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液化天然气混凝土外罐中采用预应力技术,要求预应力锚具产品符合欧洲标准ETAG013的有关试验要求,以满足其低温使用要求。文章着重介绍了OVM公司19孔低温锚具的静载试验过程及结果。  相似文献   
城市建筑景观——以沈阳为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵宾  崔明升 《建筑与环境》2009,3(3):113-115
针对当今我国对城市建筑景观设计的种种错误,主要沈阳为例论述了在现代城市中景观建筑形成的因素,并针对城市中存在的问题,提出了一些有关建筑景观设计的设想,以创造出独具特色的现代城市景观。  相似文献   
剖面优先:空间认知与建筑设计基础教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李立  赵巍岩 《新建筑》2009,(5):97-100
认知科学的研究表明,左右人们空间认知的关键在于能否建立具有关联性的空间构形。以此为基础,提出在建筑设计基础教学中采用剖面优先的原则,作为检讨传统空间认知手段的一种教学方式,并从教案设置到操作方法做了尝试。  相似文献   
提出现代防火技术——吸气式极早期火灾智能预警系统在古建筑中的应用,指出了该系统是古建筑预防火灾首选设备之一。  相似文献   
The environmental impacts of municipal solid waste (MSW) management have been highlighted in China, due to the continually increasing amount of MSW being generated and the limited capacity of waste treatment facilities. Of particular interest is greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, aided by the Kyoto Mechanisms. China is an important case study for this global issue; however, an analysis of the entire life cycle of MSW management on GHG emissions is not available for China. This study evaluates the current and possible patterns of MSW management with regard to GHG emissions, using life cycle assessment (LCA), based on the Tianjin case. We assess the baseline scenario, reflecting the existing MSW management system, as well as a set of alternative scenarios, five exploring waste treatment technology innovations and one exploring integrated MSW management, to quantitatively predict potentials of GHG mitigation for Tianjin. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis is used to investigate the influence of landfill gas (LFG) collection efficiency, recycling rate and methodological choice, especially allocation, on the outcomes. The results show GHG emissions from Tianjin's MSW management system amount to 467.34 Mg CO2 eq. per year, based on the treatment of MSW collected in the central districts in 2006, and the key issue is LFG released. The integrated MSW management scenario, combining different improvement options, shows the highest GHG mitigation potential. Given the limited financial support and the current waste management practice in Tianjin, LFG utilization scenario would be the preferred choice. The sensitivity analysis of recycling rate shows an approximately linear relation of inverse proportion between recycling rate and total GHG emissions. Kitchen waste composting makes a considerable contribution to total GHG emissions reduction. Allocation choices result in differences in total quantitative outcomes, but preference orders and contributions analysis are found to be robust, suggesting LCA can support decision making.  相似文献   
中国城市化进程的加快需要住宅工业化作为其坚强后盾,然而目前中国住宅工业化还没有找到一个较好地发展途径。因此,如何成功推进中国住宅工业化进程,成为建筑领域关注的热点。作者基于在建筑领域多年的工作经验,欲将制造业的发展模型引入到住宅建设行业。通过分析住宅工业化的三个成功关键因素,提出推进住宅工业化的关键技术,即预制件技术和虚拟施工技术,以期望为中国住宅工业化的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
Widespread damage to roofs in hurricanes and other high wind events has highlighted the need for improving the wind performance of roofs, including both new construction and retrofit on existing buildings. Effective and economical methods to mitigate wind effects on roof components are sought to reduce accumulated losses from frequently recurring low- and moderate-intensity events. An experimental study was carried out in the 6-fan Wall of Wind (WoW) testing apparatus to assess the effectiveness of aerodynamic edge devices at full scale in reducing wind effects over the roof corner and edge regions. Two sets of tests, roof gravel scour testing and pressure testing, were carried out to visualize the development of edge vortices and compare roof uplift pressures with and without aerodynamic edge shapes, thus allowing the estimation of the effects of such shapes in alleviating wind damage of roofing material as well as high uplift pressures on roofs. Probabilistic estimates of peak pressures indicated that the use of such mitigation devices resulted in significant reductions in uplift within the instrumented area, which according to the US wind load specifications (ASCE 7-05) represents a corner section of the roof that will experience the highest suction. The largest reduction was achieved with the Flat Roof AeroEdge Guard (FRAG1). This research demonstrates the potential for substantial reduction of roof uplift pressures through the development and application of mitigation techniques to lessen or prevent hurricane-induced damage to new and existing roofs.  相似文献   
唐壬  赵晨  冯献华 《城市建筑》2009,(11):52-55
作为第十一届全国运动会的分赛场,2007年7月山东省潍坊市决定新建一座综合性体育场承办足球比赛。  相似文献   
The heating systems are conventionally controlled by open-loop control systems because of the absence of practical methods for estimating average air temperature in the built environment. An inferential sensor model, based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system modeling, for estimating the average air temperature in multi-zone space heating systems is developed. This modeling technique has the advantage of expert knowledge of fuzzy inference systems (FISs) and learning capability of artificial neural networks (ANNs). A hybrid learning algorithm, which combines the least-square method and the back-propagation algorithm, is used to identify the parameters of the network. This paper describes an adaptive network based inferential sensor that can be used to design closed-loop control for space heating systems. The research aims to improve the overall performance of heating systems, in terms of energy efficiency and thermal comfort. The average air temperature results estimated by using the developed model are strongly in agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
建筑细部的作用及其设计原则初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者着重建筑细部这一话题,针对其产生的原因、作用以及意义上进行了阐述,从历史起源上分析了建筑细部美的形式与功能内容的关系,并在此基础上引出了对建筑细部设计主要原则的思考,结合作者的体会探讨了对设计原则的看法,并对目前如何继承传统的同时吸纳现代建筑特点提出作者的观点。  相似文献   
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