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含盐异丙醇溶液饱和蒸汽压的测定和关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲍祁  崔志娱 《化工学报》1990,41(3):382-385
<正>为了考察电解质-盐类对汽液平衡的影响,研究挥发性溶剂在不同盐浓度下的饱和蒸汽压与温度的关系,对于理论上了解盐效应的机理,实践中用于恒沸混合物的加盐精馏、有机生物物料的制取分离等都是很有意义的.由丙烯水合制异丙醇的传统过程是得到异丙醇和水的恒沸物,而后再加入第三组分进行特殊精馏,便可得到无水异丙醇.近年来人们试探改革这一传统过程,运用加盐萃取精馏.这是因为盐效应可较大地改变各组分的相对挥发度,以致消除恒沸.由于氯化锌较其他盐(如CaCl_2)在异丙醇中有较大的溶解度,并有较大的溶解速率,因此研究ZnCl_2-异丙醇溶液的饱和蒸汽压是有现实意义的.  相似文献   
数字射频存储器在脉冲多普勒雷达噪声干扰中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用数字射频存储器(DRFM)技术的噪声干扰机,具有瞄频精度高、噪声带宽窄、干扰功率利用率高的特点,可对脉冲多普勒(PD)雷达实施有效干扰。介绍了DRFM干扰机的组成和工作原理。并分析了瞄频误差和寄生信号的产生以及它们对干扰噪声的影响。  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel DC offset calibration method for the zero-IF (intermediate frequency) receiver that removes the PGA-gain-correlated offset residue. The conventional calibration method usually uses the classic input/output referred offset model, in which the receiver IF programmable gain amplifiers (PGAs) have offset sources that varies a lot with different gain settings. Consequently, the conventional calibration method needs to generate the calibration code at each gain step and requires a huge look up table (LUT) to store the calibration values. This paper presents a new DC offset model which is gain non-correlated, by analyzing two types of commonly used PGA. Based on the new model, a LUT-free single-step DC offset calibration method in together with the implementation circuit is designed. The proposed method has been verified on a practical zero-IF receiver circuit in a standard 0.18 μm CMOS technology through the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. The simulation results show that the receiver IF output offset residue after calibration using the proposed method is reduced to below 12 mV, in contrast to 200 mV by the conventional method.  相似文献   
We demonstrate the utility of a low-cost cesium iodide interlayer spun from an aqueous or 2-ethoxyethanol solution on ITO in inverted polymer solar cells of the structure ITO/CsI/P3HT:PCBM/MoO3/Al, where P3HT is poly(3-hexylthiophene) and PCBM is [6,6]-phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of optimized cells was ~3.4%, comparable to that we obtained for inverted cells with Cs carbonate. The thickness of the CsI film was adjusted by varying the solution concentration. The concentration affected the surface morphology of P3HT:PCBM and the density of fractal-like aggregates (possibly related to the presence of Cs and film fabrication conditions) formed near the anode, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Auger analysis indicated a P3HT-rich surface. Optimization of the cells was achieved also by varying the thickness of the MoO3 and the drying/annealing conditions of the active layer, as was evident from the current–voltage characteristics, external quantum efficiency spectra, and PCE. The cells with the CsI interlayer were compared additionally to cells with CsCl or CsF interlayers (with a PCE of up to ~2.7%), which were inferior to the comparable cells with Cs2CO3 or CsI. The surface concentrations of