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变压器油状态监测的专家系统及应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宋斌  于萍 《变压器》1998,35(12):27-31
简要介绍了专家系统作为一种先进技术在变压器油状态监测中的应用,阐述了专家系统的结构、性能及特点,说明了该系统实现部分的各模块功能。  相似文献   
用数据统计方法对大量现场数据进行分析,确认EMD后处理中,由半成品到成品铁劣化现象,并确定铁劣化区间在0.0296%至0.0401%,以及铁劣化对EMD电化学活性的影响。  相似文献   
疏水聚团浮选技术在绢云母提纯上的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
罗琳 《中国矿业》2000,9(6):50-53
文章介绍了疏水聚团浮选技术应用于河北某金矿伴生围岩中绢云母的提纯。通过对常规的浮选技术与疏水聚团浮选技术的比较,对于提高细粒嵌布且表面亲水的绢云母矿石的浮选回收率,疏水聚团技术是有较明显优势的,该技术适合于用在绢云母浮选粗选作业。  相似文献   
本文对彩色显像管偏转线圈用两种六极场彗差校正系统进行了分析讨论,对垂直偏转场参量Vo,Vz的测量结果表明六极场校正系统的引入在偏转线圈颈部形成垂直枕形场有利于彗差的校正。同时,文中还对磁八极场对彗差的校正作用进行了分析。  相似文献   
By using a particularly chosen exponential profile and depletion approximation, the analytical expressions for avalanche breakdown critical quantities in high-voltage diffused junctions are derived. The analytical results are in good agreement with those of the full numerical method obtained by Temple and Adler and much more accurate than the values obtained by using the one-sided abrupt junction and the linearly-graded junction depletion approximations.  相似文献   
用耦合模型法进行水质随机模拟的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雒文生  宋星原 《水利学报》1995,(3):12-20,27
基于水质变化同时存在的两种规律-确定性规律和随机性规律(前者反映事物必然的内在联系,后者反映外在的随机性因素作用)。建立了一种能同时体现这两种作用的确定性与随机性相耦合的水质模型,并进行了水质变化过程及其概率分布的随机模拟。经实际计算,表明是切实可行的。  相似文献   
木质素磺酸盐制取香兰素的氧化反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对亚硫酸盐木材纸浆废液中的木质素磺酸盐在碱性、空气氧化反应中对氢氧化钠、香兰素和碳酸钠的浓度变化规律进行了分析。对于固形物浓度为20%、28%和35%的废液,氢氧化钠加入量的合理范围分别80~110,95~140和110~160g/L。在废液固形物浓度28%、表压1.44MPa、180℃、空气体积流速3L/L·min 的条件下,香兰素的产量为10.8~14.3g/L,香兰素对木质素的得率为7.6~10.0%,反应时间为50min。  相似文献   
Image resizing becomes more and more important in content-aware image displaying. This paper proposes a patchwise scaling method to resize an image to emphasize the important areas and preserve the globally visual effect (smoothness, coherence and integrity). This method for resizing image is based on optimizing the image distance presented in this paper. The image distance is defined based on so-called local bidirectional similarity measurement and smoothness measurement to quantify the quality of resizing outputs. The original image is divided into small important patches and unimportant patches based on an important map. The important map is generated automatically using a novel combination of image edge and saliency measurement. A scaling factor is computed for each small patch. The resized image is produced by iteratively optimizing, which is based on our image distance, the scaling factor for each small patch. Experiments of different type images demonstrate that our method can be effectively used in image processing applications to locally shrink and enlarge important areas while preserving image quality.  相似文献   
移动终端的智能化带来了终端系统软件和应用软件的飞速演进,终端基础软件向着原生应用生态环境和Web应用生态环境相结合的方向发展,移动应用从门户型应用软件向着针对细分市场、细分人群和专业定位的方向演进.归纳和分析了市场上终端操作系统和应用软件的发展现状及演进方向.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a reversible data hiding scheme for natural images. A hybrid prediction mechanism is utilized in order to produce prediction errors as many as possible. The cover image excluding a seed pixel is partitioned into four non-overlapping segments, and four predictors are tailored for each of them. As a result, most prediction errors concentrate around zero in prediction error histogram. Besides, an interleaving histogram modification mechanism is presented such that the capacity is enhanced and easier to be finely tuned in contrast to some previous approaches. Third, a single seed pixel recovery strategy is introduced. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
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