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排序方式: 共有10000条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
本文设计了一套低成本无线智能家居系统的解决方案,具有安全,可靠,稳定的显著特点,以及智能家居系统市场的广大前景.本文还阐明了系统的体系结构,详细介绍了系统软件和硬件部分的设计与实现。并对关键技术(GPRS、24L01)的流程做了详细的阐述。  相似文献   
网络防火墙技术发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
网络的高速发展带来便利的同时,也给3G用户带来诸多不便,入侵、病毒传染等问题严重威胁到用户3G网络的正常使用,因此,网络防火墙的发展起到了至关重要的作用,本文就3G网络发展的现状与存在威胁,分析网络防火墙技术的发展,以助于确保用户更好的正常使用.  相似文献   
赵喜 《软件》2013,34(3)
通过对教学方法地研究,在项目分解、分组讨论、多媒体应用、游戏代码剖析、网络辅助等方面进行具体地理论和实验教学,使得学生能更好的掌握《数据结构》这门基础课程.  相似文献   
This paper presents an intuitive nose surgery planning and simulation system, using 3D laser scan image and lateral X-ray image, to provide high quality prediction of the postoperative appearance, and design the patient specific prosthesis model automatically. After initial registration, the internal surface of soft tissue at the nose region was generated by the statistical data for soft tissue thickness adapted by the individual thickness information from the X-ray image. Then, the sketch contour of the 3D scan data on the lateral X-ray image was modified manually or adjusted automatically according to some aesthetic statistical data, to drive the simulation in real time by the state-of-the-art Laplacian surface deformation method. When satisfied with the 3D postoperative appearance, the deformation was mapped to the internal surface of soft tissue, and the change before and after simulation was utilized to generate the patient specific prosthesis model automatically. The surgeons who used the system confirmed that this planning system is attractive and has potential for daily clinical practice.  相似文献   
In this paper, the control structures and control technologies in decentralized discrete event control system are investigated. It shows that if the control structures on two local systems are standard and locally definable, so is the product control structure. Furthermore, a control technology associated with the product control structure is also given  相似文献   
达西 《艺术与设计》2006,(4):126-130
设计不是什么悬而又悬的东西.它的目的是解决问题。当我们对都市生活消费品的设计津津乐道的时候,我们很容易迷失对设计的认识.不从设计的本质去看.而多从设计所呈现出来的样子来看。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍贺力氏Multi-Lab Hvdris定氢系统使用探讨及影响因素。  相似文献   
徐曦  姜元  高瑞祥  朱衡石 《真空》2005,42(5):8-9
爪式无油增压传输真空泵的设计和制造,使其成功的应用于各种气体物料在真空负压条件下的增压传输工艺作业,成为核燃料浓缩工业等现代高新技术领域最新的科技成果,对于化工和其他工业应用爪式无油真空泵进行气体物料增压传输工艺作业也具有指导意义.本文简要的叙述了爪式无油增压传输真空泵的设计依据、技术要求、驱动传动系统、结构选择及其工作原理.该系列产品在实际应用中也取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   
末端焦点和末端重量是关于英语句子语法结构和信息结构顺序的两条基本原则,两者相辅相成共同对句子产生作用。文章通过分情况举例说明"末端焦点和末端重量"原则对英语句尾词序选择的影响。  相似文献   
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