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<计算机应用基础>已成为我校各类专业学生必修的一门基础学科课程之一,是学生学习计算机入门的基础课.现我就多年的教学实践,从学生学习和老师教学两方面进行探讨,做到量体裁衣,因材施教,这样才能充分地激发出学生学习计算机课程的浓厚兴趣,引导学生自主的学,轻松的学.变"要我学"为"我要学".  相似文献   
随着电信行业的快速发展,电信运营商之问的竞争也愈来愈激烈,所以做好区域市场营销工作的就更加重要.  相似文献   
在社会信息化的不断推进过程中,各级政府的办公自动化需求也在不断升级,公文交换系统多样化且技术更新加速,随着改革的深入和我国加入WTO,公文交换系统的建设已经成为当前我国信息化建设的首要任务.  相似文献   
On the basis of the available thermodynamic parameters, the atomic mobilities of Nb and Zr in bcc Nb–Zr alloys are critically assessed as functions of temperatures and compositions by the CALPHAD method, where self-diffusion coefficients, impurity diffusion coefficients, tracer diffusion coefficients, interdiffusion coefficients and concentration curves are simultaneously optimized. Comparisons between the calculated and experimentally measured diffusion coefficients are made, where good agreement is evident. In addition, the obtained mobility parameters can reproduce a reasonable concentration profile for the Nb/Zr diffusion couple annealed at 1868 K for 5400 s.  相似文献   
Image preview is a convenient way to browse large or multiple images on small displays. However, current signal-level image resampling algorithms may remove many features of interest in the preview image. In this paper, we propose perceptual image preview which retains more perceptual features such that users can inspect features of interest by viewing the preview image only and without zooming in. This technology has two components, structure enhancement and perceptual feature visualization. Structure enhancement enhances the image structure while suppressing subtle details using a gradient modulation method, thus making the succedent perceptual features more apparent. For perceptual feature visualization, features of interest detected in the picture is visualized on the structure enhanced preview image. We demonstrate with two examples of most commonly used image quality features, image blur and noise. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by experimental results.  相似文献   
Sediment is an important environmental factor for aquatic ecosystem and oyster productivities of Apalachicola Bay located in Florida, USA. Based on the data analysis in this study, surface wind speed is highly correlated to the turbidity of water column, which results from sediment resuspension and transport in the Apalachicola Bay. In this paper, an application of a 3D sediment transport model to predict the wind-induced sediment transport in Apalachicola Bay is described. The sediment model is coupled with a 3D hydrodynamic module in the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) model that provides information on estuarine circulation and salinity transport under normal temperature conditions. The hydrodynamic model was calibrated with field observations of water levels and salinity. The sediment transport model solves the transport equation with sources and sinks terms to describe sediment deposition and resuspension. The coupled hydrodynamic and sediment transport models were used to investigate wind-induced total suspended sediments (TSS) resuspension and transport in the bay. For the period June 1–July 30, 2005 two storm events with strong winds gave model results of TSS concentrations that compared well with the field observations. Model simulations reasonably reproduce the sudden increase of sediment concentrations during the storm events. Maximum sediment concentrations in the bay during the two storm events were 10 times or more than those in the pre-storm conditions. Spatial sediment transport from model simulations indicate active sediment resuspension and transport near areas of highly productive oyster beds. The model predictions of TSS and salinity can be used as inputs to an oyster dynamic model (Wang, H., Huang, W., Harwell, M., Edmiston, L., Johnson, E., Hsieh, P., Milla, K., Christensen, J., Stewart, J., Liu, X., 2008. Modeling eastern oyster population dynamics in response to changing environment in Apalachicola Bay, Florida. Journal of Ecological Modeling 211, 77–89) to support the ecological study of oyster growth and mortality in the aquatic ecosystem of Apalachicola Bay.  相似文献   
Practical Interdomain Routing Security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews risks and vulnerabilities in interdomain routing and best practices that can have near-term benefits for routing security. It includes examples of routing failures and common attacks on routers, and countermeasures to reduce router vulnerabilities.  相似文献   
Segmenting human faces automatically is very important for face recognition and verification, security system, and computer vision. In this paper, we present an accurate segmentation system for cutting human faces out from video sequences in real-time. First, a learning based face detector is developed to rapidly find human faces. To speed up the detection process, a face rejection cascade is constructed to remove most of negative samples while retaining all the face samples. Then, we develop a coarse-to-fine segmentation approach to extract the faces based on a min-cut optimization. Finally, a new matting algorithm is proposed to estimate the alpha-matte based on an adaptive trimap generation method. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed method that can compete with the well-known interactive methods in real-time.  相似文献   
本文利用锰红柱石的吸收光谱,考虑到锰红柱石中Mn3+处于一种C2v(C2'')的低对称晶位,采用一简化的强场方案,把单电子晶场矩阵元用自旋允许吸收带代替,克服了多参数的困难.计算出了锰红柱石中处于八面体配位的Mn3+的电子能谱,对锰红柱石的分析首次获得了较为理想的理论计算结果,并对Mn3+和Fe3+谱带的识别提出了新的看法.  相似文献   
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