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莱钢1号1880m3高炉装料制度的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周生华  程树森  孙建设 《炼铁》2007,26(1):33-36
对莱钢1号1 880m3高炉装料制度的调整经验进行了总结.主要经验是:采用大矿角、大焦角、大角差的装料制度,炉料偏析小,炉况稳定性好,煤气利用率高.  相似文献   

Co-stabilised (Y,Mg) partially stabilised zirconia (PSZ) ceramics with MgAl2O4 spinel additions were produced, with industrial zirconia as the main starting material. Powders were prepared using a mechanical milling–mixing process. The effect of the annealing process on the mechanical properties, phase compositions, and microstructure of fine grained PSZ ceramics was investigated.  相似文献   
以电子转移再生催化剂的原子转移自由基聚合(ARGET ATRP)成功合成了大分子硅烷偶联剂即聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯-b-3-甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基三甲氧基硅烷(PMMA-b-PTMSPMA)。利用所制得的大分子偶联剂对玻璃表面进行了接枝改性,对改性后的玻璃表面形态及疏水性能进行了研究。结果表明,以CuBr2/PMDETA络合物为催化体系,溴化铜(CuBr2)用量为n(CuBr2)/n(单体)=5×10-4时,PMMA段以辛酸亚锡(Sn(EH)2)为还原剂,PTMSPMA段以铜(Cu)为还原剂,用ARGET ATRP两步法成功制备了嵌段共聚物PMMA-b-PTMSPMA。采用"接枝到(graft onto)"方法,在温和的条件下,在玻璃表面接枝上了大分子偶联剂。玻璃表面的接触角可从30°提高到65°,提高了玻璃表面的疏水性。  相似文献   
Spider-silk inspired functional fibers with periodic spindle-knots and the ability to collect water in a directional manner are fabricated on a large scale using a fluid coating method. The fabrication process is investigated in detail, considering factors like the fiber-drawing velocity, solution viscosity, and surface tension. These bioinspired fibers are inexpensive and durable, which makes it possible to collect water from fog in a similar manner to a spider's web.  相似文献   
The carrier screening effect occurs commonly in dielectric materials. It reduces the electric potential gradient, thus negatively affecting the functionality of resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices. An Au/ZnO film/Al-doped ZnO device fabricated in this work exhibited no resistive switching (RS), which was attributed to the carrier screening effect. Therefore, annealing was used for alleviating the screening effect, significantly enhancing the RS property. In addition, different on/off ratios were obtained for various bias values, and the screening effect was accounted for by investigating electron transport mechanisms. Furthermore, different annealing temperatures were employed to modulate the free carrier concentration in ZnO films to alleviate the screening effect. The maximal on/off ratio reached 105 at an annealing temperature of 600 °C, yielding the lowest number of free carriers and the weakest screening effect in ZnO films. This work investigates the screening effect in RS devices. The screening effect not only modulates the characteristics of memory devices but also provides insight into the mechanism of RS in these devices.
在高冶强的生产状态下,高炉如何优化各项技术经济指标,降低其成本,从而提高产品竞争力,是现代高炉操作者积极探索的问题。梅钢2号高炉通过精料、优化操作、改进工艺措施等的实施,实现了高炉高冶强下的指标优化。  相似文献   
为满足高精度惯导测试设备的需要,针对我国目前直流伺服系统仍采用IGBT、晶闸管为主功率电路的现状,采用第五代智能功率模块IPM开发了一款新型的直流伺服系统;该系统相对于采用传统功率器件的伺服系统在性能指标与可靠性方面都有极大地提高,电流环带宽达到了1kHz.同时具有很好的电磁兼容性;应用于某高精度惯导测试设备0.001°/s速率检测,速率精度为0.0×10°,速率平稳度为9.2×10-5,结果表明,IPM智能功率模块应用于惯导测试设备中,系统性能稳定,伺服精度高,尤其是在功率密度和抗干扰性能方面表现突出,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   
本文是excel在生活中做这些工作中的一个特例,用数组知识进行数据统计,高效为生活服务的一个典型应用。  相似文献   
机器人体系结构是机器人的基础。本文采用预先设计好的四种机器人基本行为设计了基于功能分解的机器人体系结构,在此基础上指出了此结构的缺点,提出了新的基于模糊算法的行为融合理论。最后通过机器人专用仿真软件进行仿真,结果表明模糊算法用于机器人的体系结构中能有效改善机器人的性能。  相似文献   
Lithium- and manganese-rich (LMR) layered cath-ode materials hold the great promise in designing the next-genera-tion high energy density lithium ion batteries....  相似文献   
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