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Cooperative UAV swarms typically adopt coalition-based network structures for executing tasks more efficiently.Coalition heads in such networks need to do both ...  相似文献   
Internal hydroxyl impurity is known as one of the main detrimental factors affecting the upconversion (UC) efficiency of upconversion luminescence (UCL) nanomat...  相似文献   
控制关系(dominant relationship)在Skyline计算、Rank-Aware查询处理以及市场分析等方面有着非常广泛的应用,自提出以来受到越来越多的关注.对于一个N维的数据集,其中的一个点p能控制另一个点q,当且仅当p在各个维上的值都不比q差,而且至少在一个维上的值比q要好.在最近的研究工作中指出,基于以上定义的控制关系可以用于市场分析中的产品定位问题,对于一个产品而言,控制能力越强(能控制的顾客越多)该新产品就越好.但是考虑到一个产品要在各个属性上都有非常好的表现是非常困难的,放松了控制关系的定义,认为当一个产品在各个属性上的取值都与顾客的偏好"近似"时,该产品就能控制这个顾客(即能满足该顾客的要求).另外此前的工作在分析产品的市场定位时没有考虑竞争对手的影响,导致分析的结果不能用于实际应用.基于以上考虑,定义了一种新的基于kNN的控制关系,并将其用于市场竞争且资源受限情况下的产品分析和市场定位问题.在R*树的基础上,提出了一种新的控制关系分析算法.实验验证了所提出的方法是有效的.  相似文献   
通过对一起110kV XLPE电缆线路竣工试验所引发的事故进行分析,提出110kV电缆交流试验应该注意的一些问题,以期引起同行的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - Piezoelectric energy harvesters convert the vibration energy of a mechanical system into the electrical energy. Among them, cantilever type is the...  相似文献   
为了研究压电陶瓷在植入人工关节内压力下能量产生特性,该文从理论上分析了坚硬锆钛酸铅(PZT)陶瓷元件的能量产生特性和等效电路,并基于实验结果利用非线性拟和算法得到其等效电路的参数拟和值。1个与4个PZT元件的仿真结果和实验结果非常吻合,从而验证了等效电路的参数拟和值的正确性及PZT元件的供电特性(约1.2 mW)。最后描述了利用压电陶瓷供电的电源电路设计和仿真结果,证明了PZT的能量能转换为电路稳定可用电源。  相似文献   
U-grooved metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors (UMSM-PD's) having various trench depths of interdigitated electrodes and an intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (i-a-Si:H) to c-Si heterojunction have been fabricated successfully on a p-type [100] Si wafer. The U-grooved structures on c-Si were achieved with a simple orientation-dependent etching (ODE) process. Some important characteristics of the obtained UMSM-PDs are presented and discussed. An UMSM-PD with a 70 nm i-a-Si:H overlayer, 1.45 μm-deep recessed electrodes, and 3 μm finger width and spacing, had a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 50.6 ps and a full-time of 132 ps for its temporal response under a bias of 15 V. The significant improvements of transient response for UMSM-PD, as compared to the conventional one, were attributed to the trench electrodes resulted in a stronger lateral electric field in the light absorption region of photodetector. At a bias of 20 V, this UMSM-PD had a responsivity of 0.25 A/W as measured with an 0.83-μm incident semiconductor laser, a high photo/dark current ratio about 2000, and an internal quantum efficiency of 36%. This high photo/dark current ratio would be due to the additional i-a-Si:H overlayer on Si wafer. These mentioned performances were much better than those of the conventional Si-based planar MSM-PD  相似文献   
Al2O3, HfO2, and composite HfO2/Al2O3 films were deposited on n-type GaN using atomic layer deposition (ALD). The interfacial layer of GaON and HfON was observed between HfO2 and GaN, whereas the absence of an interfacial layer at Al2O3/GaN was confirmed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The dielectric constants of Al2O3, HfO2, and composite HfO2/Al2O3 calculated from the C-V measurement are 9, 16.5, and 13.8, respectively. The Al2O3 employed as a template in the composite structure has suppressed the interfacial layer formation during the subsequent ALD-HfO2 and effectively reduced the gate leakage current. While the dielectric constant of the composite HfO2/Al2O3 film is lower than that of HfO2, the composite structure provides sharp oxide/GaN interface without interfacial layer, leading to better electrical properties.  相似文献   
对合成射流激励助燃风影响NOx生成进行了实验研究,主要考察了合成射流频率、幅值对燃烧器内掺混区时均速度、NOx含量、温度等参数分布的影响。实验结果表明,加入适当频率的合成射流激励助燃风,能够增强径向、周向速度幅值,改善天然气与助燃风的掺混,降低“热点”温度和NOx生成量(较无激励时最多降低约14%),这有益于降低天然气燃烧造成的大气污染。  相似文献   
Si3N4对镁质浇注料抗渣性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以95烧结镁砂为主要原料,以SiO2微粉为结合剂,在配料的细粉部分分别以0、3%、4%、5%的β-Si3N4细粉替代等量的镁砂细粉,搅拌均匀后浇注成氮化硅含量不同的镁质坩埚试样。选用宝钢中间包渣,采用静态坩埚法,在1550℃3h条件下对这些坩埚试样进行了抗渣试验。试验结果表明:加入Si3N4可以明显改善镁质浇注料的抗渣性能,并且随着Si3N4加入量的增加,试样的抗渣性能提高;在含氮化硅的镁质浇注料表面,由于Si3N4被氧化为SiO2而形成了致密烧结层,能阻止渣的进一步渗透;在加入Si3N4的镁质浇注料试样内部深处,由于氧分压非常低,Si3N4稳定存在;由于Si3N4在还原气氛下难以烧结,造成镁质浇注料内部结构疏松。  相似文献   
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