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In 2007 and 2008, a monitoring study was carried out in Poland to examine the occurrence of thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. in raw and cooked chicken products available on the retail market. A total of 912 samples were tested: 443 samples of raw chicken meat, 146 samples of giblets, and 323 ready-to-eat poultry products (150 samples of spit-roasted chicken, 56 samples of smoked chicken, and 117 samples of paté and cold meats). A high level of contamination of raw chicken meat (51.7% of samples) and chicken giblets (47.3% of samples) was detected. However, thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. were found in only 1.2% of the ready-to-eat poultry products.  相似文献   
This paper reports a method for organochlorine pesticide determination in selected fruit species where pesticide residues were extracted and cleaned using a buffered QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) method, followed by GC–MS analysis. The method results showed the matrix-matched calibration curve linearity was >0.99 for all target analytes. With pesticide recovery rates (spiked at 0.008 mg kg−1) ranging from 70% to 120%, and RSD values <17% for most compounds, the limit of quantification ranged from 0.001–0.013 mg kg−1. Finally, the method ruggedness was further demonstrated by analysis of actual commercial fruits and baby food samples.  相似文献   
This paper reports the evaluation of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in food of animal origin with GC–MS detection. Although in the available literature, there is a lot of information about sample preparation method for PAHs determination in food samples, but the QuEChERS method application for PAHs determination in food of animal origin has not been reported as yet. The results showed that the best recovery ratios 72.4–110.8 % with relative standard deviation lower than 10 % for all determined compounds were received for the method with ethyl acetate as an extraction solvent, primary–secondary amine and C18 sorbents and evaporation to dryness and dissolving the residues in the hexane. The limit of quantification ranged from 0.0003 to 0.0030 mg kg?1 for pyrene and benzo[a]anthracene, respectively. This method was also used for the determination of PAHs in 15 samples of pork ham. In 8 of 15 samples selected, PAHs were identified. It was observed that in 6 cooked ham and one smoked and cooked samples, any PAHs were found. In other samples, which were smoked and roasted, some low concentration of PAHs was detected. In one sample benzo[a]pyrene (0.0015 mg kg?1), in one sample benzo[b]fluoranthene (0.0015 mg kg?1) and in one sample chrysene (0.0024 mg kg?1) were detected. A number of other less harmful PAHs were also determined. There were no exceedances of maximum levels (according to Commission Regulation (EU) No 835/2011) for determined PAHs in any of the analysed samples.  相似文献   
电弧炉粉尘球团直接还原的热传导模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对电弧炉炼钢粉尘加上还原剂碳混合制粒成的球团还原过程的热传导行为进行了研究,根据实验推导了球团导热模型的结构参数,并试图建立热传导模型。  相似文献   
Argument structures are commonly used to develop and present cases for safety, security and for other properties of systems. Such structures tend to grow excessively, which causes problems with their review and assessment. Two issues are of particular interest: (1) systematic and explicit assessment of the compelling power of an argument, and (2) communication of the result of such an assessment to relevant recipients. The paper presents a solution to these problems. The method of Visual Assessment of Arguments (VAA), being this solution, is based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence applied to the assessment of the strength of arguments, and a visual mechanism of issuing and presenting assessments, supported by the so-called opinion triangle. In the paper we explain theoretical grounding for the method and provide guidance on its application. The results of some validation experiments are also presented.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of authors investigations on elaboration of a new thick film composition filled with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The polymer composition consists of polymer vehicle, which is the solution of organic resin in certain combination of solvents, and functional phase—carbon nanotubes well dispersed in the vehicle. The pastes were applied with screen-printing on several substrates and temperature cured. The properties of obtained layers were characterized. Series of samples were prepared with different amount of CNTs to evaluate electrical properties. Changes in resistance were investigated during periodic mechanical and temperature stresses, realized through cyclical bending and rapid temperature change. Tensometric effect was also investigated. Investigations have proved that polymer composites based on carbon nanotubes exhibit high resilience to stress factors. Resistance change in function of temperature was also investigated to evaluate temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). All this aspects are important for elastic resistors fabrication in printed electronics microcircuits. Resistance and noise measurements in cryostats have also been involved. 1/f type noise has been observed. Noise intensity, calculated in decade frequency bands, rises significantly with increasing temperature. Activation energies of thermally activated noise sources (TANS) have been revealed using low-frequency noise spectroscopy. Relatively large value of negative TCR has been obtained from resistance versus temperature curve. Calculated dimensionless sensitivity is similar to that observed in cryogenic temperature sensors. However, bulk noise intensity of resistive layer is larger than obtained for lead containing RuO2 based resistive layers.  相似文献   
This paper quantifies sediment contamination by heavy metals in four reservoirs and one lake located downstream from major urban areas in Switzerland. The waterbodies include the Wettingen Reservoir (located on the Limmat River downstream from Zürich), the Klingnau Reservoir (on the lower Aare River), the Wohlen Reservoir (downstream from Berne), the Verbois Reservoir (downstream from Geneva) and Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva, city of Lausanne). For all sediment cores and contaminants, a trend is observed from high contaminant values in the lower part of the cores, decreasing to lower concentrations in the upper part of the cores. However, for each site and each element, specific features are recognized. Applying the criteria of the Swiss ordinance on soil protection, all sediment cores must be classified as contaminated by one or more contaminants and at variable levels. From these data, it is concluded that: reservoirs and lakes located downstream from major urban centres in Switzerland have accumulated significant volumes of contaminated sediments in the past, representing the largest, but not the most intensely, contaminated sites on a national scale; the main environmental risk is remobilization of the contaminants and their return to the food chain, particularly by infiltration into the groundwater; and although the processes of remobilization are identified, the conditions of occurrence and the amplitude of the processes are still poorly known. Different options of reservoir and lake sediment management also are discussed and further research topics defined.  相似文献   
The Bay of Vidy is the most contaminated area of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, as a result of the release of treated and untreated waste water from the municipal sewage treatment plant of the city of Lausanne and its surroundings. The reconstruction of the historical deposition of heavy metals in the sediment of the bay has been performed by the analysis of several dated (radiocaesium) sediment cores. The presence of sewage‐derived contaminants in the Bay of Vidy since the beginning of the sewage treatment plant's operations in 1964 is clearly observed, when a sharp increase in heavy metal contents is recorded, with maximum concentrations of cadmium, copper, zinc and lead occurring between the late 1960s and early 1970s. Despite considerable improvement in recent times, the present concentrations of the investigated heavy metals in sediments of the Bay of Vidy are still higher than concentrations measured at the centre of the lake, the latter close to Lake Geneva's natural background values. It is concluded that the quantity of heavy metals deposited in the bay is considerable and, because of sediment instability, will constitute a potential hazard for biota.  相似文献   
A new apparatus for the determination of vapor permeability of volatile liquid substances through polymer membranes has been described. The permeability of the vapor is calculated from the measurements of the depression rate of the liquid meniscus in a calibrated capillary tube. The conditions of the measurements by means of the described method are very close to those of the average and practical application of foils. The method is characterized by a simple design of the apparatus, easy handling, and simplicity of the determinations, so it may constitute the basis of vapor permeability determination standards. The results obtained by means of the described method were compared with those derived from the partition cell method.  相似文献   
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