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空间焊接技术研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着空间探索活动的不断发展,空间飞行器呈现出大尺寸和长寿命的发展趋势,由此产生了大量的空间装配、维修和维护的任务,空间焊接作为一种优势明显的太空加工方法将有着广泛的应用前景. 文中对空间焊接的背景进行了概述,对空间环境的特殊性及其对焊接过程的影响进行了总结,重点介绍了各种空间焊接方法的当前研究进展,分析了空间焊接地面模拟研究手段及当前相关设施的建设情况,展望了空间焊接的发展方向以及空间焊接地面模拟设施、焊接设备开发和远程遥控自动化焊接方面亟需开展的研究工作.  相似文献   
对5种不同丝束空间位向关系下的焊接稳定性及焊缝成形特点进行了研究.结果表明,丝束空间位向关系通过影响焊接过程热量分配及焊丝熔化过渡特性,进而影响焊缝成形.自熔焊、丝束分离及丝束部分相交时,焊接过程稳定,焊缝成形良好,而丝遮挡束与非接触过渡条件下焊接过程不稳定,焊缝成形较差.熔深从大到小规律为自熔焊,丝束分离,丝束部分相交,丝遮挡束,非接触过渡丝束关系;除非接触过渡下的熔宽最小之外,其它关系下熔宽相当;余高从高到低规律为非接触过渡丝束关系,丝遮挡束,丝束分离,丝束部分相交,自熔焊.  相似文献   
对Ti60钛合金和GH3128高温合金进行了电子束焊接,对接头显微组织、相成分和显微硬度进行分析. 结果表明,Ti60和GH3128电子束焊接性较差,在焊后产生裂纹. 焊缝内生成TiNi,Ti2Ni,TiCr2和TiNi3等脆性化合物,使得接头脆性增大. 焊缝区的硬度高于母材,钛侧焊缝区硬度值水平略高于镍侧焊缝区. 接头残余应力数值分析表面接头存在较大的横向残余拉应力,应力峰值达到704 MPa,使得钛/镍电子束焊接头在焊后随即开裂.  相似文献   
TC4/Ta-W合金异种金属电子束焊接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对TC4/Ta-W合金电子束焊接进行了研究,采用偏向钽钨合金一侧进行焊接的方式进行分析.电子束焊接接头成形良好,在一定偏束量时焊缝中Ta和W元素含量较高,焊缝组织为以β钛为基的固溶体组织,无脆性化合物生成,存在富钽区和贫钽区.焊缝中元素分布不均匀,在偏束量为0.6 mm时焊缝中含钛相对较多,约为60%,而钽钨母材熔化相...  相似文献   
大厚度TC21钛合金电子束焊接试验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Electron beam welding of TC21 56 mm titanium alloy was carried out. The microstructure and the mechanical properties of welded joints were analyzed and tested. The results showed that the weld zone consisted of the columnar β gains, and in which the transgranular acicular α' martensite were dispersedly distributed. HAZ can be divided into three parts from base metal to weld zone, which are the equiaxed recrystallized β grain zone, Widmanstaten structure zone formed by lamellar and aeicular α phases and lamellar a phase coarsening zone. Fusion zone consists of the adnate columnar and equiaxed grains. Tensile strength of joints reaches to that of base metal and the failure appears in the base metal. The mechanical properties are uniform along the vertical direction. Plasticity in the welded joint is greatly decreased and only up to 50% of that of the base metal. The microhardness in weld zone is the highest, and that of the equiaxed grain zone and Widmanstaten structure zone in HAZ is higher, and the microhardness in columnar a phase coarsening zone is the lowest.  相似文献   
对 Ti55 与 Ti60 合金薄板进行了电子束焊接,研究了电子束焊接工艺参数对接头组织及力学性能的影响.结果表明,焊缝区形成大量针片状的α' 马氏体,焊缝中心为粗大的柱状晶.焊接工艺参数对焊缝组织和接头抗拉强度有一定影响,接头室温抗拉强度高于母材,600℃时接头抗拉强度与 Ti60 母材相当,抗弯强度达到母材的 80% 左右,冲击韧度能够达到母材的 90% 以上,断裂发生在热影响区处,为韧性断裂.
