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Purified extracts of five species of Antarctic sponges (Demospongiae: Kirkpatrickia variolosa, Artemisina apollinis, Phorbas glaberrima, and Halichondria sp. and Calcarea: Leucetta antarctica) from King George Island were analyzed by GC/MS for the presence of persistent and lipophilic halogenated compounds to identify bioaccumulative halogenated natural products. Sample extracts were prepared using methods identical for the determination of POPs, namely, microwave-assisted extraction with organic solvents, gel permeation chromatography, and column chromatography on deactivated silica. In addition, samples were treated with sulfuric acid to remove acid-destructible compounds. PCBs were not detectable and only traces of lindane, p,p'-DDE, and alpha-HCH were detected in these samples in decreasing order of abundance, underscoring their uncontaminated state. In contrast, 146 brominated compounds were identified by correct isotopic ratios m/z 79 and 81, 50% of which eluted prior to lindane including the most abundant peaks. Each sponge sample contained > or = 35 brominated compounds of natural origin, 14 of which were detected in all species. Estimated concentrations ranged from the high ng/kg to mg/kg (air-dried weights) and relative distributions of the same compounds in different sponges were highly variable. The high abundance of these compounds relative to known anthropogenic pollutants strongly suggests a natural origin. Multiple mode (EI-, ECNI-, and PCI-) GC/MS enabled identification of an aliphatic ketone tentatively identified as 1,1,2-tribromo-oct-1-en-3-one, present in all species but highest in Phorbas glaberrima. Several halogenated phenols including 2,4,6-tribromophenol were also abundant in Phorbas glaberrima as were halogenated anisoles in lower relative abundances. The halogenated phenols were analyzed without derivatization. The sample of Halichondria sp. contained the dibromotrichloro monoterpene MHC-1, a recently described environmental contaminant in fish and seals. Retrospective analysis of other marine samples confirmed that 2,4,6-tribromophenol was present in seal blubber from both the Arctic and the Antarctic. The presence of naturally occurring organohalogens such as 2,4,6-tribromophenol and MHC-1 in Antarctic marine invertebrates thus provides a link to their occurrence in marine mammals.  相似文献   
A systematic investigation of the feasibility of and mechanisms for transformation and removal of bisphenol A (BPA) from aqueous phase via oxidative coupling mediated by horseradish peroxidase is described. It is demonstrated that BPA can be effectively transformed into precipitable solid products in HRP-mediated oxidative coupling reactions. A total of 13 reaction intermediates and products are identified using LC/MS and GC/MS techniques, and with the help of ab initio molecular modeling, detailed reaction pathways are proposed. It is postulated that two BPA radicals are coupled primarily by the interaction of an oxygen atom on one radical and propyl-substituted aromatic carbon atom on another, followed by elimination of an isopropylphenol carboncation. All intermediates or products detected can be interpreted as resulting from either coupling or substitution reactions between BPA and other intermediates or products. The efficacy of the reaction at low substrate concentrations is demonstrated using a sensitive analytical procedure involving solid-phase extractions. The results suggest that catalyzed oxidative coupling reactions may be important natural transformation pathways for estrogenic phenolic compounds and indicate their potential use as an efficient means for removal of estrogenicity from waters and wastewaters.  相似文献   
As one of the most important animal food sources, pigs are an important model in the assessment of human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In the present study, the distribution of the administrated polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxin/furan (PCDD/F)–polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the different tissues of pigs, including liver, lung, kidney, subcutaneous fat, mesentery and muscle, for understanding the physiologically based pollutant accumulation in these tissues and their edible safety was investigated. It was found that liver had a much higher potential to accumulate PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like pollutants like PCB-126 than the other tissues, but it did not specifically concentrate PBDE congeners as compared to the other tissues. The different PCDD/F congeners and PCB-126 followed a similar distribution pattern in the different tissues; also the different PBDE congeners have the similar pattern in these tissues. The liver’s higher concentrating potency for dioxin-like pollutants may result from its detoxification function, however, it can concentrate dioxin-like pollutants but not PBDEs may suggest that it is the toxicity but not lipophilic property of these POPs dominated their accumulation in liver tissues. Also the result suggested that liver is a high-risk edible tissue for dioxin-like pollutants. In conclusion, the present study suggested that physiologically based assessments are necessary for evaluating edible tissue safety in animal source foods.  相似文献   
From reaction mixtures consisting ofN-acetyldehydroaminobutyric acid methyl ester andN -acetyl-l-lysine orN -acetyl-l-histidine, respectively, distinct amounts of the cross-link amino acidsN -(2-amino-2-carboxy-l-methylethyl)-l-lysine (lysinomethylalanine, LMeAL) andN -(2-amino-2-carboxy-1-methyl-ethyl)-l-histidine (histidinomethylalanine, HMeAL) were isolated via preparative ion-exchange chromatography and identified by1H- and13C-nuclear magnetic resonance. In the amino acid chromatogram, both compounds eluted clearly separated from other basic amino acids. However, neither LMeAL nor HMeAL could be detected in numerous acid hydrolysates of a range of milk products. In model studies, threonine showed a significantly lower tendency for an alkali-induced -elimination reaction compared to serine. The reactivity of the resulting dehydroaminobutyric acid towards nucleophiles was more than tenfold lower as compared to dehydroalanine. Thus, the formation of LMeAL as well as of HMeAL during food processing is negligible.
