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This article presents a distributed nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA‐II) for optimal seismic retrofit design using buckling restrained braces (BRBs) on a cluster of multi‐core PCs. In the formulation, two conflicting objective functions of the initial BRB installation cost required for seismic retrofitting and damage cost that can be incurred by earthquakes expected during the life cycle of the structure were minimized. Because time‐consuming nonlinear structural analyses are required for fitness evaluations of individuals in every generation, parallelism at candidate design level or individual level is exploited by assigning fitness evaluations for individuals to slave core processors evenly. The distributed algorithm is applied to seismic retrofit design of 2D steel frame structure and 3D irregular reinforced concrete structure. The performance of the distributed NSGA‐II was assessed based on three criteria: convergence of the distributed algorithm, efficiency of distributed computing, and quality of optimal solutions. Implementation of the distributed algorithm on the multi‐core cluster consisting of up to 64 core processors resulted in relatively high speedups or efficiencies of the distributed optimization without deteriorating the quality of the optimal solutions.  相似文献   
This article proposes a model updating technique based on modal participation factors for a beam structure. In this model updating technique, the error functions of the dynamic characteristic differences between measurement and model are generated as the number of modes under consideration and minimized using the multiobjective optimization techniques. A modal influence factor defined by modal participation factors for each mode is presented for the selection of the best solution from among Pareto solutions. The selection rule represented in this article makes it possible to reflect the contributions of each mode on the behavior of a structure. The model is updated using natural frequencies measured in an impact hammer test of a beam structure and the validity of the updated model is confirmed by the strain responses measured from the test. It is found that the bending stiffness of the beam structure as the parameter for model updating can be identified by the proposed techniques. Furthermore, through comparing the models updated by the simple sum model updating and the technique in this research, it is verified that the proposed technique is more appropriate for the model updating.  相似文献   
The pH-sensitive photocatalytic system was prepared by embedding TiO2 into poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel. Two different type TiO2/hydrogel composites, such as matrix and nanofiber, were prepared to investigate the morphological effects on the photocatalytic activity. TiO2 was distributed uniformly in the composite hydrogel and kept the original anatase structure without any structural change. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 was evaluated based on the efficiency of photobleaching of dye. The photobleaching of dye was improved greatly as the pH was changed into basic condition and the larger surface area of hydrogel was available for TiO2 by using nanofiber supports.  相似文献   
Nanostructured surface such as nanoconcave shape can be utilized as a bioplatform to immobilize cells. In this study, we present fabrication of Au-coated nanoconcave surface and some possibility of cell immobilization. Long-range ordered periodic patterns with concave shape were formed on aluminum substrate by electrochemical anodization process. The morphology and topography of nanoconcave surface was investigated by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The pore-pore distance and the pore depth of nanoconcave pattern were measured at 105 +/- 5 nm and 30 +/- 2 nm, respectively. After Au deposition, the pore depth within Au-coated concave surface was 15 +/- 2 nm. The topography of HeLa cells immobilized on the nanoconcave surface was observed by AFM combined with confocal microscopy. The result expected that the Au-coated nanoconcave surface may be used as new culture substrate for cells immobilization in cell-based chip.  相似文献   
Photoresist lithography has been applied to the fabrication of micro/nano devices, such as microfluidic structures, quantum dots, and photonic devices, in MEMS (micro-electro mechanical systems) and NEMS (nano-electro-mechanical systems). In particular, nano devices can be expected to present different physical phenomena due to their three-dimensional (3D) structure. The flexible 3D micro/nano fabrication technique and its process simulation have become among the major topics needed to understand nano-mechanical phenomena. For this purpose, the moving-mask technology and the lithography processes for the positive- and negative-tone photoresists were modeled. The validity of the simulation of the proposed 3D nano/microstructuring was successfully confirmed by comparing the experiment results and the simulated results. Hence, the developed model and the simulation can present and optimize photoresist characteristics and lithography process conditions due to the various 3D nano/microstructures. They could be help in the understanding of nanomaterial and mechanical phenomena.  相似文献   
Intracellular drug delivery of layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanocarriers have been examined in human osteosarcoma Saos-2 cell culture line by both electron and confocal microscopies. For transmission electron microsopic (TEM) study, LDHs and anticancer drug, methotrexate (MTX) loaded LDHs were synthesized and the particle size was controlled. From the scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies, morphologies of LDH nanoparticle and its MTX intercalated form were proven to be platelike hexagonal with an average size of approximately 150 nm. In order to understand the cellular penetration behavior, both nanoparticles were treated to human osteosarcoma Saos-2 cell culture lines and the cellular uptake pattern with respect to incubation time was observed by TEM and SEM. We observed that the nanoparticles are attached at the cellular membrane at first and then internalized into the cells via endocytosis within 1 h. Then are located in the intracellular vacuole (endosome). In order to examine the intracellular drug delivery mechanism of LDH nanoparticles, fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled MTX was intercalated into LDH and treated on Saos-2 cells. Laser scanning confocal microscopic studies revealed that the FITC-MTX molecules were first internalized with LDH nanocarriers via endocytosis, and located in endosome to deliver loaded drug to target cellular organ. It was, therefore, concluded that LDH could play a role as drug delivery nanocarriers.  相似文献   
Micro-arc oxidation method is a useful process for mesoporous titanium dioxide films. In order to improve the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 film, N-Eu co-doped titania catalyst was synthesized by micro-arc oxidation in the H2SO4/Eu(NO3)3 mixture solution.The specific surface area and the roughness of the anodic titania film fabricated in the H2SO4/Eu(NO3)3 electrolyte, were increased compared to that of the anodic TiO2 film prepared in H2SO4 solution. The absorbance response of N-Eu titania film shows a higher adsorption onset toward visible light region, and the incorporated N and Eu ions during anodization as a dopant in the anodic TiO2 film significantly enhanced the photocatalytic activity for dye degradation. After dye decomposition test for 3 h, dye removal rates for the anodic TiO2 film were 60.7% and 90.1% for the N-Eu doped titania film. The improvement of the photocatalytic activity was ascribed to the synergistic effects of the surface enlargement and the new electronic state of the TiO2 band gap by N and Eu co-doping.  相似文献   
The interaction of antiparallel transverse domain walls in ferromagnetic nanowires was investigated via micromagnetic simulation with systematic variations of the external field strength as well as the wire thickness. The interaction of antiparallel transverse walls after domain wall collision exhibited damped multiple collisions due to the rigid structure of the antiparallel transverse walls. The detailed process during the multiple collisions was analyzed via the Fast Fourier Transform technique, along with a careful examination of the inner spin structures of the colliding domain walls. It was found that a frequency peak of multiple collisions shifted to a higher peak position as the external field strength increases. With a stronger field strength of around a few hundred mT, it was found that two antiparallel transverse walls were finally annihilated with formation of complex antivortex structures.  相似文献   
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