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研究重力测量和磁测的线性不适定问题的自适应正则化方法,就是利用输入资料的具体特征的正则化方法:正则化结构形式随输入资料而改变.本文目的在于:1)指出自适应正则子(稳定子)以及自适应范数的结构问题的具体方法;2)证明一些具体自适应算法的正则性以及数学上的可实现性;3)阐明自适应正则化法的物理意义;4)讨论在重磁异常的解释中,使用线性不适定问题的自适应正则化方法的有效范围。  相似文献   
向日葵混合油的沸腾温度:a)浓度在20%以下的混合油6)浓度在50~70%以下的混合油a)浓度在70%以上的混合油第二和第三公式的使用范围可用下述辅助方程式来求出:式中:p——压力(绝对大气压); x——混合油的重量浓度[%]; K~Π——混合油的饱和浓度,第二公式就可以正确地计算出。温差  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to assess the changes in the mechanical load on the low-back when shifting from a self-chosen to a recommended patient-handling technique. Nine female health care workers without formal education in patient-handling carried out 8 different tasks involving moving, turning and lifting situations. By means of a dynamic 3D biomechanical model of the lower part of the body, peak torque, compression and shear forces at the L4/L5 joint were compared using the two different patient-handling techniques. In 5 of the 8 tasks, a significant reduction was observed in spinal loading. Application of the recommended technique decreased the compression value significantly for all tasks with a mean value above 3000 N. For the two tasks with the highest compression values when using the self-chosen technique (4223, 4446 N), the loading was reduced with 36% and 25%, respectively. If the principles behind the recommended technique are implemented and maintained, a decrease in the risk of low-back disorders during patient-handling should thus be expected.  相似文献   
Using semantic environment description as a tool to evaluate car interiors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karlsson B  Aronsson N  Svensson K 《Ergonomics》2003,46(13-14):1408-1422
The conformational characteristics of Congo red, Evans blue and Trypan blue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structures of the closely related bis-azo dyes Evans blue, Trypan blue and Congo red, which appeared to have different self-assembly properties and correspondingly different abilities to form complexes with amyloids and some other proteins, were compared in this work. Ab initio and semi-empirical methods were used to find the optimal structures and partial charge distributions of the dyes. The optimal structures were searched using different widely used programs. The structures of Congo red and evans blue were found to be planar, except for the torsion on the central diphenyl bond connecting the two halves of the dye. Both symmetrical parts of the molecules appeared very close to planarity. However, Trypan blue exhibits non planarity on the di-azo bonds, as well as on the central bond between the symmetrical parts of the dye. In a consequence, the non planarity of this molecule is higher than in the case of its isomer, Evans blue and Congo red as well. The extra rotation around the azo bonds extorted by the close proximity of the sulfonic groups may be the direct cause of its poor self-assembling and complexation properties versus Evans blue.  相似文献   
Estimated insulation (Icl) of clothing worn by workers daily exposed to air temperatures between 0 and 15 degrees C was compared with the corresponding insulation calculated for thermal neutrality using the IREQ-model (IREQneutral, ISO/TR 11079). The goal was to determine possible limitations of the applicability of the IREQ-model and to stress to necessities and possibilities to improve the model. Sixteen female and 59 male workers (16-56 yr) were monitored during their work. According to their cold stress at the workplace they were allocated to three groups (33 persons were exposed to constant temperatures of more than 10 degrees C, 32 to less than 10 degrees C, and 10 persons experienced frequent temperature changes of 13 degrees C. Another categorization concerned workload (8 persons worked at metabolic rates of less than 100 W/m2, 50 persons worked at 101-164 W/m2, and 17 worked at more than 165 W/m2, respectively). The analysis of the differences between estimated worn insulation (Icl) and calculated IREQneutral revealed that the IREQ-model applies for air temperatures up to 15 degrees C and for temperature changes of 13 degrees C (at least) but needs to be improved with respect to gender. The IREQ model does not apply sufficiently for high and largely varying workloads (165 W/m2 and more). However, these situations are beyond the currently available possibilities to protect workers adequately with conventional clothing material. A suitable short-term measure is a more even work flow by avoiding activities with very high and low metabolic rates.  相似文献   
Ergonomic studies often use worker estimated hand force reproduced on a dynamometer to quantify force exposures but this method has not been well-studied in real work settings. This study evaluated the validity of worker estimates of hand force in a field study and determined the misclassification of worker estimated hand force exposures compared to directly measured forces. Eight experienced sheet metal assemblers completed ¼-inch diameter fastener installations using 6 different pneumatic tools. Grip forces were recorded by a pressure mat and were compared to worker estimated forces demonstrated on a dynamometer. Directly measured and worker estimated readings showed moderate correlations (0.53–0.67) for four installation tools and fair to moderate for two tools. The coefficient for variation of force estimates was 65% within repeated subject trials and 78% between averaged subject trials but 69% between subject trials during actual tool installations. Misclassification of worker estimated exposures varied by two cut-points: 29% using 4.0 kg and 49% using 6.0 kg. The force match procedure may provide adequate differentiation of high and low exposures in some settings, but is likely to result in substantial misclassification in other settings.  相似文献   
The bidirectional texture function (BTF) is a 6D function that describes the appearance of a real-world surface as a function of lighting and viewing directions. The BTF can model the fine-scale shadows, occlusions, and specularities caused by surface mesostructures. In this paper, we present algorithms for efficient synthesis of BTFs on arbitrary surfaces and for hardware-accelerated rendering. For both synthesis and rendering, a main challenge is handling the large amount of data in a BTF sample. To addresses this challenge, we approximate the BTF sample by a small number of 4D point appearance functions (PAFs) multiplied by 2D geometry maps. The geometry maps and PAFs lead to efficient synthesis and fast rendering of BTFs on arbitrary surfaces. For synthesis, a surface BTF can be generated by applying a texton-based sysnthesis algorithm to a small set of 2D geometry maps while leaving the companion 4D PAFs untouched. As for rendering, a surface BTF synthesized using geometry maps is well-suited for leveraging the programmable vertex and pixel shaders on the graphics hardware. We present a real-time BTF rendering algorithm that runs at the speed of about 30 frames/second on a mid-level PC with an ATI Radeon 8500 graphics card. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our synthesis and rendering algorithms using both real and synthetic BTF samples.  相似文献   
B 《电脑》2004,(1):61-63
“JS”这个词跟“PL”(漂亮)等很多网络流行的术语一样,完全符合网语的拼写规则,是“奸商”二字的拼音前一字母的组合缩写,是每一位DIY们都不能不认识的—个词!其实JS时常有,也并非今年特别多,因此我们必须时时刻刻地提防,才能把口袋里面的钞票不给JS们骗走!  相似文献   
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