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Most studies of selective attention briefly present static 2-dimensional stimuli and require arbitrary responses such as verbal naming or a keypress. Many of perceptual-motor interactions with the environment, however, require reaching directly toward an object while ignoring other objects in the scene. A series of experiments examines selective attention in the latter reaching situation. Effects previously observed in the traditional experimental procedures were obtained, suggesting that the models developed (which propose inhibitory mechanisms, for example) apply to ecologically valid situations. Attention accesses action-centered internal representations during such tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Our recent experience in developing bead formulations for a hydrophilic drug using an extrusion/spheronization technique highlighted several critical processing factors. It was observed that the yield of beads of desired size fraction was significantly affected by water level, water temperature, extrusion speed, spheronization speed, and spheronization time. To further elucidate the roles of these factors, a split-plot factorial design was used to evaluate their effects on the yield of desired size beads, and to determine the optimal levels to maximize the yield. Several 18 kg batches of beads were manufactured using a predetermined level of each factor. The finished beads were sieved using #14 and #20 mesh screens and the yields of beads between #14-20 mesh screen were determined. It was observed that the temperature of water used at the granulation stage significantly affected the bead formation. Using room temperature water for granulation, the significant factors were water level, extruder speed, spheronization speed, spheronization dwell time, and the interactions of water level with extruder speed and spheronization speed with dwell time. Whereas using 50 °C water, significant factors were water level, extruder speed, spheronization speed, and the interaction of water level with spheronization speed. The best fitting regression model describing the relationship between the found yields and the factors was used to find the levels of each factor that would optimize the yield. Two scale-up batches at 100 kg each were manufactured using the optimal process conditions to verify the room temperature model. The yields from the two scale-up batches were within 0.4% of the predicted yield using the regression model.  相似文献   
Protein kinase CK2 formerly called casein kinase II is a protein kinase able to phosphorylate more than 100 proteic substrates. We have purified protein kinase CK2 from the yeast Y. lipolytica to phosphorylate milk and plant reserve proteins to a significant extent. In the case of plant reserve proteins, which are polymeric substrates, not all subunits are substrate for protein kinase CK2, even if non phosphorylated subunits contain significant potent phosphorylations sites. Best substrates were soy beta-conglycinin (0.72 P/mol) and dephosphorylated caseins (0.5 P/mol). We have studied some functional properties of phosphorylated caseins. Solubility was improved for all pH values but pI. Sensitivity to calcium has also been assessed, and it is slightly improved upon phosphorylation. We have cloned the catalytic subunit of protein kinase CK2 from yeast Y. lipolytica. The recombinant catalytic subunit expressed in E. coli was active and displayed kinetic properties similar to those of the purified enzyme. The recombinant catalytic subunit was able to phosphorylate plant reserve proteins and milk proteins to a significant extent. Best substrates were soy beta-conglycinin (1.0 P/mol), and glycinin (0.59 P/mol).  相似文献   
We studied 1771 patients treated for a thyroid cancer in two institutions. None of these patients had been treated with external radiotherapy and 1497 had received (131)I. The average (131)I cumulative activity administered was 7.2 GBq, and the estimated average dose was 0.34 Sv to the bone marrow and 0.80 Sv to the whole body. After a mean follow-up of 10 years, no case of leukaemia was observed, compared with 2.5 expected according to the coefficients derived from Japanese atomic bomb survivors (P = 0.1). A total of 80 patients developed a solid second malignant neoplasm (SMN), among whom 13 developed a colorectal cancer. The risk of colorectal cancer was found to be related to the total activity of (131)I administered 5 years or more before its diagnosis (excess relative risk = 0.5 per GBq, P = 0.02). These findings were probably caused by the accumulation of (131)I in the colon lumen. Hence, in the absence of laxative treatment, the dose to the colon as a result of (131)I administered for the treatment of thyroid cancer could be higher than expected from calculation of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). When digestive tract cancers were excluded, the overall excess relative risk of second cancer per estimated effective sievert received to the whole body was -0.2 (P = 0.6).  相似文献   
