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Immobilized lipase reactors for modification of fats and oils—A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review focuses on the use of immobilized lipase technology to effect hydrolysis, ester synthesis, and interesterification reactions. The various immobilization procedures, reactor configurations, and process considerations are all reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   
The development of passive (without RF amplifier) and optimised VHF-detector/optical-modulator circuit module as a device for operation in the 88–108 MHz band will be described in this paper. It uses illumination-type light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at 650 nm as the light source, coupled with poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer optical fibre. Reactive impedance matching is performed between the optoelectronic light source and the antenna by taking into account the some capacitance variation with the frequency of the antenna and of the biased LED, not resolved with the packaging parasitic effects. The relatively simple device presented here and named wireless-over-polymer optical fibre may be useful in many low-frequency radio-over-fibre applications and may contribute to energy savings.  相似文献   
Benthic diatom assemblages have been used to evaluate the water quality of two rivers subjected to marked human influences. These rivers, the Llobregat and the Ter, are located in N.E. Spain, and supply water for industrial, agricultural and urban requirements of roughly three million people. The diatom communities in the headwaters are similar in both rivers (Achnanthes minutissima, Cymbella ventricosa, Gomphonema anguslatum). Species of Navicula, Nitzschia and Gomphonema develop in the middle reaches of both rivers when not disrupted by extraneous factors. In the river Ter significant pollution modifies this community and Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia gandersheimiensis and Gomphonema parvulum appear as the most tolerant species. In the Llobregat, the pollution from the salt mine operations also modifies the diatom assemblage and Nitzschia frustulum, Surirella ovata, Navicula atomus are the most abundant species. Reservoirs in the river Ter improve the quality of water and a community of Fragilaria sp. pl. becomes dominant downstream.  相似文献   
Two sets of traditional Greek sheep milk yoghurt were produced: the first one (YC) using normal yoghurt culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ?10.13 and Streptococcus thermophilus ?10.7) and the second (PR) with the same normal culture mixed with Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei DC412. YC and PR had similar physicochemical properties and proteolysis patterns throughout storage. Both products showed similar peptide profiles by RP-HPLC but quantitative differences were observed in respect to storage time. Single-strain cultures of the microorganisms used showed similar peptide profiles for both lactobacilli, yet L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus was the most proteolytic of all three microorganisms. The peptide content and the ACE-inhibitory activity of the water-soluble extracts of yoghurts, YC and PR, increased throughout storage. Major peptides were identified from yoghurt PR and from the separate cultures of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and L. paracasei subsp. paracasei. Most of these peptides were derived from β-casein. A peptide, β-CN f114-121, with well-established ACE-inhibitory and opiate-like activity was identified in yoghurt PR. Further identified peptides were regarded as potential ACE-inhibitors according to their sequence.  相似文献   
The mathematical modeling of spatial biofilm formation that provides the capability to predict biofilm structure from first principles has been in development for the past six years. However, a direct and quantitative link between model predictions and the experimentally observed structure formation still remains to be established. This work assesses the capability of a state-of-the-art technique for three-dimensional (3D) modeling of biofilm structure, individual based modeling (IbM), to quantitatively describe the early development of a multispecies denitrifying biofilm. Model evaluation was carried out by comparison of predicted structure with that observed from two experimental datasets using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) monitoring of biofilm development in laboratory flowcells. Experimental conditions provided biofilm growth without substrate limitation, which was confirmed from substrate profiles computed by the model. 3D structures were compared quantitatively using a set of morphological parameters including the biovolume, filled-space profiles, substratum coverage, average thickness and normalized roughness. In spite of the different morphologies detectable in the two independent short-term experiments analyzed here, the model was capable of accurate fitting data from both experiments. Prediction of structure formation was precise, as expressed by the set of morphology parameters used.  相似文献   
Zeolitic material is obtained from fly ash both by direct conversion of the ash or from SiO2 extracts obtained from fly ash. This study focuses on determining the suitability of a fly ash for SiO2 extraction and for zeolite synthesis by direct conversion. The SiO2 extraction experiments from different fly ashes show that the main parameters governing the SiO2 extraction are: (a) a high bulk SiO2 content (>52%, for obtaining an extraction yield of 100 g SiO2 kg?1) in the starting fly ash, (b) a high proportion (>55%) of the bulk SiO2 present in the degradable glass matrix and the highly soluble opaline fraction, and (c) a high bulk SiO2/Al2O3 ratio (>2.0) of the fly ash. The results from experiments of zeolite synthesis by direct conversion demonstrate that the most important criteria for the selection of a fly ash for this process are: (a) a high content of Al2O3 and SiO2(>65%) (b) a high glass content (>63%) and (c) relatively low SiO2/Al2O3 ratio (<2.0). Multivariate analysis confirms the importance of the above‐mentioned variables and shows some additional variables that have influence on ash behaviour under alkaline conditions. It quantifies the use of those variables for determining the suitability of ashes for SiO2 extraction and zeolite synthesis and is able to distinguish between the two. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The influence of an inert gas on the separation performances of a dense polymeric membrane module working under partial vacuum on the downstream side, such as possibly encountered in gas permeation, vapor permeation or pervaporation, has been investigated through an experimental and theoretical study. A whole range of situations on the downstream side, covering ideal vacuum pumping (i.e. zero downstream pressure under leak free conditions) to inert gas sweeping under atmospheric pressure has been tested. A theoretical framework, previously developed for single permeant situation has been extended to the multicomponent case. The separation of methanol and 2-propanol by a dense silicone rubber membrane confirms the ability of this simple modelling strategy to offer quantitative predictions of the permeate composition under variable downstream pressure and inert gas flowrate conditions. Based on this observation, the implications of an inert gas contribution on pervaporation or gas separation operation are discussed, particularly in relationship to the global energy consumption of the system or to analytical devices making use of a gas sweep.  相似文献   
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