Ti55 and Ti60 titanium alloy sheets were welded by electron beam, and the influences of parameters on microstmcture and mechanical properties of welding joints were studied. The results show that weld zone is characterized by acicular α' martensite plate,and weld center is formed by coarse columnar crystals. Welding parameters can affect microstructure and tensile strength to a certain extent. At room temperature, the tensile strength of joint is higher than that of base metal. At a higher temperature of 600 ℃, tensile strength of joint is about equal to that of Ti60, and bending strength can be up to 80% of that of base metal, even impact toughness also can be larger than 90% of base metal. Failure occurs in heat-affected zone, and the fracture mode shows toughness characteristic.  相似文献   
在正面熔化半径RZ和板厚h一定的条件下,基于对有电弧作用的熔透型TIG焊接熔池三维液面行为的分析,获得了不同背面熔化半径RB的熔池三维形状模型,利用有限元分析软件surface evolver进行数值模拟,研究了电弧对熔透型TIG焊接熔池液面的影响.结果表明,电弧的作用与否对熔池下液面的大小和形状无显著的影响;在背面熔化尺寸较小时(RB≤2.5 mm附近),电弧对上液面特征量有较大作用;电弧的作用从整体上是使熔池上液面压低.在从脉冲基值过渡到脉冲峰值期间,电弧电压(或弧光光强)增加的部分是由电流增加和熔池上液面被压低两部分引起的.  相似文献   
Aluminum specimens with and without chemically cleaning were welded by electron beam to investigate the effect of、Al 2 O3 film on weld appearance. The removal mechanism of Al 2 O3 film during vacuum electron beam welding of aluminum was analyzed and the effect of Al 2 O3 film on molten pool flow behavior and weld appearance was investigated. The results showed that the weld width of the specimen was enlarged by chemically cleaning. The solid Al 2 O3 film transformed into gaseous Al 2 O via the reaction with liquid aluminum at the temperature higher than 1 350 K was the main reason for the removal of the film. The weld width was narrowed down by the oxide film due to the inhibition of outward flow driven by the surface tension gradient and the drag force between the Al 2 O3 film and liquid Al. The weld penetration was reduced in the initial stage and then enhanced in the metastable stage.  相似文献   
铜/钛合金电子束焊接工艺优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究了QCr0.8/TC4电子束焊接工艺及接头组织,由于铜合金热导率高而熔化量较小,以及焊缝中生成大量脆性金属间化合物相,因此对中焊时接头强度较低.采用偏铜侧进行非对中电子束焊接,接头抗拉强度随偏束量的增大而增高,偏束量为0.8mm时接头最高抗拉强度为270.5MPa.断裂发生在TC4侧熔合线处,为脆性准解理断裂特征.偏铜焊时接头成形得到改善,焊缝包括熔合区及TC4侧反应层两部分.熔合区主要由铜基固溶体组成,硬度较TC4母材有所降低.反应层成分过渡较大,含有多种金属间化合物相.随着工艺参数的变化,反应层厚度也发生变化,从而对接头性能产生影响.  相似文献   
利用OM,SEM,XRD,TEM和显微硬度等方法对电子束焊接Ti3Al 高铌金属间化合物接头区域的显微组织特征进行了分析.结果发现:焊缝区域组织主要为有序亚稳态残余β相(B2相),其结晶形态为胞状束晶,焊缝区域存在一定程度的层状偏析;热影响区晶粒长大明显,晶粒的多边化过程不充分;熔合区和热影响区的显微硬度显著高于母材,焊缝中心区在整个焊缝部分硬度最低.  相似文献   
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