Cs and the halide on ITO were monitored using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The iodine level was low with the Cs:I ratio exceeding 8:1. In contrast, the Cs:Cl ratio was ~1.4:1 and the Cs:F ratio was ~1:1; the Cs2CO3 decomposed partially, as expected. Therefore, for CsI, as is the case for Cs2CO3 but not for CsF, Cs–O bonds are formed at the surface. Such bonds on ITO are important in modifying the ITO work function, improving the cell performance. The results indicate that spin coating solutions of the high polarity CsI is a promising and easy approach to introduce Cs–O on ITO in inverted structures for increased electron extraction from PCBM and possibly hole extraction from the P3HT-rich surface at the anode.  相似文献   
激光明渠流量计的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常凤筠  崔旭东 《应用激光》2007,27(5):421-424
介绍明渠堰槽流量的测量方法,对流量计的硬件电路进行分析和设计,在设计过程中阐述了激光测距传感器的基本工作原理、特点,给出了系统的硬件设计原理图及程序设计方法.在采用DLS-A15型激光测距传感器进行测距时,单片机利用RS232C串行通讯向激光测距传感器发测距命令,传感器接收此命令并对被测液面发射一束激光信号,液面反射回的激光信号被传感器转换为一序列号码,然后再经RS232C串行通讯返回给AT89C52接收.单片机接收的正确数据即为激光测距传感器到液面之间的距离.实践表明,该装置具有计量准确高、运行可靠、价格低廉特点,流量计采用非接触式测量方法,为工矿企业渠道污水排放的流量测量提供了方便.  相似文献   
采用压缩氩弧等离体对高速钢W18Cr4V钢进行了表面强化,研究了工艺参数对强化层性能的影响,用金相显微镜、透射电镜和显微硬度计对等离子强化层的组织、性能进行了分析。结果表明:强化层的显微硬度随深度增加呈非线性关系,并存在一个极大值和一个极小值,最高硬度可达1 000HV0.1;扫描速度和工作电流对强化层深度有显著影响,随工作电流的增加,强化层深度增大,但表面硬度下降,随扫描速度的增加,强化层深度减小。W18Cr4V等离子强化后,强化层由板条马氏体与针状马氏体、残余奥氏体、碳化物组成,且α-Fe[111]∥γ-Fe[110],碳化物主要为M6C、MC、M23C6等,强化层组织得到显著细化。  相似文献   
可靠性是水雷武器完成预定作战任务的有力保障,尤其对于水雷武器安全保险系统这种结构、运行模式复杂的子系统,保证其达到可靠性指标尤为重要。评估可靠性的方法是可靠性研究的关键,尝试对其可靠性的评估方法进行了探讨,并结合某型水雷实例作出具体分析。  相似文献   
人工智能模型训练完成后并不适合直接运行在互联网生产环境,需要对其进行一定的封装和部署.探讨基于容器和云原生服务网格对AI模型进行自动封装和部署,以微服务形式对外提供Restful API,能够提高模型的兼容性和部署灵活性.封装过程采用适用多框架的通用AI模型代码打包方法,解决AI模型运行环境配置问题;通过部署在云原生平...  相似文献   
给出了任意正交坐标系下的速度矩阵法推导和动力学方程普遍表达式,将速度矩阵表示的动力学方程组转化为计算机可运算的格式,实现了在未写出方程表达式的情况下可直接求数值解的目标。  相似文献   
Chen  Zhili  Che  Ruihong  Zhong  Hong  Tian  Miaomiao  Cui  Jie 《Wireless Networks》2019,25(4):1763-1776

Recently, truthful spectrum auctions have been extensively studied to improve spectrum utilization. Furthermore, privacy preservation in truthful spectrum auctions has also been taken into account. However, existing work mainly focuses on privacy-preserving homogenous spectrum auctions, while the case of heterogeneous spectrum auctions is ignored. In this paper, we propose PATH, a privacy-preserving auction for single-sided heterogeneous spectrum allocations. Through organically combining three security techniques: homomorphic encryption, secret sharing and garbled circuit, PATH reveals nothing about buyers’ bids and identities beyond the auction outcome to any participant party. Specifically, PATH not only maintains the properties of truthfulness and spectrum reuse of the underlining auction mechanism TAMES, but also implements the first provably secure solution for single-sided heterogeneous spectrum auctions. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that PATH incurs only limited computation and communication overhead, and it is feasible for large-scale applications.

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