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排序方式: 共有10000条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
OLE技术是以面向对象技术为基础的开发应用程序的强有力工具,通过OLE基本概念的介绍,给出了OLE容器的生成及属性设置,值的设置方法,并且在OracleForms中用两个包来访问和操作OLE实体.  相似文献   
AWGN和FEXT噪声下铜双绞传输线的信道容量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尹长川  乐光新 《通信学报》1998,19(10):64-69
本文研究加性白高斯噪声和远端串音两种噪声并存时铜双绞传输线的信道容量,用数值方法给出了不同线路长度和不同输入功率时的信道容量,研究了达到信道容量时的最优输入功率谱密度分布。计算结果表明,在加性白高斯噪声和远端串音同时存在时,信号的输入功率谱不再为均匀分布,这种不均匀性随着输入功率的增加更为明显。这与干扰为纯白高斯噪声时,最优输入功率谱近似为均匀分布的结果是不同的。  相似文献   
为了大容量存贮器制造过程中因缺陷而造成成品率低的问题,或并行阵列中的容错重组问题,一般采用冗余修复的方法,该问题可以归结为对二分图的覆盖,且该问题属于NP完全问题。  相似文献   
石墨掺杂对B/KNO_3点火药的激光点火特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用光声检测的实验方法研究石墨掺杂对B/KNO3点火药的激光点火性能的影响。根据对光声谱的分析,指出了石墨掺入B/KNO3会略降低B/KNO3的激光吸收能力并且掺入量增加时,药剂的光吸收能力会有所改善。石墨掺杂会增长B/KNO3的激光点火延迟期,这一规律与石墨掺杂对B/KNO3的吸光性能的影响规律一致。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种新的神经网络模型用以求解带等式约束的二次规划问题。本模型大大改进了Shenguei zhang等人(1992)给出的二阶神经网络。后者的结构复杂,且只适用于求解具有唯一最优解的情况,而不能求解最优解为无界集合的情形。与它相比,本文提出的新神经网络模型不仅能够精确求解具有唯一最优解的情况,而且还能实时求解最优解集合为无界的情况,此外,在结构上也大为简化,易于电路实现。  相似文献   
差分式连续时间CMOS OTA-C双二阶滤波器   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
应用信号流图法,提出了一种新颖的差分式连续时间电压模式CMOS跨导-电害双二阶滤波器,系统地生成了各种差分式电压模式二阶滤波器;讨论了滤波器的极点特征参数与灵敏度;面向实际电路完成了MOS管级的计算机仿真.仿真结果表明所提出的电路方案正确有效.适于全集成。  相似文献   
岳殿武  胡正名 《通信学报》1996,17(5):126-131
文献[1~4]给出了通信密钥分散管理的几个方案。而经文献[5~7]分析研究,指出这几个方案并不是(k,n)门限方案。本文首先给出了判定不是(k,n)门限方案的简易方法,然后分析这几个方案不是(k,n)门限方案的原因,并对这几个方案给予修改,使得它们确实是(k,n)门限方案。最后对[8~10]给予讨论,指出它们存在的问题。此外还指出了其中一些方案其实是多密钥的(k,n)TCSSS。  相似文献   
The performance of a digital fiber optical system employing four-level pulse width modulation (PWM) is considered. It is shown that PWM may be an attractive alternative to pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), especially if a wide band channel is used. The probability density function (pdf) of the timing error is obtained in terms of the pdf of the noise amplitude, taking into account the thermal noise of the amplifier and the signal-dependent shot noise introduced by the photodiode detector. Near-Gaussian optical pulse edges at the receiver are assumed. Using typical system parameters, the variation of bit error rate (BER) with power level, and the effects of different bit rates, mean photodetector gain, and system bandwidths are calculated. It is observed that minimum BER's are achieved at moderate values of mean photodetector gain and that increased system bandwidth results in increased receiver sensitivity.  相似文献   
Modeling and analysis of correlated software failures of multiple types   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most software reliability models assume independence of successive software runs. It is a strict assumption, and usually not valid in reality. Goseva-Popstojanova & Trivedi (2000) presented an interesting study on failure correlation among successive software runs. In this paper, by extending their results, a software reliability model is developed based on a Markov renewal process for the modeling of the dependence among successive software runs, where more than one type of failure is allowed in general formulation. Meanwhile, the cases of restarting with repair, and without repair, are considered. Although such a model is more complex than the traditional approach based on reliability growth, it incorporates more information about the failures, and system structure. A numerical example is also shown to illustrate the procedure, and provide some comparison.  相似文献   
Dong  Yuanyuan  Gong  Caihong  Zhang  Zhenyu  Li  Hua  Wang  Xiyuan  Dai  Xiaoming 《Wireless Personal Communications》2022,125(4):3627-3640

In this paper, we investigate the problem of downlink precoding for the narrowband massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system with low-resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs). We introduce a low-complexity precoding scheme based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) framework in this work. An efficient gradient descent (GD) algorithm with adaptive step-size determination mechanism (ASGD) is proposed to alleviate the computational complexity bottleneck of the inherent matrix inversion. Numerical results demonstrate that the ASGD precoder achieves an attractive trade-off between the performance and computational complexity compared with other counterparts.

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