (or mirror), the absorber, the PV cell, and a photon recuperator system. A theory integrating all these components is used in this paper to analyse a particular type of TPV device (plane disk absorber and PV cell). The TPV efficiency is maximized by using three optimization parameters, namely absorber, PV cell temperatures, and cell voltage. Almost ideal operation conditions are envisaged and upper bounds are obtained for the TPV efficiency. They are strongly dependent on PV cell bandgap and radiation concentration. Preliminary results suggest the existence of an optimum solar radiation concentration ratio. The improvement in thermal design quality allows the usage of PV cells based on wide bandgap semiconductors.  相似文献   
Phase-synchronisers have many applications in VLSI circuit designs. They are used in CMOS RF circuits including phase (de)modulators, phase recovery circuits, multiphase synthesis, etc. In this article, a phase-synchroniser based on gm-C all-pass filter chain with sliding mode control is presented. The filter chain provides good controllable delay characteristics over the full range of phase and frequency regulation, without deterioration of input signal amplitude and waveform, while the sliding mode control enables us to achieve fast and predetermined finite locking time. IHP 0.25 µm SiGe BiCMOS technology has been used in design and verification processes. The circuit operates in the frequency range from 33 MHz up to 150 MHz. Simulation results indicate that it is possible to achieve very fast synchronisation time period, which is approximately four time intervals of the input signal during normal operation, and 20 time intervals during power-on.  相似文献   
The 2D semiconductor MoS2 in its mono‐ and few‐layer form is expected to have a significant exciton binding energy of several 100 meV, suggesting excitons as the primary photoexcited species. Nevertheless, even single layers show a strong photovoltaic effect and work as the active material in high sensitivity photodetectors, thus indicating efficient charge carrier photogeneration. Here, modulation spectroscopy in the sub‐ps and ms time scales is used to study the photoexcitation dynamics in few‐layer MoS2. The results suggest that the primary photoexcitations are excitons that efficiently dissociate into charges with a characteristic time of 700 fs. Based on these findings, simple suggestions for the design of efficient MoS2 photovoltaic and photodetector devices are made.  相似文献   
In this article an iterative method to compute the maximal solution and the stabilising solution, respectively, of a wide class of discrete-time nonlinear equations on the linear space of symmetric matrices is proposed. The class of discrete-time nonlinear equations under consideration contains, as special cases, different types of discrete-time Riccati equations involved in various control problems for discrete-time stochastic systems. This article may be viewed as an addendum of the work of Dragan and Morozan (Dragan, V. and Morozan, T. (2009), ‘A Class of Discrete Time Generalized Riccati Equations’, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, first published on 11 December 2009 (iFirst), doi: 10.1080/10236190802389381) where necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the maximal solution and stabilising solution of this kind of discrete-time nonlinear equations are given. The aim of this article is to provide a procedure for numerical computation of the maximal solution and the stabilising solution, respectively, simpler than the method based on the Newton–Kantorovich algorithm.  相似文献   
A new approach, designed for clustering of arbitrary distributed patterns, is presented. This study is concerned with the use of a self-organizing neural network as a frame for data clustering. The nearest network nodes in feature space are treated as prototypes, assigned to the corresponding cluster. The rules for dead-node shifting and simple adjustment of coordinates of the active nodes are introduced. The performance of the proposed self-organizing neural network is examined on the benchmark synthetic and the real-world problem.  相似文献   
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