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Nearly 1500 spot urine samples were collected in the winter of 1987-1988 from women of seven farming prefectures located throughout Japan. Samples were analyzed for copper by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. The copper content of the urine samples (Cu-U) distributed log-normally with a geometric mean (geometric standard deviation) of 36.9 (1.47) micrograms/l after adjustment for the specific gravity of urine of 1.016. The 95% confidence range was 17.1-79.7 micrograms/l. Neither alcohol consumption nor smoking habit affected the Cu-U. A literature survey showed that the observed level appears to be somewhat higher than previously reported values.  相似文献   
张永宁  陈磊 《中国建材》2007,(12):57-60
企业创新网络的兴起与发展,有着深刻的时代背景。面对蓬勃兴起的知识经济,不断强化的经济全球化趋势,现代科技高度分化和高度综合的特征,市  相似文献   
甘肃省是我国少数民族聚居较为集中的省份,这就决定了这一地区在文化上的多元性。表现在饮食文化上,就形成了以回族清真风味为代表的独特的西北风格。明德宫就是一家具有代表性的清真餐厅。  相似文献   
L.F. Boswell  S.H. Zhang 《Thin》1983,1(4):353-383
The purpose of this paper is to present a formulation of a curved thin-walled box beam finite element having a variable cross-section with at least one vertical axis of symmetry.

To allow for the effects of warping and distortion, three degrees of freedom have been included in the formulation. These degrees of freedom have been designated as the rate of change of twisting angle, the distortional angle of the cross-section, and the rate of change of distortional angle. The effect of shear lag has also been included.

The element may be used for the elastic analysis of a variety of thin-walled structures and in particular for the preliminary analysis of box bridge decks where a three-dimensional analysis may be unnecessary. The accuracy of the element has been demonstrated by comparison of the results obtained with known results from other methods for some examples.  相似文献   

Successional pressures resulting from fire suppression and reduced grazing have resulted in vegetation-type conversion in the open spaces surrounding the urbanized areas of the San Francisco bay area. Coverage of various vegetation types were sampled on seven sites using a chronosequence of remote images in order to measure change over time. Results suggest a significant conversion of grassland to shrubland dominated by Baccharis pilularison five of the seven sites sampled. An increase in Pseudotsuga menziesii coverage was also measured on the sites where it was present. Increases fuel and fire hazard were determined through field sampling and use of the FARSITE fire area simulator. A significant increase in biomass resulting from succession of grass-dominated to shrub-dominated communities was evident. In addition, results from the FARSITE simulations indicated significantly higher fire-line intensity, and flame length associated with shrublands over all other vegetation types sampled. These results indicate that the replacement of grass dominated with shrub-dominated landscapes has increased the probability of high intensity fires.  相似文献   
针对南部沿海地区大跨度双曲面网架屋面抗台风的结构设计,择定风压、荷载、体型系数的计算取值,提出相应的简化计算方法。代表工程交验后,经多年实用及复测证明效果良好,荣获二等设计奖励,具有应用价值和推广意义。  相似文献   
Concentrations of trace elements in human tissues characteristically vary widely, and the distributions of most concentrations are skewed to the right. Examination of some of the factors which contribute to the marked variability and skewness of the concentrations revealed that: (1) distributions of concentrations are satisfactorily normal (Gaussian) after logarithmic transformation, (2) ash weight is the best frame of reference in which to report results, (3) the distributions of metal concentrations are not further normalized by adjustments which assume that tissue lipid or collagen contains a fixed fraction of the metal found in the parenchyma, and (4) the choice of sample site within the liver is of minimal significance.  相似文献   
ROBOT软件在特种结构计算中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张吕伟 《特种结构》2006,23(2):65-66
结合实例介绍有限元结构分析软件ROBOT在特种结构空间分析中的应用。  相似文献   
蒸汽喷射两级加热器的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者将蒸汽喷射器与汽水混合加热器两者相结合,构成蒸汽喷射两级加热器,用于工程,效果良好,本文介绍了蒸汽喷射两级加热器的构造、工作原理、试验情况和试验结果分析,指出了它的应用范围和经济性。  相似文献   
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