Studien zur Bildung von Lysinomethylalanin und Histidinomethylalanin in Milchprodukten
Zusammenfassung Aus Reaktionsansätzen bestehend ausN-Acetyldehydroaminobuttersäurenthylester undN -Acetyl-l-lysin beziehungsweiseN -Acetyl-l-histidin konnten die Crosslink-AminosäurenN -(2-Amino-2-carboxy-1-methyl-ethyl)-l-lysin (Lysinomethylalanin, LMeAL) undN -(2 amino-2-carboxy-2 -methyl-ethyl)-l-histidin (Histidinomethylalanin, HMeAL) durch präparative Ionenaustauschchromatographie isoliert und anschließend durch 1H-und13C-NMR identifiziert werden. Das Aminosäurechromatogramm zeigte eine eindeutige Trennung beider Aminosäurederivate von anderen basischen Aminosäuren. Dennoch konnten in einer großen Zahl von Säurehydrolysaten der verschiedensten Milchprodukte weder LMeAL noch HMeAL nachgewiesen werden. In Modelluntersuchungen erfolgte die -Elimination an Threonin im Vergleich zu Serin in einem deutlich geringeren Maße. Die Reaktivität der dabei entstehenden Dehydroaminobuttersäure gegenüber Nucleophilen war mehr als zehnfach geringer als die von Dehydroalanin. Damit kann die Bildung sowohl von LMeAL als auch von HMeAL bei der Verarbeitung von Nahrungsmitteln als vernachlässigbar gering eingeschätzt werden.

Dedicated to Prof. Dr. W. Baltes on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Replies to P. L. Wachtel (see PA, Vol. 51:Issue 5) stating that efforts to achieve integration between psychodynamic and behavioral approaches are appealing, but are unlikely to succeed unless the empirical issues are faced without distortion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Within the context of environmentally friendly methods for the elimination of surface-water pollutants, the photodegradation of the phenolic pesticides bromoxynil (BXN) and dichlorophen (DCP) under simulated natural conditions has been studied. The work was done in the presence of the visible-light absorber photosensitizer riboflavin (Rf), usually present in trace quantities in natural waters. Under aerobic conditions, an efficient photooxidation of both pesticides was observed. The relatively intricate photochemical mechanism involves pesticide and oxygen consumption and, to a lesser extent, Rf degradation. The kinetic and mechanistic study supports that both H(2)O(2) and singlet molecular oxygen, O(2)((1)Δ(g)), are involved in the process. Kinetic data for the O(2)((1)Δ(g))-mediated oxidation indicate that BXN and DCP are photodegraded with this species faster than the parent compound phenol, very frequently employed as a model for aquatic contaminants, likely due to their lower pK(a) values. This observation allows the design of phenolic pesticides with different photodegradation rates under environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Classification of Raman spectra recorded from single cells is commonly applied to bacteria that exhibit small sizes of approximately 1 to 2 μm. Here, we study the possibility to adopt this classification approach to filamentous bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. The hyphae can reach extensive lengths of up to 35 μm, which can correspond to a single cell identified in light microscopy. The classification of Raman bulk spectra will be demonstrated. Here, ultraviolet resonance Raman (UV RR) spectroscopy is chosen to classify six Streptomyces species by the application of a tree-like classifier. For each knot of the hierarchical classifier, estimated classification accuracies of over 94% are accomplished. In contrast to the classification of bulk spectra, the classification of single-cell spectra requires a homogenous substance distribution within the cell. Consequently, the bacterial cell chemistry can be represented by one individual spectrum. This requirement is not fulfilled when different spectra are processed from different locations within the cell. Bacteria of the investigated genus Streptomyces exhibit, besides the normal bacterial spectra, lipid-rich spectra. The occurrence of lipid enrichment depends on culture age and nutrition availability. With this study, we investigate the cell substance distribution, especially of lipid-rich fractions. The classification utilizing a tree-like classifier is also applied to the Streptomyces single-cell spectra, resulting in classification accuracies between 80 and 93% for the investigated Streptomyces species.  相似文献   
We present the results of a diagnostic study of the use of coherent four wave mixing for in situ measurement of an electric field in air or in nitrogen-containing plasmas. Static electric fields in air at a nominal pressure of 625 Torr and temperature of 300 K are detected using vibrational CARS of nitrogen. It is shown that the ratio of the infrared signal to the vibrational N(2) CARS signal is equal to approximately 10(-8) at 8.33 kV/cm, a factor of approximately 50 less than that predicted assuming equal third-order nonlinear susceptibilities. It is also shown that the spatial resolution of a typical collinear geometry measurement is approximately 1 cm. Finally, it is shown that achieving sensitivities of the order of 1 kV/cm requires that the coherent Raman pumping be performed in the highly saturated and Stark broadened regime.  相似文献   
We fabricated a solar cell using a hybrid film consisting of CdS nanoparticle-decorated TiO2 nanobelts, which were synthesized via a modified alkaline hydrothermal method. The hybrid film is flexible and contains homogeneous CdS nanoparticle light absorbers. Furthermore, the type II heterostructure of CdS/TiO2 facilitates charge separation in the CdS nanoparticle-decorated TiO2 nanobelts. The solar cell demonstrated a light-electricity power conversion efficiency of 2.52%. Next, we deposited the CdS nanoparticle-decorated TiO2 nanobelts onto a ZnO nanowire array forming an antireflective hybrid structure. The power conversion efficiency of the cell with the hybrid photoanode reached 2.84%.  相似文献   
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