Although the cessation of substance use is the principal concern of drug treatment programs, many individuals in treatment experience co-occurring problems such as mood disruptions and sexual risk behaviors that may complicate their recovery process. This study assessed relationships among dynamic changes tracked over time in methamphetamine use, depression symptoms, and sexual risk behaviors (unprotected anal intercourse) in a sample of 145 methamphetamine-dependent gay and bisexual males enrolled in a 16-week outpatient drug treatment research program. Participants were randomly assigned into 1 of 4 conditions: contingency management (CM), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT; the control condition), combined CM and CBT, and a tailored gay-specific version of the CBT condition. Using latent growth curve models, the authors assessed the relationship of means (intercepts) and the slopes of the 3 measures of interest over time to test whether changes in methamphetamine use predicted declining rates of depression and risky sexual behavior in tandem. Participants with the greatest downward trajectory in methamphetamine use (urine verified) reported the greatest and quickest decreases in reported depressive symptoms and sexual risk behaviors. The control group reported the most methamphetamine use over the 16 weeks; the tailored gay-specific group reported a more rapidly decreasing slope in methamphetamine use than the other participants. Findings indicate that lowering methamphetamine use itself has a concurrent and synergistic effect on depressive symptoms and risky sexual behavior patterns. This suggests that some users who respond well to treatment may show improvement in these co-occurring problems without a need for more intensive targeted interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Aspect-oriented software development techniques provide a means to modularize crosscutting concerns in software systems. A survey of industrial projects reveals the benefits and potential pitfalls of aspect-oriented technologies.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to confirm the increase of adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), described by Sasaki & Nakajima, and to compare plasma ADA activity of patients in different stages of the disease. Enzyme activity was measured with a colorimetric assay. The 48 patients were subdivided into 3 groups: subgroup 1 (n = 10), disease still limited to the skin; subgroup 2 (n = 21), involvement of the skin and oesophagus; and subgroup 3 (n= 17), involvement of the skin and multiple internal organs. ADA levels were highest in subgroup 3. However, the difference with respect to subgroup 2 did not reach statistical significance. Subgroup 1 was different from controls and subgroups 2 and 3 (p<0.001). Our results confirm that ADA activity is increased in PSS, and that this finding is observed even in the early stages of the disease process. We speculate that the increase in ADA, a well-known marker of T-cell activation, might be an indicator of disease activity in PSS, in the beginning as well as during phases of exacerbation in later stages of the disease.  相似文献   
This paper suggests ways in which the pattern-matching capability of the computer can be used to further our understanding of stylized ballad language. The study is based upon a computer-aided analysis of the entire 595,000- word corpus of Francis James Child'sThe English and Scottish Popular Ballads (1882–1892), a collection of 305 textual traditions, most of which are represented by a variety of texts. The paper focuses on the Mary Hamilton tradition as a means of discussing the function of phatic language in the ballad genre and the significance of textual variation.Cathy Lynn Preston is a Research Associate, Computer Research in the Humanities, at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is interested in folklore, particularly oral narrative; popular literature of the 18th- and 19th-century, particularly broadside and chapbook; the works of John Gay, Jonathan Swift, Thomas Hardy; Middle English romance and lyric. Her major publications areA KWIC Concordance to Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub, The Battle of the Books, and A Discourse Concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, A Fragment, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1984) (co-authored with Harold D. Kelling), andA KWIC Concordance to Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1989).  相似文献   
Two experiments (120 undergraduate males) investigated whether conceptualization of sex guilt could be extended to an interpersonal physical pleasuring paradigm. In Exp I, low-guilt (as determined by the Mosher Forced-Choice Guilt Inventory) Ss administered more overall pleasure to a female confederate than did high-guilt Ss. In Exp II, in addition to a main effect for guilt, high-guilt Ss administered significantly lower levels of pleasure when they anticipated further interaction with the confederate than when they did not. Low-guilt Ss administered slightly more pleasure when they anticipated further interaction with the confederate. Results are not consistent with D. L. Mosher's (see PA, Vols 39:9269 and 40:4236) hypothesis that low-guilt Ss are more sensitive to situational cues than high-guilt Ss. It is suggested that the inconsistency was a function of the reinforcement value of interpersonal pleasuring. Although previous research required Ss to make responses that had little apparent reinforcement value, the nature of the pleasuring response did appear to have reinforcement value for both low- and high-guilt Ss, since they increased their levels of pleasuring over trials. A 3rd experiment (24 Ss) that failed to find a relationship between hostility-guilt and pleasuring provided strong support for the relation between sex guilt and interpersonal pleasuring. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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