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近年来,定位技术在许多领域得到了广泛应用,随着蜂窝电话的普及、蜂窝电话定位系统的理论研究与应用开发工作也在不停地进行着,人们提出了多种方案,它们各有特点,需要依据一系列的性能指标对其整体性能进行分析。  相似文献   
在分析了一阶、多阶海杂波产生机理的基础上,从三个方面对现有的海杂波特性分析方法进行了总结和比较,并从统计特性和混沌特性的角度对海杂波特性作了进一步的研究,为全面研究海杂波特性及雷达系统仿真提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
NURBS曲面建模技术的应用是电磁散射计算中的重要研究内容.基于NURBS控制网格的剖分和规划处理,简并相似的计算,提出一种将基于NURBS建模的曲面转化为分段Bez-ier面片的高效算法,简化了该过程的复杂度和计算量.结果表明该算法保持了良好的通用性和准确性,且曲面次数越高,控制顶点越多,在计算量上的优势越明显.  相似文献   
为了提高火电机组高压辅机变频器的调速性能和低电压穿越能力,本文对基于瞬时无功功率MRAS的无速度传感器矢量控制进行了设计和仿真研究,并分析了该控制方法下的变频器低电压穿越技术.仿真表明,该控制方法不仅可以有效提高高压辅机调速性能,还可以缩短变频器因低电压停机后的重启时间,减少辅机的转速下降,更加快速有效地实现低电压穿越.  相似文献   
陈晓雷  谢文 《电子技术》2009,36(8):11-12,6
在分析当前流行的基于PLC真空冷冻干燥监控系统结构的基础上,提出一种基于ARM+FPGA的真空干燥监控系统设计方案。硬件方面采用以ARM与FPGA为核心,设计各种外围接口电路,在软件设计中避开了对对象模型的依赖,采用了神经模糊控制的思想。在控制系统的快、准、稳方面达到了预期目标。  相似文献   
Dense small cell networks are deployed for future wireless communication to meet the ever-increasing mobile traffic demand. However, network densification will significantly increase the energy budget and lead to energy inefficiency due to the constant operation of network hardware. In this paper, we consider cooperation-enabled dynamic base station (BS) management for downlink dense small cell networks. By introducing two traffic-aware sleep modes, i.e., deep sleep mode and opportunistic sleep mode which are operating in different time and energy consumption scales, the network hardwares are turned to be the resources that can be occupied and released dynamically. Small cell BSs (SBSs) with zero or low load are completely switched off and reside in deep sleep mode during a predefined time interval. At each time slot, SBS dynamically turn some antennas and associated physical components into opportunistic sleep mode according to the short term traffic distribution, and the users are jointly served by the remaining antennas via cooperative transmission. The corresponding sleep mode decision making are presented respectively to find the optimal number of SBS and antennas that should be switched off. Numerical results are then presented to illustrate the superior performance in terms of energy efficiency gain. In summary, the proposed cooperation-aided sleep strategies for dense small cell networks take both traffic features and optimal cooperative transmission into account, and can achieve great energy saving while maintaining required quality of service.  相似文献   
固态封装型的体声波谐振器的制备与性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Ti/Mo为布喇格反射层,在Mo底电极上沉积了高c轴择优取向的AlN薄膜,并采用微机电系统(MEMS)工艺制备了固态封装型体声波谐振器.用原子力显微镜(AFM)、场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)测试了布喇格反射层的粗糙度和截面,用微波探针台和网络分析仪测试了以优化工艺参数条件制备的谐振器(FBAR)的频率特性,得到谐振器的谐振频率为2.51 GHz,有效机电耦合系数为3.89%,串并联品质因数为134.2和97.8.  相似文献   
An efficient hybrid Finite-difference time- domain (FDTD) method and Plane wave spectrum (PWS) method is presented to analyze the near field characteristics of lens antenna. Firstly, the aperture plane field distribution is obtained by the FDTD method. Secondly, the PWS method is employed to calculate the near field distribution from the knowledge of the aperture plane field distribution. In order to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method, a lens antenna at Ka band is designed and fabricated as an example. For comparison, a horn an- tenna and a lens antenna without outer lens are simulated to evaluate differences among the lenses on focusing prop- erties. And the focal plane field is measured by the Planar- near-fields (PNF) method. It is found that the results obtained by the FDTD-PWS method are in good agreement with the experimental data after the probe compensation.  相似文献   
Hierarchical and conventional ZSM-5 zeolites were synthesized through steam-assisted crystallization approach using acid-treatment kaolin clay as the silica and aluminium sources. The samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, NH3-TPD, N2-physisorption and TG techniques. The results showed that hierarchical ZSM-5 had rich mesopores and bigger specific surface. In conversion of methanol to aromatics, hierarchical and conventional ZSM-5 zeolites showed higher selectivity for aromatics compared with commercial ZSM-5. Under the conditions of 450 °C, 0.15 MPa, the synthesized hierarchical ZSM-5 showed longest lifetime of 380 h, which was 2 and 6 times than those of conventional and commercial ZSM-5, respectively.  相似文献   
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