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High-level synthesis (HLS) is a potential solution to increase the productivity of FPGA-based real-time image processing development. It allows designers to reap the benefits of hardware implementation directly from the algorithm behaviors specified using C-like languages with high abstraction level. In order to close the performance gap between the manual and HLS-based FPGA designs, various code optimization forms are made available in today’s HLS tools. This paper proposes a HLS source code and directive manipulation strategy for real-time image processing by taking into account the applying order of different optimization forms. Experiment results demonstrate that our approach can improve more effectively the test implementations comparing to the other optimization strategies.  相似文献   
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - In this article, we present simple and robust numerical methods for two-dimensional geometrical shape optimization problems, in the context of...  相似文献   
Cognition, Technology & Work - For a successful market introduction of Level 3 Automated Driving Systems (L3 ADS), a careful evaluation of human–machine interfaces (HMIs) is necessary....  相似文献   
This paper is focused on the retrieval of industrial aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and microphysical properties by means of airborne imaging spectroscopy. Industrial emissions generally lead to optically thin plumes requiring an adapted detection method taking into account the weak proportion of particles sought in the atmosphere. To this end, a semi-analytical model combined with the Cluster-Tuned Matched Filter (CTMF) algorithm is presented to characterize those plumes, requiring the knowledge of the soil under the plume. The model allows the direct computation of the at-sensor radiance when a plume is included in the radiative transfer. When applied to industrial aerosol classes as defined in this paper, simulated spectral radiances can be compared to ‘real’ MODTRAN (Moderate Resolution Atmospheric Transmission) radiances using the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). On the range from 0.4 to 0.7 µm, for three grounds (water, vegetation, and bright one), SAM scores are lower than 0.043 in the worst case (a both absorbing and scattering particle over a bright ground), and usually lower than 0.025. The darker the ground reflectance is, the more accurate the results are (typically for reflectance lower than 0.3). Concerning AOT retrieval capabilities, with a pre-calculated model for a reference optical thickness of 0.25, we are able to retrieve plume AOT at 550 nm in the range 0.0 to 0.4 with an error usually ranging between 9% and 13%. The first test case is a CASI (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager) image acquired over the metallurgical industry of Fos-sur-Mer (France). First results of the use of the model coupled with CTMF algorithm reveal a scattering aerosol plume with particle sizes increasing with the distance from the stack (from detection score of 54% near the stack for particles with a diameter of 0.1 µm, to 69% away from it for 1.0 µm particles). A refinement is made then to estimate more precisely aerosol plume properties, using a multimodal distribution based on the previous results. It leads to find a mixture of sulfate and brown carbon particles with a plume AOT ranging between 0.2 and 0.5. The second test case is an AHS (Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner) image acquired over the petrochemical site of Antwerp (Belgium). The first CTMF application results in detecting a brown carbon aerosol of 0.1 µm mode (detection score is 51%). Refined results show the evolution of the AOT decreasing from 0.15 to 0.05 along the plume for a mixture of brown carbon fine mode and 0.3 µm radius of sulfate aerosol.  相似文献   
The related economic goals of test generation are quite important for software industry. Manufacturers ever seeking to increase their productivity need to avoid malfunctions at the time of system specification: the later the defaults are detected, the greater the cost is. Consequently, the development of techniques and tools able to efficiently support engineers who are in charge of elaborating the specification constitutes a major challenge whose fallout concerns not only sectors of critical applications but also all those where poor conception could be extremely harmful to the brand image of a product.This article describes the design and implementation of a set of tools allowing software developers to validate UML (the Unified Modeling Language) specifications. This toolset belongs to the AGATHA environment, which is an automated test generator, developed at CEA/LIST.The AGATHA toolset is designed to validate specifications of communicating concurrent units described using an EIOLTS formalism (Extended Input Output Labeled Transition System). The goal of the work described in this paper is to provide an interface between UML and an EIOLTS formalism giving the possibility to use AGATHA on UML specifications.In this paper we describe first the translation of UML models into the EIOLTS formalism, and the translation of the results of the behavior analysis, provided by AGATHA, back into UML. Then we present the AGATHA toolset; we particularly focus on how AGATHA overcomes several problems of combinatorial explosion. We expose the concept of symbolic calculus and detection of redundant paths, which are the main principles of AGATHA's kernel. This kernel properly computes all the symbolic behaviors of a system specified in EIOLTS and automatically generates tests by way of constraint solving. Eventually we apply our method to an example and explain the different results that are computed.  相似文献   
An original approach to immobilize ruthenium species and then transform them into RuO2 nanoparticles is presented that uses hybrid-functionalized glasses. First, different chemical graftings of functional groups (acetylacetonate, amine, nitrile, pyridine and thiol) in porous glass were used to extract ruthenium-containing complexes ([Ru(CH3N)4Cl2] and Ru(NO)(NO3)3) from solutions. The best functional groups to selectively coordinate Ru complexes and thus extract it from the solutions have been determined. Then, the obtained Ru-containing composite glass was heated under air to remove the organic species and to obtain RuO2 nanoparticles inside a glass with centimetre scale geometric form. The as-obtained materials were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nitrogen physisorbtion measurements, elemental analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD).  相似文献   
Water Resources Management - In the context of climate stress, urbanisation and population growth, design and planning tools that assist in decentralised and environmental infrastructural planning...  相似文献   
Based on a real case study from the automotive industry, this paper deals with production planning in powertrain plants. We present an overview of the production planning process and propose a mixed integer linear programme to determine the production quantities of each product over a planning horizon of several days. Then, using real data of an engine assembly line, we simulate the performance obtained through the proposed model within a rolling horizon planning process. We perform multiple tests in order to evaluate the impact of two parameters involved in this process: planning frequency and frozen horizon length. Furthermore, in order to illustrate the value of improving coordination between engine plants and their customers, we evaluate the impact of the quality of demand information (orders and forecasts). We analyse the simulation results and provide insights and recommendations in order to achieve a good trade-off between service level, inventory, and planning stability.  相似文献   
Wall roughness plays a crucial role in granular medium - rough wall interface friction. In this study, an experimental device has been designed to study the influence of boundary conditions, more specifically wall roughness, on the behavior of sheared granular medium. The study is based on use of an analog model, and consists of simulating roughness by means of notches and grains in the medium by monodisperse beads and on use of a numerical model based on the discrete element method. The test protocol entails displacing at fixed speed notched rods under confined granular medium. Movement of the beads layer near the rods as well as friction of the beads against the rods are both studied herein. Results indicate that the parameter controlling friction at the granular medium - rough wall interface is primarily the depth of beads embedment in surface asperities. The objective of the associated numerical modeling is to supplement the experimental results.  相似文献   
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