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Vacuum ultraviolet(VUV)lasers have demonstrated great potential as the light source for various spectroscopies,which,if they can be focused into a small beam spot,will not only allow investigation of mesoscopic materials and structures but also find application in the manufacture of nano-objects with excellent precision.In this work,we report the construction of a 177 nm VUV laser that can achieve a record-small(〜0.76 μm)focal spot at a long focal length(~45 mm)by using a flat lens without spherical aberration.The size of the beam spot of this VUV laser was tested using a metal grating and exfoliated graphene flakes,and we demonstrated its application in a fluorescence spectroscopy study on pure and Tm3+-doped NaYF4 microcrystals,revealing a new emission band that cannot be observed in the traditional up-conversion process.In addition,this laser system would be an ideal light source for spatially and angleresolved photoemission spectroscopy.  相似文献   
In the process of two-pass micro plasma arc welding of titanium alloy sheet,based on the thermal contact resistance theory,a three-dimensional transient heat tr...  相似文献   
The spatiotemporal evolution of hairpin vortex structures in a fully developed turbulent boundary layer is investigated qualitatively and quantitatively by usin...  相似文献   
在准噶尔盆地车排子地区利用振幅属性及叠前属性进行油藏预测取得了良好效果,但同时伴随着部分井失利。分析认为失利原因与属性的多解性有关,多解性产生的原因在于地质因素影响、地震资料采集及传播过程中影响、地震资料处理过程中影响、主观因素影响等几个方面。通过对这几方面影响因素的深入分析研究,并采用合理对策,提高了该区油藏预测的准确性。  相似文献   
在催化裂化装置停工消缺的全过程中.全面应用工作危害分析法,细化每一项工作,分析潜在的危害,找出主要危害及其后果,制定控制措施,并抓好具体落实,确保检修工作的顺利进行。应用结果表明,装置各专业管理人员的共同参与,使分析结果充分全面,措施合理、可操作性强;删除了原表格中风险度一栏,使分析表的指导作用更强,也提高了应用水平;应用该方法,使管理、操作人员正确识别危害与风险,提高了管理与操作的水平。并找出存在的不足,提出了改进意见。  相似文献   
Topset-to-forest rollover trajectories and their relation to sediment-and sand-budget partitioning into deep-lake areas are far from being well understood,as co...  相似文献   
加扰CCSK信号具有良好的性能,频谱效率高,信号具有LPI-LPD特性,能够抗多径干扰并具有一定的多址能力;对其信号的自相关特性和频谱特征进行了分析,并针对其信号特征对其信号的抗截获能力进行了探讨;最后对加扰CCSK技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
This article presents a new approach to segmenting building rooftops from airborne lidar point clouds. A progressive morphological filter technique is first applied for separation between ground and non-ground points. For the non-ground points, a region-growing algorithm based on a plane-fitting technique is used to separate building points from vegetation points. Then, an adaptive Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm based on a grid structure is developed to improve the probability of selecting an uncontained sample from the localized sampling. The distance, standard deviation and normal vector are integrated to keep topological consistency among building rooftop patches during building rooftop segmentation. Finally, the remaining points are mapped on to the extracted planes by a post-processing technique to improve the segmentation accuracy. The results for buildings with different roof complexities are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   
 Using methods of single hit hot compression and stress relaxation after deformation on a Gleeble 1500D thermomechanical simulator, the curves of flow stress and stress relaxation, the microstructure and the recrystallization behavior of Nb V Ti high strength microalloyed low carbon pipeline steel were studied, and the influence of the thermomechanical treatment parameters on dynamic and static recrystallization of the steel was investigated. It was found that microalloying elements improved the deformation activation energy and produced a retardation of the recrystallization due to the solid solution and precipitation pinning. The deformation conditions such as deformation temperature, strain, and strain rate influenced the recrystallization kinetics and the microstructure respectively. Equations obtained can be used to valuate and predict the dynamic and static recrystallizations.  相似文献   
The formation and distribution of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) during cooking was investigated. Concentrations of dl-PCBs in liquid residues, cooked beef, and oil fumes generated during heating were determined by isotope dilution HRGC/HRMS. Although the levels of dl-PCBs in well-done beef were lower compared with those of raw beef, relatively high concentrations of dl-PCBs were detected in the oil fumes produced during heating. This suggests that dl-PCBs in raw beef may have volatilized into the oil fumes during the cooking process. Sucralose and chloropropanols contained in raw materials may have resulted in increased dl-PCB concentrations and the level of toxic equivalents (TEQ) in the oil fumes produced under high temperature during cooking. Concentrations of dl-PCBs did not vary greatly in cooked beef, except when higher levels of chloropropanols were presented in the uncooked raw materials. Results indicate that sucralose and chloropropanols may promote the formation of dl-PCBs during the cooking process. The newly produced dl-PCBs from raw beef cooking were mainly present in oil fumes, which gave rise to high levels of TEQ in oil fumes.  相似文献   
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