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介绍了面向对象软件工程 (OOSE)的有关概念 ,分析了它与传统的结构化软件工程方法的区别 ,并结合开发实践中的经验体会 ,以实例讨论了其基本思路及应用方法 ,展望了它的应用前景。  相似文献   
利用电化学方法研究Ti- 6 -Al- 4V在质量分数为 5 %H2 CrO4 中添加NH4 F时的阳极氧化行为 ,结果表明NH4 F的存在加大膜的溶解 ,使阳极氧化顺利进行 ;电流密度和NH4 F的添加量会影响膜结构 ;对于生成阻挡层 多孔层结构的膜 ,随着时间的增加 ,膜厚在增加 ,将趋于平缓  相似文献   
:以TOP972 0为例论述了利用PC机对智能电力测控仪的管理技术。采用RS2 32、RS485、CANBUS 3种通讯方式将PC机和TOP972 0组成网络 ,基于OSI模型设计PC机的一级管理软件 ,实现智能电力测控仪的PC机管理 ,使电力系统中的监控更加直观、方便、灵活  相似文献   
Characterization of water, waste water and natural organic matter are involved in this paper, and as well as the features of flocculation and coagulation for removing natural organic matter from water and waste water Novel flocculant and coagualant is strongly asked for improving removal efficiency and environment friendly. Enhanced coagulation is introduced to meet the experimental and practical requirement.  相似文献   
钢包透气砖在精炼条件下的应力场分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ANSYS有限元分析软件对钢包透气砖在精炼奈件下(不同吹氩压力、精炼温度)的应力场分布进行了计算研究.结果认为,铝镁质透气材料结构应力与其热膨胀系数成正比变化;透气砖工作面狭缝尖端处应力最大,是其非工作底面的6.62倍,并且从非工作底面到工作面狭缝尖端应力增加最快;吹氩压力对透气材料应力的影响可忽略不计;精炼温度提高50℃,工作面狭缝各部位应力相应增加1%~2%.  相似文献   
系统分析了大型高炉用3代非氧化物复合耐火材料的演变及其性能.从材料演变的角度阐述了近年来中国耐火材料行业技术进步的快速发展,并提出了不同材料未来需要改进和完善的方向.探讨了我国大型高炉用长寿型氧化物-非氧化物复合材料发展中存在及需要解决的问题.  相似文献   
1 Development of Refractories Industry Since the People's Republic of China FoundedRefractories is mainly used in high temperature industries,such as metallurgy,building materials,nonferrous,chemical,mechanical,electric power industries,which is the important fundamental material for high temperature industries.China began to manufacture refractories and had it firstly applied in ceramics industry in Shang Dynasty lasting more than 3 000 years. However,China's refractories industry was in a backward stat...  相似文献   
The specimens were prepared by molding the mixture of silica fume(w(SiO2)=94.5%;average particle size:0.08 μm) and silicon nitride(≤0.074 mm) with a mass ratio of 11,carbon embedded firing at 1 300 ℃,1 450 ℃,1 500 ℃,1 550 ℃ and 1 600 ℃ for 3 h in air,and then water-cooling,respectively.The microstructure and phase composition of the specimens were analyzed.The results show that:(1) silica fume reacts obviously with Si3N4 forming Si2N2O above 1 550 ℃.The edges and corners of Si3N4 grains become smooth and th...  相似文献   
按板状刚玉颗粒70%(w)、板状刚玉细粉和氧化铝微粉26%(w)、纯铝酸钙水泥3%(w)和减水剂1%(w),加适量水配制成刚玉浇注料,搅拌均匀后倒入真空浇注设备的模具中,分别于真空度为0、-0.03、-0.06和-0.09 MPa的时刻开始振动浇注成型,振动时继续抽真空2 min,试样经养护、烘干和1 500℃3 h热处理后,研究负压浇注对刚玉浇注料物理性能、抗热震性和抗渣性的影响,并借助压汞仪测定试样孔径分布,采用SEM观察试样断口形貌.结果表明:与常压浇注的试样相比,负压浇注可使试样中的气孔直径从10~20μm降到0.5~2μm,使试样结构更加致密,从而提高其机械强度和抗渣侵蚀性;负压浇注对试样的抗热震性略有负面影响,但负压浇注的试样热震后强度仍高于常压浇注的;在真空度为-0.03~-0.06 MPa之间开始振动浇注时,得到的浇注料试样综合性能最好.  相似文献   
The specimens were prepared using Cr2O3 micropowder, TiO2 micropowder and chromium powder as starting materials, PVA as binder, after spraying granulation and cold isostatic pressing, firing at 1 450 ℃ for 3 h in standard nitrogen and oxygen control atmosphere (oxygen partial pressure was 1 010 Pa and 10.1 Pa, respectively). Effects of chromium powder (mass percent were 0, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%, respectively) on sintering behaviors of Cr2O3 materials were researched. The results show that: adding 0.5% c...  相似文献   
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